Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/15

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fifties and sixties, iii. 389 Cardonnel's ' Pic- turesque Antiquities,' ii. 282 Chalmers's (G.) ' Scoticanae Ecclesise Infantia,' i. 267 Chalmers" s.(G.), * Sylva,' i. 226, 435 Chalmers (W.), ' Disputationes Theologies,' i. 267 Chalmers < William) of Fintray, iii. 181 Chorley (Josiah), iii. 287 Colman (G.), his ' Man of .the People,' 1782, i. 467 Daniel (Robert Mackenzie), novelist, ii. 167 Dickson (Charles), translator of Bion and Moschus, xi. 319 Early graduation : Gilbert Burnet, ii. 427 " Edwin Drood,' iii. 307 Garioch or Goerie -(Sir John) : " Subinnuit," xi. 381 Gentle- man's Magazine : numbering of volumes, ii. 388; iii. 16 Inverness bibliography, xi. 67 Johnston (Arthur) bibliography, x. 346 Kennedy's (Sir James) ' JErieas Britannicus,'

xi. 359 Knowles (Sheridan), a graduate of

Aberdeen, xi. 431 * Letters by an American Spy,' ii. 427 Liddel (Duncan) and Jo. Potinius, i. 447 ' London,' ' British,' and ' English ' catalogues of Books,' vii. 127 Mathematical periodicals : C. and G. Hutton, ii. 347, 466 M.orelius (Eligius) and Gilbert Masius, iii. 488 Municipal records printed, ii. 530 ; iii. 495

  • Nichol's Cities and Towns of Scotland,' x. 229

Oatcake and whisky as Eucharistic elements,

ii. 188, 396 Parselle (John), an alumnus of

Aberdeen, xi. 453 Peters (Father) and Queen Mary, ii. 107 Que"rard (J. M.), ii- 87 Scottish University theses, xi. 493 " Shaving them," by Titus A. Brick, ii. 27 ' Theses ' by Principal Andrew Aidie, iii. 246 ' Theses ' by Mr. Secre- tary Thomas Reid, iv. 163.

Anderson (Sophie), artist, b. 1823, x. 168, 214

Anderson (Capt. T. A.), his military career, c. 1803, ix. 355, 453

Anderson, Simpson, and Dickson genealogies, iii. 188

Andersons (David) and the Great Eastern, viii. 506

Anderton (H. Ince) on Bardsey family, iv. 488 Christopher Columbus, ix. 513 Leake (Lake) : Farington of Worden, vi. 467 Parish registers, xi. 397 ; xii. 39 Plumpton (Robert) : Isabel Anderton, ix. 388

A-nderton (Isabel) = Robert Plumpton, c. 1710, ix. 388

.Anderton family of Lostock and Horwich, xi. 75, 118

Andre (Major J.), b. 1751, Genevese merchant, vii. 469

Andre (Major John), d. 1780, relics of, x. 349

Andrew (Miss Sarah) and Henry Fielding, 1725, xi. 301

Andrewes (Rev. Gerrard T.), c. 1845, and St. James's, Piccadilly, viii. 395

Andrewes (H. E.) on Richard Andrewes, vii. 70 Memory game, vi. 509 " Of sorts," vii. 197

Andrewes (Richard), c. 1500, his ancestry, vii. 70, \35; ix. 56

Andrews (E. W.) on Holbein's ' Duchess of Milan,' i. 105

Andrews (H. C.), his 'The Heathery,' vii. 288, 338

Andrews (Herbert C.) on Barnard family, v. 508 Bogdani family : lords of Hitchin Manor, 1720- 1825, v. 441 Joshua Webster, M.D., xi. 328

Andrews (John), Etonian, 1764, ix. 350

Andrews (R.), Westminster scholar, 1774, viii. 310, 354, 417

Andrews (S.) on wall churches, iv. 235

Andrews (T.), artist, c. 1820, vii. 287 Andrews (W. F.) on Crooked Lane, xi. 456 Andria (St. Richard of), c. 492, x. 329 ' Anecdotes of some Distinguished Persons,' 1795,

ix. 450, 493

" Anent," derivation of the word, x. 47 " Angelina Gushington," author of ' Thoughts

on Men and Things,' viii. 307, 358, 434 Angell (John), d. 1764, literary feltmaker, xii.


Angell family of Berks, iv. 310 Angell and Browne families, x. 427; xi., 172, 250 ' Angelus ad Virginem,' carol, 1260, viii. 409 Angevin royal tombs, ii. 184, 223, 278, 332, 356,

390, 410, 431

Angier (C. J. Bruce) on Italian genealogy, vi. 291 Anglesey House, Drury Lane, 1673-82, ix. 229,

277, 493 Anglo-American mail service : its bicentenary,

iii. 5 Anglo -Parisian on Maida : naked British soldiers,

v. 115 Napoleon's Imperial Guard, iv. 351

Stockings, black and coloured, iv. 298 Top- hat in sculpture, v. 295 Anglo-Saxon, lectures in, 1639, xi. 261 ; list of

obsolete words, iv. 470 Anglo-Scot on Carent : Patricksmas : Lukesmas,

iii. 9 Anglo-Spanish author in Sorrow's ' Bible in

Spain,' i. 349 ; ii. 119, 171, 314 Animals, heraldic, as pinnacles, vi. 189, 317 Animals on brasses and stone effigies, iii. 208, 310,

376, 451

Animals prayed for in church, xi. 265, 330 Anjou, arms of the Counts of, xi. 74, 96, 138 Annalist on Paulet of Eddington, viii. 208 Annand (A. Y.) on Johnson and his circle, i. 227 " Annandale Beef-stand," mentioned by Scott,

x. 69, 117 Anne (Queen), the number of her children, v. 69,

116, 274 ; her nurse Martha Farthing, v. 508 Annesley (Samuel), d. 1732, and the Wesley

family, ix. 305 Anno Domini, earliest instance of, ix. 69, 133, 172,


Annual publications, list of, i. 327 Annunciation, Church of the, on the site of

Quebec Chapel, x. 228 Anon = ere while, use of the word, iii. 266

Anonymous Works:

Account of some Remarkable Passages in the

Life of a Private Gentleman, iv. 305 Angelus ad Virginem, carol, 1260, viii. 409 Arabian Nights Entertainments, viii. 21, 217 Arno Miscellany, 1784, ii. 148, 234, 293 A spur to a Celestial Race, vii. 10 Aunt Mary's Tales, children's books, c. 1804,

xi. 131

Aut Diabolus aut Nihil, story, ix. 270 Ballad of the Revenge, vii. 8 Belshazzar's Feast, poems, vi. 411, 495 Bite Again and Bite Bigger, dialect poem,

v. 369 ; vi. 17, 94 Black Monk ; or, the Secret of the Grey

Turret, vii.- 348

Buccaneer, a tale of Sheppey, ii. 308, 372 Catalogue of Honor, iv. 488 Caxton Memorial, bibliographical pamphlet.

iv. 268, 313