Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/233

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Place-Names :

Penge, iv. 330, 437, 497 ; v. 18, 97

Perthes-les-Hurlus, xi. 90, 154

Pevensey, xi. 351, 389

Plas, Welsh, ii. 131

Pleck, vii. 348

" plesham," vii. 250, 297, 498

Plowden, ix. 305, 436

Polegate, Sussex, xi. 149, 194

Port Henderson, iv. 10, 58, 97, 137

Pountney, ii. 329

Prinknash, ii. 228

Przemysl, x. 410, 456, 497

Puca in, viii. 15

Pumbersfelten, ix. 291

Puxley Green, Northants, vii. 70

Ehoscrowther, Llandegeman, Rhos-y-cryther,

iv. 329, 393 Rhuddlan, vi. 149 Ripley, viii. 370

Boding and Roothing in, viii. 270, 335 Rughcombe, Wilts., vii. 327 Saffron Walden, ix. 87, 177, 217, 295, 334,

414 ; x. 155 St. Johnston, xii. 320 Salhurst, vii. 8 Salonika, xii. 400, 489 Sandridge, Surrey, vii. 70 Schortelyme, vi. 250 " Scotch-" or " Scot-", prefix, x. 310 Segre, vi. 271, 374 Shenton, Devon, vii. 70 Sherborne, Shireburn, xi. 131 Shrape, x. 348, 397 Sir Isaac's Walk, Colchester, ii. 9, 74 Southampton, xii. 259, 327 " Spon " and " Spoon " in, xi. 431, 499 Spurrier- gate, v. 150, 234 Stanes, ix. 508 ; x. 37, 77 Staple in, ii. 128, 191, 252 Startups End, Tring, ix. 151, 217, 276 ; x.


Stone in, ii. 9, 96 Storrington, ii. 150 Tarring, viii. 368, 416, 473 ; ix. 158, 212,

294 Tattershall, iv. 269, 314, 455, 535; v. 57,

135, 216

Thackray, Thackwray, iv. 283, 333, 418 Thrunge* x. 348, 397 Torpenhow, vi. 386 Unecungga ; Ynetunga, ii. 143, 211, 272,

332, 473

Wambury, near Kidderminster, vii. 70 Wanless/x. 10, 75 Weddings Field, Harborne, viii. 169 Weston Patrick, Hants, vii. 29, 112, 316 Whichcote in Wiltshire, viii. 209, 254, 316,


Whitehead, x. 191, 235 Winsley, viii. 370 Winstanley, vii. 70 Woolsthorpe, iii. 368, 418 " Worth " in, i. 389, 458 ; ii. 13 Wray in, iv. 283, 333, 418 Wreaks, viii. 370, 438 Yedding, v. 408, 514 ; vi. 76 Yelver in, vi. 191, 238, 297, 352, 416 ;

vii. 15 " Yew " in, i. 450

Place-names, index of Essex, completed, v. 407 ; of Sussex temp. Henry VIII., vi. 50 ; of York- shire, etymology of, viii. 370, 438 ; French, adjectives from, xi. 116

" Place Royall," St. James's Square, 1677, ix. 126 " Placing " in Universities, x. 48 Plagiarism, Milton on, ii. 309 ; iii. 191 Plague, spread by rats, ii. 465 ; iii. 78 Plague of London, statue of piper in, v. 64, 153 ;

1563, vi. 384

Plague-pit, site of, in London, xii. 183 Plain = affable, use of the word, xii. 137, 187,

267, 330

Plains = timber-denuded lands, i. 352, 437 Plaistow and its products, poem c. 1760, iii. 208,


Planche (White), his biography, v. 310 Planta (Miss), Mrs. II. Stephens, c. 1760, xii. 201 Plantagenet descendants, i. 27 Plantagenet tombs at Fontevrault, ii. 184, 223,

278, 332, 356, 390, 410, 431 Plantin emblem used by Baltazar Beller, printer,

1624, viii. 387

Plants, supposed to cause disease, iv. 530 ; v. 56, 158. 257, 398, 515 ; vi. 97 ; in poetry, identi- fication of, vi. 191, 254, 356 ; of India, scientific names of, viii. 369 Plas, Welsh place-name, its etymology, i. 329 ;

ii. 131

Plass (Edward), Westminster scholar, 1698, i. 50 Plasse, Weekes, and Glubb families, iv. 186 Plate, date-letters on old, vii. 289, 338, 350, 376 " Platoon," use of the word in British Army, x.

447, 498

Platt (Charles) on cat queries, xii. 428 Platt (I. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, i.

92 Fishing in classical times, iii. 453 Platt (Sir J.), Knight, c. 1683, viii. 289, 333, 415 Platt (Jas.), jun., his death, i. 140 ; on bhang: cuca, i. 16 Cowes, Isle of Wight, i. 156 " Ganion coheriga," Gaelic motto, i. 109 Grammatical gender, i. 72 Guff, its etvmology, i. 126' Lad of the O'Freils,' i. 46 Mac- Gillivray slogan, i. 65 Mohacs, the battle, i. 87 " oo ": how pronounced, i. 58 Osbaldl- stone, its pronunciation, i. 85 Shabrack, its etvmology, i. 105 Teague, an Irishman, i. 27 Welsh : origin of their name, i. 133 Plautilla, d. 211, date of her birth, x. 49 Play founded on Hungarian " rebel " Tekeli, vi.

210, 258, 434

Playbill on satin at Montreal, 1842, viii. 465 Players, French, in England, c. 1500, vi. 128,

278 : strolling, in the 18th century, xii. 454 Playfair (G. M. H.) on authors of quotations wanted, v. 129 China and Japan, ii. 157- De Quincey : the murderer Williams, v. 6 Playgoer on " burgling," iii. 286 Crosstree (Capt.) : Tom Bowling, ii. 433 Vestris (Madame), iii. 371 Playhouses named after Dickens's characters,

v. 327

Playing-card with lugubrious reputation, v. 150 Plays, mediaeval " Oberammergaus," iii. 267, 333, 395 ; Elizabethan, in MS., iv. 205, 275 ; burlesques of mystery plays, viii. 427 ; ix. 34 ; in London, c. 1875-85, viii. 49 ; some characters in old, xi. 320, 409 : at Hampstead, c. 1709, xii. 377

" Pleck," derivation of place-name, vii. 348 Plenderleath (Peter), killed at Kandy, 1803, v. 248