Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/186

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Luttrell family and Domesday Book; iv. 365

Luzzato (Dr.), Italian physician, c. 1750, xi. 380 ; xii. 73, 108

Lyde (Tamosin), d. 1663, her epitaph, ii. 524

Lydford, watchmaker's epitaph at, iv. 265

Lydgate, his lines on " thre crownys," xi. 149

Lydiard (C.), Westminster scholar, 1817, viii. 248

Lyford family, i. 469

Lynch law, origin of the term, i. 55, 194, 273

Lynde (W.), Vicar of Wombourne, 1555, xi, 49

Lyndon (B.), Westminster scholar, c. 1690, x. 409

Lyndon (Richard), scholar of Trinity Coll., Camb 1694, iv. 270

Lyne-Stephens family, the arms of, xi. 280

Lynn (Francis), Westminster scholar, his MS. diary, x. 387

Lynn (W. T.) on arabis : thlaspi, i. 406 Astro- logy and the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," iv. 26 Bradley (Dr. James), Astronomer Royal, i. 98 Campbell's ' Napoleon and the English Sailor,' iv. 107 Comets and princes : Julius Caesar, ii. 57 Cowper's " God moves in a mysterious way," iii. 58 Demerit : its two senses, i. 406 Easter on March 27, i. 231 Gerizim and the ' Temple Dictionary of the Bible,' i. 308 German spelling, ii. 306 Months : their unequal division, i. 238 Plume (Archdeacon) and the ' Dictionary of National Biography,' iv. 86 " Progress of Error," iv. 455 Rhubarb, its derivation, iii. 328 St. Lawrence's Tears, star-name, i. 493 Shakespeare and the Earl of Rutland, iii. 307 Statues in London : William III. and Richard I., iv. 285 ' Testimony of the Spade,' i. 49 Veneti : Venetians, iii. 186 Vignoles (Charles Blacker), i. 127 Wakefield, Vicar of, iv. 170 Wirral, i. 290 -Woolsthorpe, its derivation, iii. 368

Lyon (Capt.), R.N., his representatives, ii. 267

Lyon (F. W.) on repudiation of public loan, xi. 452

Lyon (Sir T. E.), Colonel 24th Regiment, 1829-42, ix. 170

Lyonesse, allusions to, by modern writers, iv. 286; vi. 88

Lyons, surgeon, 1725, and Benjamin Franklin, iv. 329

Lyon's Inn admission registers, i. 89

' Lyrics and Lays.' by Pips, 1867, the author of, iv. 48, 94

Lysons's ' Buckinghamshire ' and ' Environs of London,' i. 49

Lyster (Thomas), c. 1698, his biography, iv. 209

Lyster or Lister family, ii. 487

Lyster-Denny (Rev. H. L.) on Lister or Lyster family, ii. 487

Lyth (Robin), smuggler of Flamborough, viii. 309

Lyttelton (George, Lord), his ' Letters to Mrs. Peach,' x. 229

Lyttelton (Lord), his ' Glynnese Glossary,' viii.

Lytton (Lord), his houses in Hertford Street, i.

161 ; and Benjamin Disraeli, iv. 25; his house

in Grosvenor Square, v. 49 ; his first meeting

with Miss Wheeler, v. 445 ; dedication of his

Lost of the Barons,' vii. 30 ; the Cardinal in

The Disowned," vii. 208; his 'Ernest

Maltravers,' xi. 265 ; " Podden Place " in

his ' What will He do with It ? ' xii. 277, 348,


iLytton (Edward Robert, first Earl of), his memo- rial tablet, iv. 165

" Lyulph," Christmas numbers by, the author,, xii. 502


M. on Cambridge University nicknames, viii. 246 Carlyle (Dr. Alexander), iii. 244 Carracci (Anni- bale) : ' The Three Maries,' viii. 166 Chamer- ovzow (Louis Alexis), viii. 9= " Chatterbox." x^ 128 Children's books : authors wanted, xi. 131 Christian names used by men and women, iii_ 456 Clyst, xi. 437 Dartmoor, xi. 91 Elector Palantine, c. 1685, iv. 136 Foreign- authors, vii. 228 Hammersmith, xi. 194 Hemans (Mrs.) and " the distinguished lin- guist," viii. 133 History of churches in situ^. vii. 156 Jeffreys (Judge) and the Temple- Church organ, iii. 476 Lynch law, i. 55, 273 Moms, viii. 156 Parish registers, ix. 454 " Pindar (Peter)," Dr. Wolcot, iv. 411 " Platoon," x. 447 Punch and Judy, v. 376 11 Relict "= surviving husband, ix. 26 Rose- bery (Lord) on books, iv. 386 " Satire " its* pronunciation, viii. 27 Sefton, a carriage, iii. 498 Sponge cake, x. 407 " Swale," its- American and English meanings, iv. 114 Trilby, ix. 97" Vadet," vii. 225 Watch- makers' sons, iv. 336 Williamscote (Johanna),, vii. 49

M. (A.) on Acts xxix., vii. 470 Dryden and Swift, xi. 191 Greville (Sir John) of Binton, 1480 r vii. 75 Peters (Hugh), viii. 430 Williamscote (Johanna), vii. 192

M. (A. A.) on Latter Lammas, iv. 469 Upright stones in open churchyards, viii. 490

M. (A. C.) on sundial inscription, ix. 48

M. (A. J.) on statues and memorials in the British* Isles : Blake, viii. 278

M. (A. L.) on " christening of the apples," x. 87 George Morland's inn sign, iv. 447

M. (A. R.) on Senior Wranglers : Senior Classics,, iv. 115

M. (A. T.) on cat queries, xii. 429 Chantrey, vii^ 170 " Cousin and Counsellor," iv. 529 Cranch family ; Devonshire wills, ix. 9 Durham, name of, viii. 455 Gentleman : armiger: privilegiatus, iii. 232 Greville (Sir John) of Binton, 1480, vii. 54 Hallett (John Douglas), ix. 372 Leominster, pronunciation, of, xi. 277 MacBride, xi. 346 Public School Registers, i. 270 Stockings, black and coloured r v. 38 Strickland (Sir C. W.) and Tom Brown,, i. 118 Surnames, physiological, xi. 237 Tavern signs : " Mother Huff-Cap," xii. 446 " To carry one's life in one's hands," vii. 117

M. (B.) on authors wanted, vii. 96 Catesby (Robert), Jun., son of the conspirator, x. 508- Digby's (Sir Everard) letters, xi. 8 Marri- age in the bride's parish, x. 508 Passed (Crispin Van der) print of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators, x. 469 Tassis (De), the Spanish. Ambassador temp. James I., x. 488

M. (C.) on Hamlet as Christian name, iv. 538 MacBride, xi. 266" Vive la Beige/' iv. 498 Wrestling match in fiction, vii. 17

M. (C. B.) on Kirby's ' Winchester Scholars,' v- 258