Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/134

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Greece, crown of the Kings of, vii. 507

Greek, modern, and Albanian, vi. 446

Greek Anthology, Person and the, vi. 29

Greek Church, Soho, and proprietary chapels, iii.

466 Greek Church in London, places of worship, x.


Greek History with illustrations, ii. 228, 438 Greek newspaper published in London, 1860, x.

49, 114

Greek painting in the Vatican Library, vii. 429 Greek typography, changes of type, viii. 429, 517,

ix. 72 Greeks accused of being children, reference to,

vi. 109 " Greeks " of the Bhine, and the Creacas of

4 Widsith,' x. 341 Green (E. M.) on works of Richard White, vii.

169 Green (Elizabeth) == Thomas Harrison, 1816, xi.

108, 173, 218 Green (J. A.) on Walter Scott : spurious Waver-

leys, x. 374 Green (J. B.), quotation in ' Short History of the

English People,' vi. 246, 337 ; vii. 487 ; viii.

15, 97

Green (John Bichards). See Gi fiord. Green (Thomas), Etonian, 1758, x. 349 Green (Valentine) = Mary Wadham, 1771, xii. 27 Green (Verdant) in 1744, i. 87 " Green-backs " first published, c. 1847, ii. 373,

414 Green Howards, sobriquet of the 19th Begiment,

ix. 176, 211 Green Park, Deputy Banger's Lodge, 1789, iii.

163 ; and Piccadilly, tunnel between, vi. 387 ;

avenue, firework display, 1749, i. 345, 398 Greene (Thomas), cousin of Shakespeare, viii. 70 Greenstone of Guiana, nature and use of, vi. 329,

378 Greenwell Collection presented to the nation, i.

227, 277

Greenwich, division of estate at, vii. 108 Greenwich Market, 1740, pictures of, ii. 209, 313 Greenwood (G. G.) on Francis Meres and John

Florio, xii. 359, 458 Shakespeariana : an

emendation, xii. 117 Greenwood (J. A.) on Folly, ii. 113 Gale family,

iii. 297 H.M.S. Avenger, ii. 294 Greer, Grierson, or Greresone family, i. 428, 496 Greever (Garland) on Bowles and Watts, viii.

350 Gregentius (Archbishop of Taphar), c. 1586, xi.

48, 97

Gregg (Tresham), gaoler, Dublin, 1803, xii. 139 Gregor family, xi. 300

Gregorian Calendar, curiosities of, v. 447 ; vi. 36 Gregory (Daniel), Etonian, 1759, x. 349 Gregory (Edward), Etonian, 1759, x. 349 Gregory (Henrv) of Gloucestershire, c. 1710, xi. 49,


Gregory (Robert), Etonian, 1764, x. 349 Greir, Grierson, or Greresone family, ii. 38 Grellet (Stephen) and " I shall pass through this

world but once," v. 289, 394 Grellier (G.), on Nelson's ship the Victory, vii.


" Grenadiere," signification of the word, vi. 388 Grenville (George), Junius's letters to, iii. 347 Grenville (Richard), Etonian, 1754, x. 388 Greresone, Grierson, or Greer family, i. 428, 496

Gresham College, the Royal Exchange, and

Crosby Hall, iii. 241 Gresham family, iv. 269 Gretna Green, marriage records of, v. 110, 237,.

347 ; records of, c. 1825-40, ix. 403 ; biblio- graphy relating to, xi. 231. 302, 322, 381 Greville (C.), M.P. for Petersfield, 1795-3, vii. 369- Greville (Fulke), Lord Brooke, d. 1628, his epitaph,.

iv. 301 Greville (Sir John) d. 1489, inscription in Binton.

church, vii. 8, 54, 75 Grew (Miss Julia E.) on Dr. Nehemiah Grew, vmv

248 Grew (Dr. Nehemiah), botanical anatomist,,

d. 1711, viii. 248 Grey = grise= badger, meaning of the word, v. 27,.

95, 170

Grey (Rev. Henry), 1778-1859, his father, iv. 40T Grey (Joan de), her marriage, c. 1401, x. 489 Grey (Lord) of Werke, c. 1640, his wife, ix. 176 Grey (Lord John) of Pirgo, d. 1569, xii. 420 Grey (Lady Mary), and Thomas Keyes, v. 369 r

477 ; her tenant, 1574, 408 Grey (R.), of Withyham, c. 1569, viii. 488 ; ix-

53 Grey (William), Rector of Amersham, c. 1437-54,,

i. 387 Grey (William), Bishop of Lincoln, 1431-6, his;

biography, iii. 228, 317 Grey (William), Bishop of Ely, 1454, his bio-

graphy, iii. 228, 317 Grey family, i. 469 ; ii. 14, 376, 512 Gridley (A. B.) on Lady Frances Erskine : issue,.

390 Octagonal meeting-houses, viii. 333

Platt (Sir John), Knight, grandson of Sir Hugh

Platt, viii. 333 Grierson, Greresone or Greer family, i. 428, 496 j-

ii. 38 ; v. 189

Grierson (H. J. C.) on Donne's poems, ii. 7 Griffin, Wilkes, and Arnold families, iv. 249 Griffin (A. P. C.) on " T. K.," author of pamphlet

identified, ix. 306

Griffin (Balph) on clositers of Canterbury Cathe- dral, x. 367 Griffith, Sheffield, Hunt, Cole, and Cox families,.

xii. 280, 329 Griffith (G.), Bishop of St. Asaph, his marriage,

iv. 528 ; v. 78 Griffith (L.) on Lieut. Bussy Mansell, B.N., vi.

231 Griffith (B. H.) on Judith Cowper : Mrs. Madan,.

x. 27 " Every man has his price," x. 66

' Memoirs of Scriblerus,' vi. 167 " Peacock.

without Temple Bar," ix. 370 Grigor (J.) on " Literary gossip," i. 208 ' Mac-

millan's Magazine,' i. 213 Grillion's Club, its history, vii. 349, 390, 420, 474 j

viii. 30, 57, 495 Grimald (Nicholas), 1519-62, his life and poems,.

iv. 384

Grimaldi (Agostino), Bishop of Grasse, his dis- patch to Genoa, iii. 344 Grimaldi (Joseph), 1779-1837, as a canary, iv.

25, 95 Grimaldi (Baffaele de), Governor of Corsica, 1487,-

i. 186 Grimaldi and Fitzwilliam arms, vi. 144, 215, 256^

353, 397 Grime (B.) on authors wanted, xi. 360, 478

" Fingers " of the clock, xi. 255 Grimes, derivation of the name, x. 90