Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/262

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Biddle of claret served in Scotland, ii. 527 ; iii. 76 Biddies, pictorial, in use 1512, xi. 414 ; Spirit of

our mother, iv. 10, 58 ; Lord Macaulav's last

lines, iv. 248

Bidelsford (Amabilis), c. 1200, her husband, x. 112 Bider (John) of Camberwell, c. 1830, his parentage,

iii. 309

" Ridiculous "= insult, 1605, ix. 227 Bidley (Richard) = Eleanor Sydenham, c. 1592,

ix. 390

Bidley (Roger), Winchester scholar, 1570, v. 166 Rigail and Atkyns families, i. 349 Bigby (Rev. John), D.D., c. 1818, his portrait, ix.

229, 298

" Rights of man," originator of the phrase, ii. 404 Bimers, Christmas, in Ulster, vii. 81, 173, 256, 311,


Klines :

A was an alderman fond of good cheer, xii. 69 A was my aunt who was graceful and fair, xii.


Ballad of Bunny, ix. 215, 257 Firstly the Eqxiinox, then the full moon, vii.


Hark, hark ! the dogs do bark ! v. 270 Hickory, Dickory, Dock, v. 390 House that Jack Built, xii. 377. 427, 464 In whatsoever things we do, viii. 107, 174 Is that the King that I see there ? viii. 170 It was a black bunny with spots on his head,

viii. 150

Kite went flying up to the moon, xii. 69 " Lies yeux bleus vont aux cieux," vi. 56 Lord Lovel he sat at his own castle gate, xii.

69 " March winds and April showers," vi. 48,

116, 176

" Millerdy, Millordy, dusty poll," vi. 35 Mother Hubbard, v. 270 On Hydon's top there is a cup, ix. 409, 453 One white foot buy him, vii. 215, 295 Peg top, peg top, fast asleep, xii. 69 Said Tommy in the round straw hat, xii. 69 Swarm o' bees i' May," iii. 406 "There was a little 'girl," iii. 128, 234, 271,

333, 438

They lived in a wood, viii. 388 Three blue beans, ix. 386 " Who killed poor Cock Robin ? " i. 188 Who so euer sotteth downe for to eate, viii


Rimes, Cornish, in an epitaph, v. 327 ; cuckoo, iii. 465 ; French counting-out, vi. 166, 333 ; nursery : alphabetical nonsense, x. 468 ; xi. 13, 57 ; their meaning, v. 270 ; pin and needle, i. 55 ; sixteenth-century, i. 506 ; toe and finger, ii. 217 Binaker (Clarissa) on Mavor (William) and Thomas

Warton, ix. 267 ; War-ton (Thomas), xi. 229 Bing, and " left-handed "'marriage, xii. 258, 310, 366 English, figure of St. John the Baptist, c. 1450, xi. 451 Gold, found at Verulum, c. 1850, iv. 248 Magic, George Eliot on, iv. 48 ; origin of its story, vii. 430 ; yiii. 14 Motto on, meaning of, ix. 250 Rabbit emblem on, dated 1835, vi. 230 ; xi. 93

" Ring-dropping," use of the term, vi. 366 Ringham (J. C.) on Highlanders at Quebec, viii. 354 ; Pensioners in the Long Parliament, iii 103 ; Tweed (Mr. J. T.), i. 366

Rings, memorial, to Lord Nelson, xii. 233, 361,, 402, 469 ; sanctuary, their origin and use, iiu 347, 436 ; signet, the wearing of, v. 229 ; with, death's head, viii. 170, 217, 253, 358 ; ix. 175 ; worn by shepherds, v. 309 ; worn on the thumb,, v. 409 Ringwood (R. Frederic) on Whelpley : Ringwood,

v. 489

Ringwood family, v. 489

Riot at Covent Garden Theatre, 1773, viii. 65, 172 Riot in London, 1629, list of wounded, vi. 307 Riot of tailors at the Haymarket Theatre, 1805, vnv


Rip van Winkle, early analogues of, x. 509 Ripon (Dean of), his " famous similitude," xi. 402.

496 Ripon famous forger, c. 1570, date of his death,

iv. 9

" Rising Sun," inn sign, i. 246 Ritchie (Dr. J.) on Scolopendras, vii. 410, 517 Ritchie (R. L. G.) on early instances of words for

the ' N.E.D.,' ix. 387 ;" x. 127 Rite, Roman, in England before the Reformation,

vii. 269, 317

Rites of the Church, 14th Century, vi. 448, 514 Ritson (Joseph), letters and diaries of, x. 347 Ritter (Emile) on William Constant : Dutch

Swiss Guards, xii. 163

Ritualist on author of quotation wanted, vii. 329 River legends : Severn, Wye, and Rheidiol, i. 56 ;

Bulgarian, i. 246, 517

Rivers, custom of burying under, i. 290, 417

Rivett-Carnac (Col. J. H.) on Brooke of Cobham,

i. 133 Herwart (M. d') at Berne in 1760, i. 267

Kipling items, uncollected, ix. 34 Liveries

colour of, viii. 515 Napoleon relic in India, iv.

284 Portrait found in an Indian bazaar, iv.

505 Red hand of Ulster, vii. 189 Terminal

" ac," vi. 430 Wallace of St. Thomas, viii. 429

Riviera de Ponente, Italv, inscriptions at Alassiov

xi. 296

Rix (Rev. H.), Royal Society, 1879-95, vi. 327 Rixham. See Wrexham.

Rixham Fair, and Matthew Prior, 1709, ix. 511 Road, rule of the, on land, ii. 161, 254 " Road to Jerusalem," Nottingham tavern sign..

iv. 208

Road-name : Racker Way, 1637, ix. 10 Roads, tarred, used in 1886, viii. 65 Roads round London, c. 1840, ix. 82, 147 ' Rob Roy,' references and quotations, ix. 471,.

516 ; x. 54

Rob Roy on Oudh, x. 448 ' Robbers' Cave,' the author of, iv. 448 Robbins (A. F.) on Anglo-American mail service.,, iii. 5 Automobile and taximeter anticipated, i. 343 Bagehot (Walter) : pronunciation of name, x. 377 Bannister (J.) musician temp. Charles II., vi. 229 Barmaid, first, ix. 238 Battle (Sarah), her wish anticipated, i. 7 Beheading in Germany, i. 273 Bennet (Richard: Henry Alexander), i. 311 " Blandandered," ix. 487 Bog-slide, i. 346 Books, chained, ii. 266 Bow, last of the war, ix. 406 Brogden (James), M.P., xii. 73 Brown (Jessie) and the- relief of Lucknow, iv. 439 Buff and blue as party colours, ii. 11 Burghmote, 1743, ii. 510 Cadie = caddie, iii. 206 Cannon in England, breech-loading, i. 326 " Catching the Speaker's eye," ii. 285 Clerks of the Parliament, iii. 312 Congdon's ' Plymouth Telegraph,' i. 188 ; ii.