Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/635

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.



Chinese lyrics, 34

Chippindall (Col. VV. H.) on Chippingdale family, 130 Chippingdale (John), of Blackenhall, Staffs, 1635, 130 " Chops of the Channel," early parallel phrase, 268 Chough, Cornish, and witches, 388 Chrisom, baptismal robe, 270, 377, 457 Christening the dead in Russia, 405 Christian martyr, first Russian, 6, 93 Christian names: Hamlet, 4, 155, 237, 329, 418, 436 ; Ebbin, 329, 397 ; Armorel, 369 ; Sibyl, 426 ; Ann and Agnes, 507 Christmas : Christmas Day in the morning, 481 ;

crusty loaf and mouldy cheese, 482 ; waits, 485 Christmas bibliography, 484 Chudleigh (Miss) as Iphigenia, 4 Church bells, meaning of peacock on, 208 Church building at Peking, singing during, 445 Church furniture, English, book on, 469 Church organs, barrels for, 66 Church properties, their removal, 466, 467 Church towers, musical services on, 8, 96, 153 Churches, effigies of heroic size in, 250, 433 Churchwardens' accounts: St. John Zachary, 9, 73;

SS. Anne and Agnes, 269 Churchyards, mediaeval, bones and tombstones in,

390, 452

City parish records wanting, 48 ' City Press,' its Jubilee, 81, 108, 122, 142 Civic baronetcies since 1837, 301, 413 Civil War, schools and schoolmasters during, 310, 395 Clark (A.) on Maldon records and the drama, 43 Clark (P. E.) on Col. Howe, 90 Clarke (Cecil) on " Birch's," 216

"Caveac" Tavern, 153

Court Leet : Manor Court, 93

Hampstead omnibus, 156

Hogsflesh (William), 395

Spanish Place: Hertford House, 406 Clayton (E. G.) on Romney in Cavendish Square, 11 Clayton (F.) on London remains, 338 Clement XL (Pope) and the "Gordon case," 450 Clements (H. J. B.) on " Nitor in adversum," 474 Clergy in wigs, 149, 214 Clergyman with battledore in pulpit, 450 Clippingdale (S. D.) on London and Birmingham Railway, 292

West London rivers, 347, 414

" World Turned Upside Down," 355 Clocks, Cortel, meaning of the term, 89, 156 Cloisterer, use of the word, c. 1521, 467 Coaching houses in London, 1680, 1, 95 Cobkey, o. 1696, explanation of the word, 54 Cockle (M. J. D.) on Hodson of Indian Mutiny, 414 Cocks (Kitty), Countess of Stamford, 328 Coffins and shrouds, 90, 137, 215, 254 Coins: American, 63, 115 ; mite, 69, 138, 454 Coldstream (W.) on " Nose of wax," 228 Coleorton, Leicestershire, inscriptions at, 486 Coleraine family and Tottenham, Middlesex, 356 Coleridge (S. T.) and the nightingale, 192 Coles (J.) on Beauchamp of Somersetshire, 471 Collar for reprieved criminal, 507 College He"raldique de France, 368, 392, 438 Collins (F. Howard) on medicinal waters, 214 Collins (Oliver) on right to bear arms, 465 Colours in the Navy, disposal of old, 166

Com. Ebor. on Embleton of Northallerton, 109 Commandment, Eleventh, various renderings, 268,

418, 478

Communion tokens in New England, C. 1822, 5 Comyn, Red, his murder in 1306, 310, 456 Corny n (I.) on Scotch song : night courtship, 255 Consecration of cemeteries, 93, 153 Conservative Club, earliest, 3tiS Constable (William) alias Fetherston, claim to the

Crown, 1554, 489

Constant (Louis W.), his memoirs, 128, 272 Constantius (Chlorus) and St. Maurice, 330 Cook (Capt), his house at Mile End, 364, 455 Cooke (Sir Anthony), his wife, 75 Cooke (E. A.) on Dr. Walter Wade, 250 Cookson (E.) on Hamlet as a Christian name, 155 Cooper (A. W.) on Westminster Sanctuary, 350 Copenhagen expedition. 1807, 469. See also Tilxit. Copinger(W. A.) on Sturmy or Esturmy family, 73 Coppenburgh or Croppenbergh family, 67, 112 Corfield (Wilmot) on Cromwell and Milton, 375

Zoffany's Indian portraits, 110, 358 Corley (F. E.) on Ramsammy, 233 Cornish apple : Sops in Wine, 249, 313 Cornish chough and witches, 388 Cornish dish : squab pie, recipe, 195 Cornish epitaphs, 325 Cornish vergers : Carne family, 5, 115 Cornutelli, La Fete di Felici, at Rome, 309 Coroon, a cherry, origin of the name, 48 Cortel clocks, meaning of the term, 89, 156 Costello, Canning, and Scott families, 148 Cotton (John) of Boston and Henden of Kent, 190 Court Leet in Portland, Dorset, 148 Court Leet: Manor Court, survivals, 16, 93, 334, 413 Court of Session, Scotland, its history, 41 Courtney (W. P.) on Dodsley's famous collection of

poetry, 124, 183, 384, 442 Medicinal waters, 272

Courvoisier, executed for murder in 1840, 408, 450 Covesea caves, Morayshire, manger or trough in, 368 Cox (Mr.), his orange pippins, 32 Cox (W. A.) on telling the bees, 329 Crabb-Boucher (Capt. J.) on Trumper family, 231 Crawley (H. H.) on Piccadilly, 89 Creighton (Robert), Canon of Wells, 470 Crespigny (Sir Claude Cdampion de), his memorial

inscription, 7 Crest. See Heraldry. Cricket report, the earliest, 75, 191 Cricketer on cat folk-lore, 227

Crimean War, Russian officer rallying his men, 251 Criminal, reprieved, collar for, 507 Crippen (T. G.) on Moravian Chapel, 194 Cromwell (Col.), Royalist, 1646, 30, 115 Cromwell (Oliver) : and Milton, famous picture, 22,

158, 375 ; buried on Naseby Field, 80; his head, 140 ;

and Hampden, their embarkation prevented, 446 Cromwell (Uichard) = Sarah Gatton, 408 Cromwell family and William Hake, M.P., 448 Crone (J. S.) on epitaph on Burne-Jones, 288 Hamlet as a Christian name, 418 'Outlaw,' 312

Crooke of the island of St. Christopher, 234 Crooks, packhorse, 27 Croppenbergh or Coppenburgh family, 67, 112