Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/650

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Notes and Queries, Jan. L-5, 1908.

Piscina, rood-loft, discovered at Eastbourne, 506 Piscon-led, meaning of the term, 78, 178, 253 Pittance, etymology of the word, 186 Place, in the house, use of the word, 207, 298 Place-names in old map, 1637, 350 Plaistow and William Allen, 189, 253 Plant-names, coinage of, 210 Platt ( J .), Jun., on Beddoes surname, 64 Cortel clocks, 156 De Lhuys or Norderloose, 157 Devachan, 91 Drowse = Devil, 6 Edward in Slavonic, 68 Eleventh Commandment, 268 Gomniers, Morocco term, 247 Great Wyrley: its pronunciation, 247 " Honi soit qui mal y pense," 47 Knoydart : its pronunciation, 106 Krapina, 188

Lithuanian folk-lore : legless spirits, 168 Mocock: its meaning, 107 Moucharaby, its derivation, 431 "Nit behamey," Yiddish phrase, 46 Peroun, 331

Racial problem of Europe, 218 Sarawak : its pronunciation, 166 Segalas (J.). 336 Shakespeariana, 164 Wilscombe Club, 134 Plays, English, in one act, 290

Players, English, in Germany in 1592, 305, 412, 518 Plomer (H. R.) on Gascoigne the poet, 189

Genealogical notes in books, 381

"Point of war," origin of the phrase, 8, 96, 195, 313 Poland (Sir H. B.) on Canning : Costello : Scott, 148 Courvoisier, 450 Treaty of Tilsit, 510

Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee, 487, 518 Politician on " Bellamy's," 75

Bloc : Block Apolitical amalgamation, 87 Conservative Club, 368 "Every man has his price," 313 Politician v. statesman, 66 Politician v. statesman, 66

Pollard (H. P.) on chrisom, baptismal robe, 377 Pollard (Matilda) on Tooke and Halley families, 37 Pollard-Urquhart (Col. F. E. R.) on Duchesse

d'Angouleme, 457 Poll-books, 76, 177 ; Northumberland, 453 ; New-

castle-on-Tyne, 477

Polony = a kind of sausage, its etymology, 506 Pontifex family, 188 Poole (M. Ellen) on chrisom, baptismal robe, 270

Mite, a coin, 454 Pope (Alexander), epigram wrongly attributed to, 487 Pope Clement XI. and the "Gordon case," 450 Popery in Lancashire, a. 1574, 387 Porteus (Bishop), painting of his birthplace, 128 Portland, Dorset, Court Leet in, 148 Post, London penny, and W. Dockwra, 370, 410 Post, ocean penny, its early advocates, 405 ' Post-Boy,' Swift's connexion with, 21 Pot-gallery, its definition, 172, 254, 312, 493, 517 Pot-waller, its etymology, 181, 233, 298, 371, 413 Potts (R. A.) on authors of quotations, 32 ' Duke of Mantua,' 370

'ower (Tyrone), American actor, in England, 348 ractice, a rule of arithmetic, c. 1670, 67, 112 'rayer, " Bidding," and King Edward VI., 295 rayers about lambs and green fields, 410 'recursors, Irish political party, c. 1839, 128 're-Reformation parsonages, 109, 314, 414 're- Reformation tabernacle at Milton Abbey, ;"07 'retty Maid's Money, Devonshire custom, 137 'rice (F. G. Hilton) on Barnaby Backwell, banker, 72 Fleet Street, No. 7, 351 " Salutation " Tavern, Billingsgate, 52 ?rice(John), c. 1660, his works, 407 J rice (John), executioner, hanged 1718, 244, 335 Prideaux (Col. W. F.) on Abbaye, a Swiss club, 352 Boswell's lodgings in Piccadilly, 427 Chudleigh (Miss), 4 Crosby Hall, 30, 111 Daniel's ' Civil Wars,' 1595, 405 Defoe's ' Colonel Jacque,' 87, 411 Dry, applied to spirituous liquors, 435 Exeter Hall, 336, 371 George I. : the nightingale and death, 354 Goumiers, Morocco term, 296 Longfellow, 501

'Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne,' 101, 173 Moucharaby, 431

Palgrave's ' Golden Treasury,' 393, 454 Peccavi : I have Sindh, 395 ' Progress of Life,' 401

Romney (G.), his house in Cavendish Square, 11 Rotherhithe, 166, 374 Prideaux (W. R. B.) on yeoman service, 151 Priest (William), Birmingham attorney, and Andrew

Johnson, 383 Primrose = prime, of age, use of the word, 1657, 129 Primrose Hill, and Lamb and Dyer, 301 Princess Royal, earliest use of the title, 35 Printing, music, earliest specimen, 369, 475 Prior (W. R.) on Copenhagen expedition, 1807, 469 Profanity, legislation against, 269 ' Progress of Madness,' poem, its author, 490 Pronunciation of words: wound, 74, 115 Protection, Lord Beaconsfield on, 510 Protectorate, schools and schoolmasters during, 310 Provand's Lordship Dinner, Glasgow, its celebration,

406, 497

ProvenQal folk-songs, Victor Hugo on, 488 Proverbs and Phrases : All history proves it, 370 All the trees of the forest, 367 As deep as Garrick, 251, 376 As gleg as MacKeachan's elshin, 8, 114 Counsel of perfection, 40 Cut his stick. 348 'Doorshutting, 127, 418 Down in the shires, 329, 372, 434 Ecrivez les injures sur le sable, 489 Entente cordiale, 168 Every man has his price, 313 Face of clay, 508

He that hountes doth not ay rost, 470 Honi soit qui mal y pense, 47, 176 In essentials, unity, 347 Local option, 50, 196 Lombard Street to a China orange, 7, 136 London is populated by, &c., 120