Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/116

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Finch (Hon. D.), Colonel 24th Regiment, 1356-61'

ix. 188

Finch (Francis), Westminster scholar, ii. 469 Finch (J.) on authors wanted, viii. 37 ; Beckett,

vii. 489 ; heraldry of Lichfield Cathedral, ix.

135 : Whitington arms, 174 Finch (Sir J.), Ipswich and Ashford mentioned in

his will, xii. 140 Finch (Hon. John), killed 1777, i. 249, 297, 396,


Finch family tradition, iv. 246 Finch Lane, old London street-name, v. 247 Fincham (H. W.) on flag of the Knights of Malta,

x. 35 ; xi. 439 Fincham, Calybutt, and Cornwallis families, ix.


Fines as Christian name, v. 49, 139, 395 " Finger board " in churchwardens' accounts,

1723, viii. 68, 514 Finger-prints, magazine article on, v. 208 ; vi.

155, 198 ; Ainsworth's reference to, 1839, 210 "Fingers " of the clock, xi. 188, 255 Finglan on authors of quotations wanted, iii. 253 Fingon clan,' in ' Waverley,' iii. 487 ; iv. 37 " Fink "and " funk," connexion between, vi. 510 Finlay (R.), Westminster scholar, 1821, viii. 208 Finlay (T.), Westminster scholar, 1822 r viii. 208 " Finstall," adjunct of saltmaking, 1328, vi. 411,

511 Fire, losses by and licences to beg, v. 248, 317,

oo / Fire and new-birth of seeds, viii. 325, 376, 418,

454 ; ix. 14, 113, 178 ; x. 472 ; xi. 12 Fireback, relic of 1660, vi. 230, 318 Firebrace (C. W.) on Barlow, xi. 78 Blackwood

(John), painted by Reynolds, viii. 189 " Bor- stal," xi. 35 Bucknall, viii.. 234 Collier

family, v. 250 Crooked Lane, London Bridge,

xi. 56 Hautville family, ix. 451 Moore (Sir

John), vii. 414 Perthes-les-Hurlus, xi. 154

Poetry, plants in, vi. 356 Snakes, extracting

from holes, viii. 173 " Strike of Saunsons,"

iii. 108

Fire-damp, early use of the word, iv. 206 Firelocks, flint, in Crimean War, ii. 168, 214, 250 Fire of London, contemporary letter, ix. 304 ;

xii. 234 ; French Church rebuilt, iv. 9, 336 Fire out, origin of the phrase, i. 405 Fire-papers, obsolete house decorations, iv. 406,

493 ; v. 18 Fire-ritual, a survival of, vi. 489 : vii. 33, 233.

335, 489

Fires, historic, in ancient Rome, iii. 209, 410 Fire-walking, physical explanation of, ix. 49, 114,

151, 212, 231/280

Fireworks in Green Park, c. 1749, i. 345, 398 " Firing-glass," its name and use, viii. 429, 475 Firminger (W. K.) on Caraccioli on Clive, vi. 76 First person in Wordsworth and Shakespeare, v.

65 Fish, obsolete names of, their identity, iv. 310,

396 ; as religious symbol, vii. 169, 234, 256,

310, 398

Fisher (Bishop), proverb quoted by, ii. 46 Fisher (Lord), dictum attributed to, x. 408 Fisher (Kitty) and ' The Belle's Stratagem,' ii. 346 ;

Casanova's meeting with, v. 106 Fisher (W.) on Voltaire on the Bible, iii. 450 ' Fisher Boy,' poem, c. 1809, iv. 291. 333 Fisher family, vi. 509 ; vii. 51 Fisher folk-lore in Belgium, i. 187

Fishing, Dr. Johnson on, xii. 462

Fishing in fresh water in classical times, iii. 249,. 350, 393, 453 ;**,

Fishing rights, French, temp~ Edward VII.,^vii 290

Fish shops of old London, viii. 85, 174

Fish Street Hill, its residents, viii. 469, 5-16

Fish Wharf, London Bridge, origin of the name*. ix. 248, 374

Fishwick (Col. H.) on Allen? (Cardinal), iv. 258 " An honest man and a good bowler," ix. 308 - Ascough family, i. 407" Aukendale," viii.. 249 Authors of quotations wanted, ix. 188 Bunyan (John), relic of, vi. 235 Camdem Society : ' Long Ago,,' v. 434 Churchyard inscriptions : list of transcriptions, vi. 255 " Corvicer," x. 15 " Dun Cow's Rib " in*. Stanion Church, x. 236 Fishwick of Islington,, i. 87 Grimol, ix. 456 Hay, wet, ii. 469 " Honete Cuppe," vii. 216 Ireland's stolen shire, v* 468 Lancashire sobriquets, viii. 197 ; ix. 415 Mail coach, last, iii. 186 Marriage,, case of duplicate, viii. 455 Morris pleory),, vii. 476 ' Old Man's Legacy,' vi. 329 ; vii. 22& Over Kellet, Lancashire, ix. 91 Parish registers, iii. 256 " Proud Preston " : leather- shoes, i. 212 " Put a beggar on. horseback,"'

iii. 269 Register, curious entry in, vii. 36

Selby, Yorks : its "Peculiar " Court, i. 37 ; v.. 372 Shrovetide throwing at the cock, x. 25 Theatre lit by gas, vii. 469 Thirteenth, iv. 2 13^ Wood (Richard Henry), F.S.A., x. 236 " You may go look," v. 226

Fishwick family of Islington, i. 87

" Fisul," meaning of the word, viii. 426

Fitzgerald (E.) and Omar Khayvam, vii. 370,. 437 ; on William Shewen, Quaker, iii. 309 j the rose in his Omar, ix. 509 ; his contributions- to ' N. & Q.,' iv. 469 ; v. 17

FitzGerald (J. R.) on " Cbmboloio,'" i. 197 ^ " Never swap horses," &c., iti. 433

FitzGerald (Lucius) on Alexander Pope the elder,, x. 65

Fitzgerald (P.) on Dr. Johnson and Hannah More,, xi. 188, 235; 'Nicholas Nickleby ' : "Popy- lorum tibi," iii. 244, 392 ; St. Kilda andi influenza, viii. 126 ; " Tout comprendre e'esfe tout pardonner," iv. 236

Fitz-Gerald (S. J. Adair) on Campbell the Scottish, giant, iv. 130 Thackeray and the stage, iii. 2& ' Young Son of Chivalry,' iv. 150

Fitzgerald (William), Bishop of Clonfert, ii. 489 ; iii. 53, 91

Fitzgibbon (Edward), 1803-57, portrait wanted,, i. 148

Fitzguillaume (H. F.) on porch inscription inn Latin, iv. 330

Fitz-Henry (Meiler), c. 1220, and Robert Fitz- Stephen, c. 1183,x. 161,213

Fitzherbert (Mrs.), sale of her goods at Brighton,, ii. 68

Fitzjames (Capt.), R.N., of Franklin Expedition,, xii. 100, 202

Fitzjames family of Somerset, xii. 100, 202, 268

Fitzpatrick (Col.), charades by, 1786, iii. 307, 356-

Fitzroy (George), Duke of Northumberland, ancl his duchess, xi. 134

FitzSimmons ( W. J.) on ' Saturday Review,*" ii. 305

Fitz-Stephen (Robert), c. 1183, and Meiler Henry, c. 1220, x. 161, 213