Page:Notes and Queries - Series 10 - Volume 8.djvu/655

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 25, 1908.



Skeat (Prof. W. W.), Bacon, 393

Bede's translation of Fourth Gospel, 172 Chauceriana, 252 Churchwardens' accounts, 73 Dump, 57 Fiteres = rags, 31 Goat's blood and diamonds, 356 Hackney, the horse, 465 Hock : hog : hoga, 13 Hubbub = disturbance, 54 Latta surname, 377 Mareboake : viere, 15 Orris-root, 247 Polony, 506

Pot-waller : pot-walloper, 233 Keindeer : its spelling, 451 Rotherhithe, 316 " Sops and wine," 313 Thaw as surname, 334 Thiggyng : fulcenale : warelondes, 92 Umbrella, 94 " Umbre oton," 372 Wound: its pronunciation, 115 Wy in Hampshire, 54

Skittle alley discovered in Orange Street, 364 Skrirnshander, derivation of the word, 15 Skrymsher (Charles Boothby) his biography, 15 Slang : crumpsman and moonsman, 49 Slaves, Abraham Lincoln on their sufferings, 14 Slavonic, Edward in, 68, 115

Slavonic hymn : Hey, Slavonians, be ye mindful, 438 Smith (Baird) of the Indian Mutiny, 251 Smith (E ) on Bate family, 510 ' Cartularium Saxonicum,' 204 Rotherhithe, 316, 514 ' Sobriquets and Nicknames,' 37 Smith (Prof. G. C. Moore) on Lyly and Greene, 461 Smith ( Major-General John), his descendants, 490 Snell (F. S.) on St. George's Chapel Yard, 371 Soap-making patent and Sir R. Weston, 509 Sobriquets and nicknames of 18th century, 37, 114, 290 Solomons (I.) on Purim token: Cabbage Society, 368

Villa Reale (Mrs. C. da Costa), 328 Somersetshire dialect phrases, 248 Songs and Ballads:

Alonzo the Brave, 169, 253

Auld Lang Syne, 85

Bazaar Girl, 310

Brave Lads of Galla Water, 305

Farmer's Audit, 488

For he 's a jolly good fellow, 327, 435

French ballads, 89

Garden song in ' Quality Street,' 129

He's taen her up, he's letten her down, 188, 255

Reach i' the Creel, 255

My name is William Guiseman, 410

Old Tarlton's Song, 188, 235, 277, 494

Outlaw, 231, 312

Progress of Madness, 490

Provengal, 488

Railway travelling, 107

Rinordine, 468, 518

Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford, 449

Rule, Britannia, 188, 258, 313

Seven Joys of Mary, 481

Trip to Voolvich, 448

Songs and Ballads :

We won't go home till morning, 327, 435 Woodland Mary, 14 Sophocles and the nightingale in ' Electra,' 192 "Sops in Wine," Cornish apples, 249, 313 Soul, human, bats associated with, 15 Southam (Herbert) on Halesowen, Worcestershire, 31 Shrewsbury clock : " Point of war," 195 Yeoman service, 89

Southwark Cathedral, first holders of canonries, 185 Southy (R.), ' Memoirs of George III.,' 27, 72 Sovereigns and half-sovereigns, their weights, 251 Spanish Place, old Embassy Chapel in, 406 Sparling (H. Halliday) on apples: their old names, 429 Spellicans, the game, 449 Spelling reform in 1710, 47

Spelman (Sir H.), ' History and Fate of Sacrilege,' 33 Spencer ( W. G.) on St. George's, Hanover Square, 387 Spencer (William Robert), his 'Poems,' 1835, 70 Spenser (Edmund), errors in ' Faerie Queene,' 105 Spirits, legless, in Lithuanian folk-lore, 168, 277 Spoon and hair, their symbolic meaning, 150 Spring Hill Park, Hackney, diversion of path, 447 Spring-heel Jack and Marquess of Waterford, 251, 455 Stafford, Dyspeptic History of, 290 Staffordshire MSS., Stebbing Shaw, 47, 116 Stake in racing, use of the word, 270, 353 Stale : to stale, derivation of the word, 507 Stanford (C. T.) on Leland Stanford, 229 Stanford (Leland), his ancestry, 229 Stapleton (A..) on chrisom, baptismal robe, 377 Cook (Capt.), 455 Garnet (Henry), Jesuit, 446 Gregory (S.), portrait painter, 509 Jamaica records : West Indian registers, 377 Peacock (T. L.), his ' Maid Marian,' 438 Thompson (J.) portrait painter, 152 Statesman v. politician, 66

Steam-engines, patented in the United States, 326 Stebbing (W. P. D.) on "ffree Roberds," 508 Stellarius on Harriet Lee, 131 Steuart (4. F.) on 'Diary,' 1820-30, 387 Stevens (E.) on Shakespeariana, 303

Public speaking in Shakespeare's day, 415 Stewart (Alan) on "Prince" Boothby, 14 " Caveac " Tavern, 116 ' Into Thy hands, O Lord,' 396 London remains, 271, 337, 392, 476 Tombstones and inscriptions, 434 Stilwell (J. P.) on Dowb, 135 Elder-bush folk-lore, 213 George I. : the nightingale and death, 5 7 Stote (Rev. A. W.) on Jamaica records, 29 Stowe House, its libraries and sale, 6 Strachan (L. R. M.) on Japanese lyrics, 34

Palates, 29

Strada and wireless telegraphy, 400 Strange (Richard), his 'Journal of Meditations,' 429 Stratford-on-Avon, education in, 323, 397 Street (E. E.) on Ebbin, a Christian name, 329 Refrains, two popular, 435 Sardana, 56 Stretton (Mrs.), author of ' The Valley of a Hundred

Fires,' 149, 253, 313

Stringer (C.) on Ainsworth and Thames Darrell, 189 Stroaker-out, ghost-word, 280