Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/289

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10 s. vm. SEPT. 21, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


Lucianic dialogue by Wieland, which will be sufficient to show that Mr. Baker takes a liberal view of his subject. This being so, he might, we think, have included the 'Golden Ass' of Apuleius, of which we have at our side translations by Thomas Taylor (1893, reissue of an edition of 1822) and Francis D. Byrne (1904). That of Adlington (1566) has been more than once reprinted ; for instance, by Messrs. Bell & Sons at theChiswick Press (1904). The charming episode of ' Cupid and Psyche,' ex- tracted from the same source, is quite popular with publishers, the most elegant edition we have being that translated by Charles Stuttaford and illus- trated by Jessie Mothersole (Nutt, 1903). Another classic romance which Mr. Baker has apparently forgotten is the ' Daphnis and Chloe ' of Longus.


THE number of Catalogues now before us shows that book-collectors are returning from their wan- derings and again following their beloved pursuit.

Mr. Thomas Baker still keeps us well supplied with divinity. His Catalogue 514 contains much to interest students and collectors. The first item is the 'Menologion Sanctorum Grsecorum,' 3 vols., folio, 1727, 61. 15s. The Emperor Basil Porphyro- genitus edited this Menologium, the MS. of which, said to be in his autograph, is preserved in the Vatican Library. Another interesting item is a nice copy of ' Missa Gothica seu Mozarabica,' small folio, 1(70, 4. 10s. There is also under Trent a first edition of ' Canones et Decreta,' 1564, 31. 3s. A beautiful book of emblematical engravings is Cas- taniza's ' Christian Pilgrime,' 1652, 11. 5s. A curious and extremely scarce book is ' The Christian Sodality ; or, Catholic Hive of Bees sucking the Honey of the Church Prayers from the Blossoms of the W ord of God, blowne out of the Epistles and Gospels of the Divine Service throughout the Year, collected by the Puny Bee of all the Hive,' 1652, 11. 15s. A copy of the Grimani Breviary, bound in red velvet, with the arms of Cardinal Grimani, is priced 2Ck This contains the miniatures by Mem- ling and other masters. Under Moravian we find sermons preached by Count Zinzendorf in Fetter Lane Chapel in 1742, 7*. 6d.

Messrs. S. Drayton & Sons, of Exeter, send us two Catalogues, 187 and 188. In the former are several black - letter books. These include ' The Chronicle of Hardyng,' 1543, 4Z. 4s. ; and Holins- hed, 1586, 3 vols. in 2 (title to vol. iii. in MS.), 101. 10s. There are a few fresh remainders. Among other items are Bewick's ' Quadrupeds,' large paper, 1807, 11. 4s.; first edition of "The Masque of Anarchy,' Moxon, 1832, 18s.; Payne Collier's ' Shakespeare,' 8 vols., 1844, 18s. ; and Wright's 'Womankind in Western Europe,' 18s. There are a large number of six-shilling novels offered at a shilline each.

No. 188 is devoted to Modern Theology. We note a set of 'TheAnte-Nicene Christian Library,' 24 vols., 21. 10s.; 'The Speaker's Commentary,' 13 vols., 21. 15s. ; Liddon's Works, 1?. 10s. ; ' Nicene and Post- Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,' 28 vols., 4to, 101. 10s. ; Neale and Littledale's ' Commentary on the Psalms,' 4 vols., 18s.; Creighton's 'History of the Papacy,' 6 vols., I/. Is.; and Robertson's 'Sixty- Four Sermons,' 3 vols best edition, 6s. There are also works under Newman, Trench, Maurice, Pusey, and Lightfoot.

^r. G. Gregory, of Bath, issues a double catalogue,. [79-80, which shows that he has still sets of Punch at low prices. There are also large assortments of ivorks on Agriculture, Botany, Conchology, Ethno- .ogy, Natural History, &c. , all under their respective leadings, thus making them easy of reference. Mr. ^regory observes this plan in arranging his twenty- ive rooms, each room being devoted to a special subject. There is a good list of miscellaneous works,, chiefly from the library of the late Rev. H. G. Tom- kins. We note a first edition of Calvin's 'Thir- teene Sermons,' 1579, 15s.; Camden's 'Britannia,' 4 vols., folio, best edition, full russia, 1806, 31. 10*. ; Crabbe's Works, 8 vols., full vellum, 1834, 11. 4s. ; Fielding, with essay by Leslie Stephen, 10 vols.,. 21. 18s. ; Strutt's ' Sports and Pastimes,' second edition, 1810, 16s. ; and Sir David Wilkie's ' Spanish and Oriental Sketches,' 2 vols., folio, 1843-7, 11. 15s.

Messrs. Charles Higham & Son's List 462 contains- additional purchases. There are many commen- taries, and a list under Wesley includes the ' Minutes of the Methodist Conferences, 1744-1905,' 48 vols., 21. 15s. A copy of Perronet's poem ' The Mitre,' 1756, is marked very rare, 11. Is. Of this Dr. Grosart, in his article on Perronet in 'The Dictionary of Hymnology,' writes : " This strangely overlooked satire is priceless as a reflex of contem- porary ecclesiastical opinion It roused John.

Wesley's hottest anger. He demanded its instant suppression ; and it was suppressed." One small item is an echo of the past : 'John Gumming, D.D.,. 1832-79, In Memoriam,' printed for private circula- tion, 2s. There is an envelope inserted containing a four-page sermon-note in the Doctor's hand- writing.

Mr. Hitchman sends from Bristol his Catalogue 51, which contains a very fine copy of Seebohm's 'British Birds,' 4 vols., newly bound in half -green morocco, 61.; Lodge's 'Portraits,' 8 vols., 21. 2s.;: Lingard's 'England,' 10 vols., Nimmo, 1883, 21. 2s. ;. Hearne's Antiquarian Works, 31 vols., 61. 6s. ; Claren- don's ' Rebellion,' 8 vols., Clarendon Press, 1826,, 21. 5s. ; ' English Topography,' a classified collection, of the chief contents of The Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868, edited by G. L. Gomme, 13 vols.. 21. 15s. ;. Hartshorne's 'Glass Drinking Vessels in England, 70 plates, royal 4to, 21. 2s. ; Burton's ' Arabian Nights,' 12 vols., royal 8vo, 4/. 4s. ; and Froude's 'England,' Library Edition, 12 vols., 51. 10s.

Messrs. George Juckes & Co. send us from Bir- mingham their Catalogue 182. It opens with a collection of works on Dante, in English, Italian,, and German, 61 vols., 107. 10s. There is also a col- lection of works on South Africa, formed by Dr. Hime, late Medical Inspector of the Concentration Camps in the Orange River Colony and in Natal ;: many of the works contain newspaper cuttings. A collection of French novels, 89 vols., 1842-84, is 21. 2s. ; and one of Italian and Spanish novels, 1870-1901, 48 vols., 20s. There is a long list under India, and another under Musical Works. The general portion contains many interesting items, of which we note two or three : Alken's ' Real Life in London,' Jones, 1822-3, 5/. 5s. ; Beaumont and Fletcher, folio, old calf, 1679, 21. 2s. ; Byron, with Life by Moore, 17 vols., 1832,18s. M. (plates spotted) ; and ' Creevey Papers,' 2 vols., 9s.

Messrs. W. N. Pitcher & Co., of Manchester, have in their List 149 a good general assortment. We note a few items : Allibone, 1902, 31. 15s. ; Balzac,.