Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/138

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. vm. AUG. 10, 1907.

which relate to Eaton, Warwickshire, where the nuns of Fontevrault had a house. Hence the more modern name of Nuneaton. Owners of " Lipscomb " may like to make this correction in the margin of their copies.

R. B. Upton.

[MB. J. B. WAINEWRIGHT arid Z. also thanked for replies to the same effect.]

" PBACTICE," A RULE OF ARITHMETIC (10 S. viii. 67). An edition of Hopton's ' Concordancie of Years,' which was the

  • Whitaker ' of the first half of the seven-

teenth century, appeared in 1635. It is entitled ' Hoptons Concordancy Enlarged.' The additions, " exactly computed by John Penkethman," are four in number, of which the third is as follows : "A plaine direc- tion for the easie computing of interest, and factoridge, by briefe rules of practise, neuer heretofore extant in any bookes of arith- meticke." Hopton's book contains 252 pages, nearly all in black-letter ; Penketh- man's appendix consists of about 20 pages, printed in the same type, and unnumbered. The third addition which I have quoted is on the title-page of the volume, but in the appendix it is thus given : " Questions of Factoridge and Interest, briefely resolved by rules of practice." I have consulted Florio's Italian dictionary (1688), with Torriano's additions, but find nothing, either under pratica or practice, which refers to arithmetic. JOHN T. CUBBY.

CBOPPENBEBGH OB COPPENBUBGH : BUCKE (10 S. viii. 67). According to Cokayne (' Complete Baronetage,' iv. 123) Sir Joseph Alston married " firstly, about 1640, Mary (a fortune of about 12,OOOZ.), da. and coheir of ( ) Crookenberg, of Bergen-op-Zoom, in Brabant, merchant. She was bur. 7 Feb., 1670/1, at Chelsea," and " her funeral sermon is given in Wilford's ' Memorials.' ' JOHN B. WAINEWBIGHT.

BISHOP JOHN BEST, or CABLISLE (10 S. vii. 449). The will of " Elizabethe Beste, of Tonbridge, co. Kente, widowe and late wife of John Beste, Bushoppe of Carlile, co. Comber- lande, deceased, and in the Dioces of Rochester," was proved in the P.C.C., 12 Nov., 1574, by her brother Reginald Somer, the executor. She directs her body to be buried in the churchyard of Tonbridge, and leaves legacies to the poor of Hadlowe and of Tonbridge. She names her children, Josephe Beste, Isacke Beste, Suzanne Beste, and Judithe Beste ; her brother Reynolde Sommers ; her sister Plant and

her four sons and four daughters ; her goddaughter Elizabethe Somers, daughter of her brother Thomas Somers ; and Nathaniell Bazyke, her daughter's son (P.C.C., 42 Martyn).

Where was the bishop's will proved ? And had he any children besides those named in his widow's will ? Where was he born, and to what family of Best did he belong ? There seems to be no account of him in the ' D.N.B.' The bishop died 22 May, 1570, aged fifty-eight ; and Mus- grave's ' Obituary ' refers to Le Neve's- ' Fasti,' 335, and Wood's ' Athense Oxon., r 699, for notices of him.

I should be glad of any further information about the bishop's family and descendants.

A pedigree of Best of Elmley Lovet and Bilston, which professes to be extracted from the records of the College of Arms, 1838, commences with " Edward Best, clerk, M.A., grandson of John Best, Bishop of Carlisle, "" but does not mention Edward's father.


Oxon Vicarage, Shrewsbury.

ISLES FAMILY (10 S. vii. 450 ; viii. 17). The Thomas Isles of Hammersmith referred to ante, p. 17, is evidently the Thomas Isles- or lies, gentleman, who built four alms- houses on the western side of Brook Green,. Hammersmith, in 1629 (Faulkner, ' History of Hammersmith,' 1839, pp. 396-7). He was father of Thomas lies, D.D., Canon of Gloucester and Oxford, 1622 (died 1649), who lived at Parson's Green, Fulham, and is also credited with being the founder of these almshouses, built by his father, who owned a considerable estate in Hammersmith (Feret, 'History of Fulham,' 1900, vol. ii. p. 99). The name Eyles is to be found in Hammersmith at the present time. Had not the name in its older form, De Insula, to do with the Isle of Wight rather than the Scottish islands ? FBEDK. A. EDWABDS. Hammersmith W.

In 'The Norman People' (1874), under ' Bales,' we read : " This is armorially identified with Eyles and lies, and is pro- bably the same as Lisle."

He Abbots is a small village situated near Ilminster (Somerset). Its fine old church is mostly of Early English date, but its grand western tower is of fifteenth- century character. In 1877, the tower having fallen into decay, its upper part was rebuilt under the direction of the late Mr. B. Ferrey, F.S.A., the well-know?! architect.


Fair Park, Exeter.