Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/248

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Quotations :

I never had a piece of toast, xi. 379, 461, 478 I pete ccelestes, ubi nulla est cura, recessus,

i. 426 ; ii. 65

I said, Let me walk in the fields, iii. 329 I shall pass through this world but once, v.

68, 154, 258, 289, 394 I slept, and dreamed that life was Beauty, ii.

349 I stood beneath the tree, whose branches

shade, v. 325 I've watched the actions of his daily life, v.


I was for that time lifted above earth, v. 90 I was that citie, which the garland wore, ii.

125 I will remember while the light is yet, xi. 168 ;

xii. 380, 465

I would not wish thee riches, ii. 327 I would rather know less than know so much

that isn't so, iv. 28, 114 If, pleas'd with your new tenement, your

breast, viii. 455

If ever I run a horse for the Derby, v. 90, 154 If every raindrop from the sky, xii. 200, 286 If God's happiness was perfect, i. 408 If I am not the rose, I have lived near it,

vii. 349, 397, 435 If I had a donkey wot wouldn't go, ii. 48, 94,

154, 199, 234 If I may enter by some humble door, i. 508 ;

ii. 33 If I stoop I Into a dark tremendous sea of

cloud, xi. 250, 306

If love were what the rose is, v. 449, 518 If more is needed to be known, v. 78, 138 If the sea-horse on the ocean, i. 68, 114 If thou do ill, the joy fades, not the pains,

iv. 309, 356 ; viii. 115, 417 If thou wouldst have all about thee like the

colours of some fresh picture, vi. 309 If you call a bad thing bad, you do little, x. 169 Ihr Anblick giebt den Engeln Stiirke, v. 129 Immatura peris Tu, fortunatior, annos, vii.

90, 176 Impaled | On every side with shadowing

squadrons deep, xi. 209 Imperious and yet forlorn, ix. 408 Incidis in Scyllam, i. 107; vi. 227, 312 Indeed e I do dosyre some wealthe to have at

will, ix. 83 Indian that galloped full speed to the sea, x.

Industria res parvae crescunt, iii. 409, 454 In good sooth, my masters, this is no door,

111* o4o

In 9 Jjis hand the thing became a trumpet, i.

Initium csecitas, progressio labor, error

omnia, xii. 341, 450

In Nature's workshop but a shaving, vii. 251 in Paradise I learned to ease my soul in song,

X. 14o, lOo

In pink or purple hues arrayed, i. 198 In smoke thou'rt wisdom, and in snuff thou'rt

XVltj 1V oo

In subjection to women he learnt the govern- ance of men, vi. 189 Intestine quarrels place an obvious lever

VI 11* o

Quotations :

In the house of too much trouble he is happy

and at rest, iii. 248

In the morning of life, work, y. 268, 410, 440 In the old years past away, i. 149 In the still white coast at midsummer, i. 226 In thy face have I seen the Eternal, vii. 229,

296 Into what magic eves, what glorious morns.

xii. 421

Intus si recte, ne lahora, v. 129 Ipsum Bonum quod honestum, xii. 200 It chanced, Eternal, iv. 329, 414, 476 It is like a lamprey, v. 230, 371 It is not growing like a tree, iv. 449, 516 It is so with all things that man undertakes

in this world, v. 230, 410 It's a very good world this to live in, xi. 228,

306 It's all very well to dissemble vour love, xi.

430 It's ill arguing with the* master of many

legions, ix. 291, 335 It's nae joke the takin' o' a wife, i. 58 .T'ai accept^ la guerre d'un cceur 14ger, viii. 167 Jam monte potitus, i. 466 Jam respirat Anglia, sperans libertatem, viii.


Je m'aime assez quand je me considere, vi. 250 Je ne suis pas la rose, mais j'ai vecu avec elle,

xii. 68, 187 Je souffre ; il est trop tard ; le monde s'est

fait vieux, v. 129, 372 Je suis venu trop tard dans un monde trop

vieux, v. 129, 372

Jesus Crist, and seynt Benedight, iv. 243 John Smith was a, navvy strong and . xii. 503 Joy when they praise thee, regret when they

blame, ix. 231 Jugulantur homines ne nihil agatur, vi. 489

vii. 69, 78, 217

Justitia gaudere Deum sic collige, i. 149 Kcu KTjTTupbv fj.i<ru> TOV K p ifav ^Kre^ovra ra ^ \dxava, xi, 108, 174 Kaxbv yvva'iKef a\\' tf/iws, w 577/i6rat, i. 68

K0.lp$ SoVWiV TOVS SoKOWTCLS #pX ftI/ > Hi- 253,


King's ' Classical and Foreign,' ii. 123, 402 Knock, knock, but you cannot come in, ii. 327 Kuhn ist das Miihen, herrlich cler Lohn, v.

129, 237 Lamia, the woman serpent, wins her thralls,

xii. 503 Last night the nightingale woke me, v. 449,

518; vi. 172

Latifundia perdidere Italiam, ii. 45 Launched point-blank his dart, ii. 28, 76 Lave in it, drink of it, xii. 47 Lay myself upon the knees Of Doom. v. 129 Le ciel au-dessus le toit, si bleu, si calme, xii.

160, 210, 270, 310 Le grain de muse qui parfume le monde, iii.

Le mutin Anglois, et le bravache Ecossais, xii.

441, 488

Le plus grand de>eglement de 1 'esprit, xii. 68 Le vin est verse" ; il faul le boire, x. 270, 336 ;

xi. 31 Leaping like wanton kids in pleasant spring, i.

269, 316