Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/513

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10 s. vm. NOV. so, 1907.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


crescent, while an arm at an acute angle proceeds from the tip of each arm of the cross. This is put as the Caledonian stan- dard, fixed on a hill.

3. On the left, on the top of a hill, in the corner, is a circle. It is called a " shield." Why a shield should be on a hill is not explained. But to me it is much too 1 arge for a shield. Tacitus ( ' Life of Agricola, ' section xxxv.) says that Galgacus "kept possession of the rising grounds " (Murphy, 'Tacitus,' 1830, p. 611). This, therefore, I take for the camp of Galgacus. The Britons made their military camps circular. This is the shape of the celebrated one at Caer-Caradoc, and it is, just as this "shield" is, on a hill-top. Ray engraves it ('Military Antiquities'), so does Knight (' Pictorial History of England,' 1837, vol. i. p. 41).

4. To the right, lower, is a large fine head, bearded ; this I take for Agricola, looking to left, towards Galgacus's camp.

5. Below this is an inscription in raised capitals, which I suggest read " Viet. Callidonai " (victory over the Caledonians) ; but the reading of the first word is, according to some, " Buah," the Celtic for victory ; and Callidonai is divided into two words, " Catti Dona." But I fail to find any " T," or to understand what the " Catti " have to do at the Grampians, or to make anything relevant of Dona.

6. Then, below three heads, is a second inscription, rather incised than sculptured. It seems to read " Versa me bono tuo." I think a letter is missing, and suggest that the meaning is : They are turned for your benefit, i.e., the Caledonians have been turned back into their mountains, for the benefit of Rome's allies, the British.

7. Near the right side, beyond this inscription, is a raised circle, with an opening away from the Caledonian position. This looks like the Roman camp, near the Naig, with its Praetorian gate away from the enemy's camp.

8. In the centre of the plain is " Naigus R." close to the stream, while near it are seen two boars retreating.

9. Near the centre are lines, which may be a bridge ; lower are two more heads of youths or females.

10. Three more heads are near by ; and a seeming string of laurel leaves, and a palm, and soldier, near the edge.

Many of the figures are extremely faint.


INSCRIPTIONS AT NAPLES. (See ante, pp. 62, 161, 242, 362.)

IN the following list, which concludes my notes from Naples, illegible or partly illegible inscriptions are marked with an *.

Another broad path, parallel to the first, and nearer the south side. On the north side of this path, beginning at the east end, are the following; :

348. Major - General Thomas Clarke, Royal Artillery, s. of Geo. Jackson Clarke, D.L., The Steeple, Antrim, ob. 6 Feb., 1891. Erected by his wife. (In French.)

349. Agnes Jane Ross Foley, w. of Nelson Foley, of Tourtane, Lismore, Ireland, ob. 25 Jan., 1890.

350. Herbert E. Thomas, ob. 3 May, 1890, a. 26.

351. Robt. Saml. Brewer, b. at Rutland, Vermont, 11 Aug., 1869; ob. 27 Jan., 1890.

352. James Moore, J.P., of Moorfield, Cullybackey, Antrim, ob. 18 Ap., 1889, a. 54.

353. Frederick A. Golla, b. at London, 30 Oct., 1842 ; ob. at Tarantq, 15 May, 1887. (In Italian.)

354. Mary, w. of Joseph K. Williamson, 06. 14 Oct., 1889.

355. Wm. Shilton, b. at Branthwaite, Cumber- land, 06. at Posilipo, 18 Ap., 1886, a. 57.

356. Emily Maria Mackenzie Shaw, ob. 10 Jan., 1886, a. 53.

357. Ella Beatrice, youngest d. of Augustus Chas. Henry and Annie S. Raitt, ob. 20 Nov., 1885, a. 25. Her sister, Caroline Frances Jolliffe Raitt, b. 19 July, 1853 ; ob. 6 Feb., 1889.

358. Maria Lydia, w. of Col. Beville Grenville Vyvyian [sic], late Bengal Native Infantry, ob. 25 Jan., 1889, a. 53.

359. Attilio Sceberras, late in Command of H.B.M.'s 98th (Prince of Wales) Regt., ob. 1 Ap., 1884, a. 57.

360. Mary Ungaro, ob. 9 Feb., 1884, a. 78.

361. Antonio Perocchi, b. at Pesce, in Tuscany ; resident in London for 50 yrs.; ob. 8 Dec., 1880, a. 79, leaving a w. and two children.

362. George Tweedie Stoddart, W.S., Edinburgh, ob. 23 May, 1882, a. 41.

363. Helen Reynolds, ob. 17 May, 1887.

364. Lizzie, w. of J. P. Strangman, of Waterford, ob. 17 Ap., 1881.

365. Julia Frances, w. of Edward J. Thrupp, only d. of Francis Matthey, of Catania, ob. in Basilicata, 25 Feb., 1879, a. 20.

366. Mary Elizabeth, w. of Leopold Salomons, of Woodside, Surrey, ob. 3 Feb., 1879, a. 31.

367. Catherine Swan, w. of Pasquale Palumbo, b. at Castle Craig, ob. 19 Jan., 1876, a. 36.

368. John James Hime, C.E., late of Colombo, . Ceylon, s. of the late Rev. Maurice Calwell Hime, Du'blin. ob. 13 Feb., 1879, a. 46.

369. Kate, w. of Alfred E. Hudd, of Clifton, Bristol, ob. 4 Ap., 1889.

370. Eliza Evelyn, w. of J. A. Beveridge, ob. 23 June, 1879. a. 29.

371. Mary Caroline Pardo Barff, w. ot Henry T. Barff, English Chaplain, ob. 9 Mar., 1889, a. 48.

372. Princess Emma D'Abro Pagratide, b. 30 Aug., 1810: ob. 20 Ap., 1880.

373. Hussein Kamil Bernard Bateman, ob. 25 Dec., 1882, a. 8 mths.