Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/575

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io s. VIIL DEC. 14, loo:.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


No one has yet mentioned that the Gothic clock tower which formerly stood in High Street, Southwark, not far from the south end of London Bridge, is now at Swanage. It was a sort of Eleanor Cross, with an illuminated dial, and was removed when the South-Eastern Railway was extended to Charing Cross.

G. S. PARRY, Lieut.-Col.

POLL-BOOKS (10 S. vii. 349, 415 ; viii. 76, 177, 453). The following relate to New- castle-upon-Tyne :

1. Poll at the Election of Members to serve in Parliament for the Town and County of Newcastle- upon-Tyne, May 1-9, 1734. Candidates : Walter Calverley Blackett, Esq., Nicholas Fenwick, Esq., William Carr, Esq. 8vo, ii + 40 pp. Newcastle: J. White, 1734.

2. Poll at the Election, May 13-19, 1741. Can- didates : Walter Calverley Blackett, Esq., Nicholas Fenwick, Esq., Matthew Ridley, Esq., Win. Carr, Esq. 8vo, ii + 52 pp. Newcastle : W. Cuthbert, 1741.

3. Another edition, 8vo, ii+46 pp. Newcastle : J. White, 1741.

4. Poll at the Election, Oct. 11-19, 1774. Can- didates : Sir Walter Calverley Blackett, Bart., Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart., Hon. Constantine John Phipps, Thomas Delaval, Esq. 8vo, 50 pp. Newcastle : T. Saint, 1774.

5. The Contest. Being an Account of the Matters in Dispute between the Magistrates and the Bur- gesses, and an Examination of the Merit and Conduct of the Candidates in the present Election. "Give the Devil his Due." 8vo, ii+40 pp. No printer named. 1774.

6. The Burgesses' Poll at the late Election of Members for Newcastle, to which is added a Summary View of the Disputes which arose, &c. 8vo, 54 pp. Newcastle : Printed for the Editor, 1774.

7. A second edition, " corrected, issued in 1775.

8. Poll at the Election, Feb. 27-28 and March 1-14, 1777. Candidates : Sir John Trevelyan, Bart., Andrew Robinson Bowes, Esq. 8vo, iv+58 pp. Newcastle : T. Angus, 1777.

9. Poll at the Election, Sept. 11-21, 1780. Can- didates : Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., Andrew Robin- son Bowes, Esq., Thos. Delaval, Esq. 8vo, ii + 58pp. Newcastle : T. Saint, 1780.

10. Another edition in quarto, bearing same date.

11. Poll at the Election, March 10-11, 1820. Can- didates : Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., Cuthbert Ellison, Esq., William Scott, Esq. 8vo, xii + 24pp. New- castle : George Angus, 1820. [A large-paper edition, printed on one side of each leaf only, was issued by same publisher.]

12. Poll-Book of the Free Burgesses and House- holders who voted at the Election, Dec. 13-14, 1832. Candidates : Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., John Hodg- son, Esq., Charles Attwood, Esq. 8vo, ii + 52pp. Newcastle : W. Boag, 1833.

13. Poll-Book of the Electors, Jan. 6-7, 1835. Can- didates : Sir M. W. Ridley, Bart., John Hodgson, Esq., Wm. Ord, Esq., James Aytoun, Esq. 8vo, 32 pp. Neirca^tle Courant Office, " for L. Hewison," 1835.

14. Poll-Book of the Election, July 26, 1836. Can- didates : John Hodgson, Esq., Christopher Blackett, Esq. [List of those who voted for Blackett only.] 8vo, 32 pp. Title-page missing.

15. Poll-Book of the Election, July 25, 1837- Can- didates : William Ord, Esq., John Hodgson Hinde, Esq., Chas. John Bigge, Esq., John Blenkinsopp Coulsoii, Esq., Augustus H. Beaumont, Esq. 8vo, ii-f 66 pp. Newcastle : T. & J. Hodgson, 1837.

16. Poll-Book of the Elections April, 1859, can- didates: Thomas Emerson Headlam, Esq., George Ridley, Esq., P. A. Taylor, Esu. ; and June, 1859, candidates: the Rt. Hon. T. E. Headlam, Esq., Wm. Cuthbert, Esq. Sm. 8vo, iv + 78 pp. New- castle : M. Benson, 1859.

17. Poll-Book of the Election, Dec. 7, 1860. Can- didates : Somerset A. Beaumont, Esq., Peter Car- stairs, Esq. 8vo, ii+36 pp. Newcastle : Horn & Story, n.d.

RICHAUD WELFORD. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

"SHAM ABRAHAM" (10 S. vii. 469; viii. 293, 395). There need be no doubt as to the authorship of this song, which was not written by either Thomas Dibdin or Upton, but was by Charles Dibdin the younger. It was written for, and first sung in 1799 by, Johannot, " in a temporary circus, not far from the Theatre " (Royal), Liverpool ; and it was first published, with the air ' The Rogue's March,' to which it was written, by Hime of Liverpool. Soon afterwards, when it had been sung with great success at Sadler's Wells Theatre, it was pirated by a London publisher, against whom Hime brought an action which ended in a com- promise, after it had incidentally served to establish the legal principle that a single sheet is " a book." Clementi & Co. soon afterwards published the song with a new tune by a Mr. Scott. The author subse- quently included ' Abraham Newland ' in ' The Song Smith; or, Rigmarole Repository ' (1801) ; the whole of which was reprinted in his ' Mirth and Metre ' (1807). The first line of the song is

There ne'er was a name so bandied by fame. MR. PIERPOINT (ante, p. 294) renders it incorrectly, and the couplet he quotes from the last stanza is not thare, nor is it anywhere else in the song.

I may add, in reference to MR. R. L. MORETON'S reply (ante, p. 395), that ' The British Raft,' by T. Dibdin, was a burletta, not an opera ; and it was first performed at Sadler's Wells Theatre (not Astley's) on Easter Monday, 1797.


ANDERSON FAMILY (10 S. viii. 387). [ have lately seen a collection of miscel- laneous papers which belonged to the late