Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/203

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290 Child telling its own. fate, i. 305 Chinese Mirror, concave, with eagle, chain, and ball, vi.

proverb in Burton's ' Anatomy ' ix. 326 230, 297

Corpse bleeding, iii. 398 Crab, the pretended ' Miscellanea JEgyptiaca,' pub. 1842, ii. 69

astrologer, viii. 243 Dido's purchase of land, " Miser," archaic use of the word, x. 466

ix. 47, 353, 474 ; x. 430 ; xii. 109 Divination Miser's will, American, i. 7

by twitching, viii. 417 " Dragon's Lamp," Misprints, curious and misleading, vii. 327, 386

xii. 240 Dreams and literature, xi. 385 Misreadings of MSS., instances of, xii. 219

Dreams, purchasing of, x. 421 Druidism, ' Miss in her Teens,' comedy, 1828, vii. 50, 96

modern advocate of, x. 408 Earth eating, vi. Mission, Austrian Catholic, in the Sudan, c. 1847,


98, 318 Easter hare, xii. 124 viii. 168, 216

Encyclopaedia Britannica,' slip in, viii. 187 Missionary ship Duff., sailed 1798, ix. 410, 457, 512;

Feast of shells, ix. 455 Flying, legends of, vi. 291 Fly on a shield : Japanese variant, i. 266 Fountains in Ireland, Brittany, and Sicily, vii. 475 Hair used in magic, xii. 84 Horse's ghosts, iv. 127 Human souls interchanged, vi. 430 Japan, double flowers in, vii. 490 Marriage relationships, ii. 506 ; iii. 433 Medicinal mummies, x. 476 ; xi. 438 Mica, viii. 453 Neglected old father : Chinese parallel,

x. 14

Mister " as a surname, viii 200. 278, 338: ix. 358

Mr. Good "= George II., origin of nickname, x. 70

Mr. Midshipman Easy,' the Governor of Malta in, x. 22

Mr. Punch : his Origin and Career,' the author of, v. 50

ii. 145 -"Octopus, Venus's ear, and whelk, ix. I Mistletoe, superstitious associations, iv. 502; v. 434 ; x. 72 Onions planted with roses, vii. 516 12, 115

Onions, virtues of, xii. 367 Pausanias, v. 448 | ' Mistletoe Bough ' chest at Marwell Hall, ii. 326

" Mistletoe for the New Year," Latin phrase for

v. 10

and "antipathies" of, xii. 88 "Poilu," xii. I Mistletoe on culprit, i. 318 " Feoffment separi- 266 St. Gratian's nut, i. 10 " Scolopendra tite," ii. 56 Lawrence : Washington, viii. 418 cetacea," vii. 347 ; viii. 116 Sleeper, methods -" Lease for three lives," vi. 297 Pagodas,

of waking a, xii. 440 Snake-poison, vi. 254 Indian, coins, i. 328 Bomney, vii. 250 Wills, Snakes, extracting from holes, viii. 85 place of deposit, vi. 194

Spider stories, iv. 477 -Theological disputations Mitchell (A. J.) on authors of quotations wanted,

ii. 129 Helmets over memorial tablets, viii. 289 Mary, Queen of Scots, ix. 87

by means of signs, xii. 96, 387 Tooth-blacken- ing, x. 467 Turtle and thunder, ix. 268, 336

Twins and second sight, iv. 156 Weather I Mitchell (C.) & Co. on ' Stamford Mercury,' vii. 431 prognostications, ix. 327, 513 Whittington Mitchell (W. C.)on the " Halls " district, ii. 329;

H.M.S. Pactolus, iii. 209; Scotch and Irish booksellers, ii. 418

Mitford (Mary Russell), her ' Tales of Our Village,' viii. 309 Mitford (William) and Westminster School, 1781,

i. 30 ; vii. 349

Mithridates and Alexipharmics, composition of, vii. 189, 291

and his cat : Eastern variants, iv. 503, 522 ;

v. 313 ; vi. 236 Wild beasts, employment in

warfare, xii. 463 Mindum (Bobart), c. 1605, shoe-horns decorated

by, v. 8

Mine, copper, in Devonshire, its name, vi. 29, 174 Miner (J. Bice), on Miner family, v. 8 Miner family, v. 8, 78

Miners, Cornish, in Ireland, and Sir W. Balegh, i. Mitres worn at Coronations, iv. 27, 72


Minerva, bust of , by Antonio Canova, ii. 528; iii. 94 Mines,- tin, of Bohemia, discoverer of, viii. 388

" Mizpah," use of the word in epitaph, v. 290,

414 " Mob "=a wanton, 1659, vi. 268

Minga'y (j'ames), K.C., " with the iron hand," Moctezuma family, arms of, xii. 54

1752-1812, viii. 41

Miniature of Mary, Queen of Scots, v. 7, 76 Minime on John Bylands Library : Dante codex,

ii. 46

Moffat (Alex. G.) on Cardiff newspapers, x. 435 Moffet (S. O.) on Holinshed bibliography, iv. 246 ; Thiers's ' Trait6 des Superstitions,' 530 ; Sir Henry Wotton and ambassadors, ii. 425

Ministers, Nonconformist, list of, 1800-1900, xi. Moffete (Mile. V.) on Moffete family, iii. 247

Moffete family, iii. 247

362, 457 Minnesota on Staveley, viii. 429; Tourgis of Mohacs, battle of, i. 87, 177, 258

Jersey, 190 ' Minor ' and ' Methodist,' Foote's jest, iii. 125

Mohammed and the mountain, i. 89, 151, 231, 275 Mohammed on love of the narcissus, ii. 169

Minshall (Nathaniel), book on bookbinding, 1811, Mohun family and the Earldom of Somerset, vii.


130, 196, 215

Minster, derivation of the name, ii. 130, 274, 314 Moira (Earl of) and Bawdon family, vi. 249;

Minstrels and musicians, c. 1641, x. 346

Mint, Boyal, Guildford, last issue of money at, v.

90 Mirabel (M. de) and Comte de Mirabel de Gordon,

vi. 130 Miracles of the first two centuries, vii. 270,

45S ' Mirage of Life,' date of publication, xi. 280, 387,

457 Miranda on Hone's ' Ancient Mysteries,' v. 109 ;

songs in Lamb's ' Memoirs,' viii. 349

jewel presented to, 1813, viii. 489 ; ix. 33, 436,

496 Moira coals, * Times ' advertisement, 1815, xii.

482 Moke family of Thourout, Flanders, ii. 130, 194.

378 Molesworth (James), Westminster scholar, 1733, x.

469 Moliere or Marmontel, quotation ascribed to both,

v. 168, 272

Moliere ( J. B.) and " La Croix blanche," xii 369
