Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/629

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Notes and (Queries Jan. 25, 1908.




A. (A. A.) on French-Canadian literature, 29 A. (A. E.) on Shakespeariana, 164

Shelley's ' Sensitive Plant,' 231 A. (J.) on Provand's Lordship, Glasgow, 406 Abbacyrus : Aboukir : Passera, their connexion, 447 Abbey : Abbaye, a Swiss club, 148, 257, 352 Aboukir : Abbacyrus : Passera, their connexion, 447 Abrahams (A.) on " Amicus" of 'Morning Herald," 231

Crosby Hall, 111, 256, 376

Cruikshank (George), 187

"Ebn Osn," 316

Fleet Street, No. 7, 248, 411

Fleet Street, No. 59, 441

Grave (Robert), printseller, 28

Hackney celebrities, 158

Haymarket, Westminster, 94

Houses of historical interest, 114

"Lombard Street to a China orange," 136

London remains, 226, 476

Minor Inns of Court, 428

Napoleon's carriage, 135

'North London Ferret,' 109

Old Bailey Sessions House, 146

Payne at the Mews Gate, 55

'Political House that Jack Built, 485, 516

Quadrant Colonnade, 66

Regent's Canal, 4

St. Chad's Well, Battle Bridge, 46

St. George's, Hanover Square : shot-marks, 455

Skittle Alley in Orange Street, 364

"Sol's Arms," 49

Stowe House, 6 Ackerley (F. G-.) on elder-bush folk-lore, 213

Pre-Reformation parsonages, 109

Racial problem of Europe, 145

Wet summer : curious relic, 248 Adolphus (A. E.) on Chauceriana, 202, 514 Addison (J.) on Eleventh Commandment, 478

Sword of Bruce, 371 Addy (S. 0.) on " Cabollicking " = gossiping, 147

Sheep fair on an ancient earthwork, 250 Aeronautics, early, 170, 311 Affirmation and dissent, signs of, 205 Agnes and Ann, interchangeability of the names, 607 Aguilar (Grace) and Hackney, 86, 158 Ains worth (Harrison) and Thames Darrell, 189 Alavoine family tomb at Tottenham, 247, 355 Alexander the Great, story of his wry neck, 369, 436 Allegro on life in Bombay, 508 Allen : Gregory : Hampden families, 249 Allen (William) and Plaistow, 1795, 189, 253 Almanacs, English literary, 347 Almshouses in Kingsland Road, coining changes, 426

Alphabetical skit, French, 1818, 485

Amaranth and Amintas legend, 150

America, Boulton & Watt in, 1786, 326

American magazine conducted by factory workers,

354, 515

" Amicus " of ' Morning Herald,' his identity, 231 Ancaster, earliest extant form of the name, 130 Anderson (J. L.) on men of family as parish clerks, 516- Anderson (J. S.) on Anderson family, 387 Anderson family, 387, 477 Anfractuosity, use of the word, 1596, 467 Angouleme (Duchesse d'), c, 1793, books on, 388, 457 Ann and Agnes, interchangeability of the names, 507 Anne (Queen), Francis Bird's statue, 271 Anne of Bohemia and side-saddles, 168 Anonymous Works:

Book for Many Wives, 10

Duke of Mantua, 370

Failures of Civilization, 288

Ignes Fatui ; or, False Lights, 408

Jack Tench, 170

Jack Trim, the Lawyer's Man, 368

Memoirs of a Young Lady of Quality, 450

Poor Caitiff, 49

Reflexions on Dr. Gilbert Burnet's Travels, 449 1

Shotover Papers, 409

Sketches of the West Indies, 231

Three Letters concerning Italy, 449

Valley of a Hundred Fires, 149, 253, 313 Anscombe (A.) on Ancaster, 130

Chiltern Hundreds, 218 Antelope as crest, its origin, 229 Antelope-stalking in Mongolia, red rag in, 205 Anthropology, European, 145, 218, 233, 274, 394 Antwerp (W. C. Van) on St. Paul's Churchyard, 168 Amintas and Amaranth legend, 150 Ap Rhys on Court Leet : Manor Court, 413 Apperson (G. L.) on " As deep as Garrick," 377

London remains, 476

Rood-lofts, 154 Apple : Cox's Orange Pippins, 33 ; Sops in Wine,

249, 313 ; their old names, 429 Arabia, Hail or Hayil in, 169 Arbuthnot family, 449

Arithmetic, "practice" a rule of, c. 1670, 67, 112 Arkle (A. H.) on cemetery consecration, 93

Moral courage, 296

Motto : " In God is all," 353

Nonjurors : Rev. Benjamin Way, 297

Pie : tart, 494

Armorel as a Christian name, 369 Arms. See Heraldry. Army, nicknames of regiments, 257