Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/441

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10 s. vm. NOV. o, 1907.] NOTES AND QUEKIES


ashes were placed here above those of his wife,

' 310 Laura Eliza Douglas, ob. 5 May, 1877, and her d., Ada Laura Schiassi, ob. 3 Dec., 1872, a. 22.

311. Caroline Sarah Street, ob. 20 Jan., 1879, a. 31.

Fourth row, beginning at the east end.

312. Walter Wm. Williams, seaman of the ship Mary Fry, died of a fall from the deck into the hold, 2 Dec., 1864.

313. Richard H. Warren, Master's Assistant of H.M.S. Meeanee, ob. 4 Mar., 1863, a. 19.

314. Gedeon [sic] Draper, b. at Manchester, ob. 13 Nov., 1862, a. 54. Regretted by his wid. and children. (In French.)

315. Robert Williamson, Engineer, of Amluch, N. Wales, ob. 6 Oct., 1857, a. 37.

316. Clementine Benoist, ob. 8 May, 18o<, a. 26.

317. Eliz. Elwin, ob. 3 June, 1855, a. 45.

318. *Eliz. Kelly.

319. Thos. Hawks Hack, late Engineer m the service of the King of the Two Sicilies, b. 21 Nov., 1804 ; ob. 3 June, 1857. Also Ellinor his wife.

320. John Griffiths, Master of the Brigantme Anna, of Milford, ob. 29 Mar., 1865, a. 36.

321. Harriet La Guidara, wid., ob. 6 Nov., 1853, a. 48.

322. Frederick John, eldest s. of Abraham Furse, Esq., ob. 3 Aug., 1854, a. 27.

323. Admiral John Markham, ob. 13 Jan., 1827,

' 324. Eliz. Durrett, ob. 16 Ap., 1844, a. 45. She lived 33 years in the family of Mrs. Hamilton Nisbet Ferguson, of Belhaven and Dirleton.

325. David Henderson, b. at Edinburgh, 18 Ap., 1794 ; ob. 28 Dec., 1824.

326. Wm. Hardy, Esq., M.D., of the Hon. E.I.Co.'s service, ob. 11 Nov., 1840, a. 31.

327. George Gates, merchant, of Naples, form, of Sheffield, ob. 16 Oct., 1827, a. 38. .

328. Wm. Lovegrove, Esq., late of Baker bt., London, ob. 27 Jan., 1844, a. 42.

329. Alfred Legrand Bullot, b. at Pans, 31 July, 1824 ; ob. 22 Dec., 1852. Eliz. Blair, veuve Bullot, d. of James and Grace (Davis ?), b. in Scotland ; ob.

15 Nov., 1863, a. 75. Alexandre Bullot, ob. 20 Mar., 1882.

a30. Elizabeth Ranzani, d. of Mr. Wm. Pepper, of Kent. ob. 30 Sept. 184(9?).

331. Katherine, wid. of Sarnl. Williams, of Traf- ford, Cheshire, b. 12 Aug., 1809; ob. 16 May, 1839.

332. Eliza Brooks, ob. May, 1832, a. 46. Erected by Sir Henry Lushington, in whose family she lived

16 years.

333. "John Richards, ob. Nov. 12, 1839, a. 46. Anne his wid., ob. 3 Mar., 1851, a. 60.

334. Erected by the Marine Officers and Guard ot the United States Razee Independence to Henry Rodefeldt, b. in Germany, murdered in Naples while on liberty between the 6th and 23rd of Feb., 1852, a. 28.

335. *John Maddock, of Northwich, Cheshire.

336. *Erected by the crew of the U.S. Ship Delaware.

Fifth row, beginning at the west end.

337. George Ernest Abdallah, inf. s. of Sir Gren- ville and Lady Temple, b. 4 Jan., 1832 ; ob. 16 June, 1832.

,338. John Middleton Scott, Esq., of Wicklow, Ireland, ob. 9 Jan., 1827, a. 23.

339. Charles Wallace Panter, Architect, of Brook- line, Mass., ob. 2 June, 1867, a. 28.

340. Charlotte Stanford, ob. 6 Sept., 1872, a. 52.

341. *Anne Dowde.

342. *Eliz. Hobbes, w. of James McMurray, b. in Hampshire, 23 Nov., 1820 ; ob. (?).

343. *

344. James Denniston, ob. 2 Ap., 1870, a. 27.

345. Sarah Bonnefoi, ob. 10 Ap.. 1885, a. 75.

346. * , b. in Kingsbridge, Devon.; ob. 5 Mar.,


347. Emily Lowndes, of Liverpool, ob. 29 Mar., 1876, a. 45.

What is a " razee," mentioned under No. 334?

G. S. PABBY, Lieut.-Col. 18, Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne.

(To be concluded.)

[The ' N.E.D.' defines a " razee " as a war-ship or other vessel reduced in height by the removal of her upper deck or decks. The earliest example cited is from 1803.]


IN ' Book- Prices Current,' just published,. Mr. Slater records that 31,822 lots were dis- posed of between October 9th, 1906, and July 27th, 1907, and the amount realized was 133,933Z. 19s. For the sale of these only four firms of auctioneers were employed : Sotheby's, Hodgson's, Christie's, and Puttick & Simpson's. Of the first three much of interest has been written ; but little has been said as to the last, so that I think the follow- ing notes may prove of interest.

The firm was founded by Mr. Stewart in 1794, just twenty years later than Sotheby's ; but while Sotheby's sales were confined to books, Mr. Stewart conducted his business as a general auctioneer. There were also periodical sales of wines, many of the wines being of the choicest kind. In 1825 Stewart took Benjamin Wheatley, a member of the staff at Sotheby's, and Mr. Adlard, a son of the printer of that name, into partnership. After several changes the firm came into the hands of Fell Puttick and William Simpson, who abandoned the plan of promiscuous sales, and devoted much attention to the sales of musical instruments and copyrights. In this line the firm has a worldwide repu- tation, and those who seek a violin by Stradivarius or other historic maker watch for a sale at the great house in Leicester Square. In reference to such sales The Publishers' 1 Circular, in an article on the centenary of the firm, on the 5th of March, 1894, stated :

" As early as 1846, in the collection of Francois Cramer, a Joseph Guarnerius violin sold for 66/., an Andrew Guarnerius for 251., and a Nicolo Amati for 25/. ; but these figures have been left behind