Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/273

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10 s. VIIL SKPT. 21, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


The following is a conspectus of the prin- cipal observations of this series of articles on punctuation, &c., from the first to the eighteenth century. The contractions shown for the eleventh century are = IH20Y, and XPisti. Scriberet

is quoted as showing ei (the ancestor of our &) forming part of a word. The twelfth-century forms shown are- usq ; ( = usque), IHesum (Jesus, accus.), et^ and XP2=Christus. The rest have all been annotated.


No Us

Sa* **


>\ Lai\$ i doubled /V -i i^O Long vowt * accentei V. >


1 (AD i-ssi) / r . N \. . osi- 7 ^t-^g ChartJ

/ a-rtil / (co-nrvroa)

    • i r> \

> * V* ' y * *-* 1 * 1 i \ > ' i*

Heu prch dolor \**'M\ " -mark) 'twni-*j^i

. ^ (omima) f (nocloV) (Secle MS)


Y 1 ..!. CVK> '/(i-nitial) (Cod. Alex.) (Cod. Sin.)

^ ( ti-SS V3V CowiTna)


T 1 _... * aril VreitH'mgs



/ C^Teek^ 13 "A- v (MS f AD l^i'<>) ^> ' ~t ^\/ii > ^(crA. (iu-ncbA . ^vliap = ?l ^yV\)clt| O.T/

f i (^all)((Vcbtn.scrii><) / v(all)(^giTiet. 4<v)

(Creek Gospels)


Z also ^ (W f" ^ archetype) (r . & Lflt. Glossary J


CC (tvaragT-TnaTlO HaTiw wmttahn* -ne^ -i (ct) 5 - S- ^ = 7 V, FrA.Ttce AtV |i^.fe)

U. a 3. U f S-"" e tall 1 but only / ( imaolie^ ^Itai-HS


/ / (value imceTtai-n}



^ in the Grk by co'T.w . <-n ItU LaL I m fe* Lo> . i-n *9IK (Venice}

.7(3!li,) i'y.-^ ('Si)

/ (-allPunct.) ?(,^-err 0? )(G>-ma^.l^S

(Fr. l v 'i' > i //. >>

Vj J / (= Orromal . J

  • . ? i ? & &~ & a i? c. ' )

eft / \ Ho far mark Few tcnrvt,-ac TIC^J-, ^fc,rma7)yl C '< -7 *Y & (-new cdinon ot- 9amg worvj

_. . , -^ j .J (|erK. fnterrog'j (Crfrm-MS^

- x

J ( LmJ^>y ei.tutt'"' Gfcrm HS_)

nOil^^U.TVCC^ 1 f~M.ll S'S V Cdp>. (Cra-ntv N

|-rv^tv . TrwK ^ * 5" N &c pn o T^ er e ^ ^p l55^T

i / L "^ "i~ f P^^.c l^^*^**^ 1 / nt_ ic/ T^l

1 l CXLKTveTTi.l ^ ^ r *TI& J /~-J \\ l"dt"tS I^X)/ r


(En^-MS) v ^ l


/ (London lt>B6) ! (a ^(E-ng 3 ^"^ ^)' No et|>U-ne-me. -" (AP ItSo) No ^LpKo-nTne ( ^ vvork pr.nUd " ParisJ


^Fle-nv.M5) (1$L ( SfeJe )


f ? : etc Rivl' ? (PrmV-td "v FrtT\<k 'no 'uetahcm -mrkj S '73' C IOC0 7 00>< ' 5t ^v

Nork Whw I75"g 3nJ ly^^,^ |*7 60 J

xuv .

    • /

|. ^ Tvot . . /

s I 1

Acctvt & bi'eatliingi' ' I . /

J* a.T4 / (o>TTurTuaJ| |ETJ. CKaTt- ^ VU^*f-^> V A* IMS. i*i5 . 7^