Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/568

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [io s. vm. DEC. 14, 1907.

founded on a report in a contemporary Danish paper. It states that, according to reports from London, a universal disapproval of the aim of the expedition existed there, even among most of the officers on board the fleet. One of them drowned himself rather than be forced to fight in such an unjust cause. The English pretend that he suffered somewhat from melancholy.

Is there any fact underlying this report ? W. R. PRIOR.

ROBERT CREIGHTON, CANON AND PRE- CENTOB OP WELLS. Whom did Creighton (1639-1734) marry, and when? The ' D.N.B.,' xiii. 70, gives no information on these points. G. F. R. B.

OLIVER EAST was admitted to West- minster School in September, 1745, aged eight. Can any correspondent of ' N. & Q.' help me to identify him ?

G. F. R. B.

SCOTTISH PROVERB. In a book published in Edinburgh in 1606 I find the following : " According to the proverb that he that hountes doth not ay rost." Will some reader kindly give an earlier quotation of this proverb ? W. S.

WALIVA IN CUMBERLAND. In a notice of Sir Thomas Armstrong, father of the well- known Sir T. Armstrong, he is stated at 10 S. iv. 282 to have been " of Waliva " in Cumberland. Can any of your readers tell me where Waliva is situated ? D. M.

CAPT. WOODES ROGERS. This celebrated old sea-captain brought home Alexander Selkirk (Robinson Crusoe), and wrote a mosl interesting account of his voyage round the world as commander of the two privateers called the Duke and the Duchess, fitted out by Bristol merchants. At the time of hi death in 1732 he was Governor of th_ Bahama Islands, and was busy suppressing the pirates in the West Indies. He was a freeman of Bristol.

His father, who was also called Woode Rogers, died about 1706, and in the letter of administration to his estate granted t< his widow Frances Rogers on 15 Feb., 1706 he is described as late'of the city of Bristo " sed sup alto mari." I have not been abl to find the will or administration of Mrs Frances Rogers.

Capt. Woodes Rogers married Sarah daughter of Admiral Sir William Whetston (see 'D.N.B.'). His will is dated 27 Ma> 1729, and was proved in London 24 Nov

732. He appoints Hugh Raymond of ,ondon an execxitor with his son William (Vhetstone Rogers, and gives his property o his son and his daughter Sarah, and does ot mention his wife. In the probate act e is described as late of the parish of St. largaret, Westminster, but dying at the Bahama Islands, a widower. Although he vas stated to be a widower, I think his wife vas then living, as on 20 Jan., 1733, ad- ninistration of the estate of Sarah Rogers r Whetstone, late of the parish of St. Swithin, Condon ("uxoris nuper Woodes Rogers ir."), was granted to William Whetstone logers.

The will of William Whetstone Rogers, who described himself as son of Woodes logers, late Governor of the Bahama elands, is dated 5 Aug., 1733, and was proved in London in 1735. After a legacy >f Is. to Mary Coizin, daughter of Dame Vlary Whetstone, he gives the residue of his property to his sister Sarah Rogers. In the jrobate act he is described as a bachelor, ate of St. Margaret's, Westminster, but as dying at Whydah, on the coast of Africa.

The will of Sarah Rogers, who also describes herself as daughter of Woodes Rogers, late Governor of Providence, Bahama Islands, is dated 9 June, 1743, and was proved in London 13 June, 1743. She es to " Mr. Sergeant Eyre the picture of her father, brother, and herself in one Erame." She gives legacies to the following persons : Mrs. Watson (aunt of her cousin Joseph Woods), Mrs. Martha Skinner of Channel Row, Mrs. Briliana Mason, Mrs. Woodward, Thomas Burdus, and Mrs. Edward Gateley ; and appoints her cousin Joseph Woods executor.

I ask for information on the following points :

1. To what family of Rogers did Capt. Woodes Rogers belong ? and is anything known of his father's pedigree and where he was born ? There was a brother John, who was shot during the voyage round the world, but I cannot trace anything of this man.

2. Who would be the Mr. Sergeant Eyre, mentioned in Sarah Rogers's will 1 He could not be the Lord Chief Justice, as he died prior to 1743.

3. Who now has possession of the portrait of Woodes Rogers and his children men- tioned in Sarah Rogers's will ? In an old catalogue of engraved portraits sold by J. R. Smith, 36, Soho Square, I saw the following item : " Portrait of Governor Rogers and Family, Is." Would this be an