Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/228

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Photobibllography, photographing title-pages, x.

488 Photographs, earliest, taken in Huntingdonshire,

viii. 405 Photography as an aid to wood engraving, 1854,

v. 407 Phrases and words, American, ii. 67, 132, 193 ;

iii. 48, 172, 196, 315

Phrases with double meanings, vi. 167, 236 Phylacteries, rule for use of, xii. 37 Physician of 18th century on predestination, xi.

67, 192 Physicians, the saying " Sol eorum successus

intuetur," v. 366 Physician's cane, safeguard against contagion,

iii. 168, 194, 437 Physiognomy and language, their association, i.

33 ; viii. 306 ; x. 158, 196, 354 Physiological surnames, xi. 147, 237, 370 Piano in Considerant's ' Destinee Sociale,' v.

69 ; mechanical before 1868, vii. 7, 238 Piccadilly, Prussian eagles in, x. 506 ; horse on

column, 1720, xi. 29, 94 : " the terrace in,"

1815, xi. 361, 437, 498 ; xii. 110 Piccadilly and Green Park, tunnel between, vi.

387 Piccadilly Circus and Regent Circus, x. 313, 373,

431, 475 ; xi. 14, 51, 98, 136, 155, 198 " Piccadilly gates," meaning of the term, v. 150,

255 Pickering (Danby), fl. 1769, his biography, ii.

230, 492 Pickering (J. B. Latton) on authors of quotations

wanted, iv. 476 ' Cocke Lorelle's Bote,' v.

192 ' Comus ' and Gray's ' Elegy,' vii. 318

Drake (Sir Francis) : Giffard of Halsbury, iv.

490 : and the tomple, v. 134 -History of

England with riming verses, iv. 418 Jeffreys

(Judge) and the Temple Church organ, iv. 13

Jones's (Mary) execution, 1771, iv. 414

Junius and the horse- whipping of the Duke

of Bedford, iii. 495 Latton family, xii. 400

' Londoner's London: ' Temple Bar, vii. 415

Lotus and India, iv. 72 Russell (Lord William),

murder of, vi. 435

Pickering (R. Y.) on " Be the day weary," i. 49 Pickering Castle and Etherington family, iv. 290 Pickford (J.), his death, i. 40 ; on Henry Compton,

Bishop of London, i. 47 Pickthall (Marmaduke) on Dickens: " Shalla-

balah," iii. 68 " Salamander," a heavy blow,

iv. 427 Pickthall (Rudolf) on " As big as a Dunstable

lark," viii. 469 ' Gulliver ' : Bristol barrels

ix. 248

  • Pickwick,' first edition, x. 153 ; early allusions

x. 487

Pickwick (S.) on Andrew Arter's memorial, iii. 75 Pickwick family of Bath, ii. 465, 534 Pictet, part author of ' A Complete System of

Geography,' 1811, xii. 302

Picton (Harold) on " funk " : " fink," vi. 510 Picture-cards in ' Pickwick,' 1837, viii. 408, 471 ;

ix. 56 Pictures: Houghton Hall collection, their sate,

1779, iv. 385 ; of Pontefract Castle, c. 1600, iv.

403, 496 ; curious, of Dr. Butler, 1618, iv.

489 ; launching two ships at Ipswich, 1821,

vii. 107 ; identification of church in, 149 ; of

the Diety in churches, 450 ; viii. 34, 334 ;

made with sand, the history of, viii. 69, 116 ;

  • Siege of Acre,' viii. 116 ; Peninsular battles*

viii. 167 ; old Flemish oil painting, viii. 290 ; 'The Last Communion of St. Mary,' viii. 308, 397 ; with " broken glass " effects, ix. 49, 114 ; Grand Canal, Venice, by Bonington, xi. 88,, 133, 256 ; number destroyed by -Puritans, xi. 151, 195, 217, 327 Pictures, moving, and the cinematograph, 1709-

1896, ii. 502, 537

Piddington, Northants, the church, 1641, xi. 414 Pidgeon (Elizabeth), her epitaph, xi. 168 " Pied Piper," Bohemian stories of, viii. 366 ;

sources of the legend, ix. 245

Pierpoint (Robert) on ' Abbey of Kilkhampton,' i. 212 " According to Cocker," vi. 352 Acemannesceaster, viii. 238 Agnes, daughter of Louis VII., xii. 72 Alcester, xii. 257 Alencon, Lords of, xi. 284 ; xii. 53 Alexander the Great, tomb of, xii. 148 "All who love me follow me," iv. 426 Allegorical picture, i. 248 " Among the blind the one-eyed man is king," x. 15 Anglesey House, Drury Lane, ix. 493 Anne (Queen) and her children, v. 274 Antigallican Society, v. 59 Author wanted : " Linger not long," vi. 389 Authors of quotations wanted, i. 114, 216 ; ii. 513 ; iv. 408 Badajos, forlorn hope at, v. 492 ; vi. 253 Bagnall (Walter), xii. 186 " Barring- out," x. 258 ; xi. 32, 199 Bathos in French verse : Rostand, x. 72 Battle on the Wey : Carpenter, Cressingham, and Rowe families, iv. 24 Beatson (General) and the Crimean War, vi. 516 " Before one can say Jack Robinson," xii. 279 Belgian coin with Flemish inscriptions, iv. 88 Belshazzar's Feast, vi. 495 Bewickiana, vii. 115 Bibles with curious readings, iv. 217" Bill Stumps," vi. 64 " Billion," " trillion," &c., ix. 453 Birthdays and the change of Calendar, iii. 474 Blue Rod, iii. 425 Board of Green Cloth, iv. 234 " Bodies," x. 416 Bodens (George), xi. 477 Bonar : Thomas Bonar Co., iv. 32 Book covers : " Yellow-backs," ii. 414 Bookworms, xii. 208 " Bore," ix. 286 Boz and Dombey as French place-names, iii. 244 ' British Chronologist,' i. 336 Bulgarian river tradition: W 7 hite Sea, i. 517 Bulkeley (Sir Richard), Bart., xii. 129 Busby (Dr.) : 'Roberts, xii. 208, 248 Cambronne's reply, xii. 169 Canning on " Toby Philpot," i. 78 Captain Lieutenant: privileges of officers in the Foot Guards, xi. 187 Caracciolo family, iv. 173 Casanova (Francois), vii. 27 ; and Henrietta, ix. 226 " Catalogue Raisonn^e, Une," i. 77 Cavelti (Campana de) : ' Les Derniers Stuarts', ix. 110 Chandos (Sir John), iii. 115 Chapel-House, x. 13 -Charles II. statue in Royal Exchange, ii. 322 Charlotte (Princess) and Prince Leo- pold : portraits, viii. 187 ; x. 457 " Chatter- box," x. 196, 272 Chemineau, ii. 126, 376 Chester's ( Joseph Lemvel ) ' Westminster Abbey Registers,' viii. 228" Children to bed and the goose to the fire," xi. 429 Christ Church, Oxford, in time of Elizabeth, viii. 151 ' Church Historians of England,' iii. 373 ; iv. 117, 253 ; vi. 296 Cleopatra's portrait, vi. 234 Cliveden House : duel between Bucking- ham and Shrewsbury, xii. 344 Cocqcigrues, vi. 395 Coffin, effect of opening, xii. 363 Constitutional Hill, arch at head, xii. 241 Cornish genealogy and the Civil War, iv. 273