Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/264

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Robertson-Luxford (J. S. O.) on authors of quotations wanted, v. 468

Robin Hood Society, reason of the name, v. 367, 473

Robin Hood's men in May games, i. 346, 493 ; ii. 16, 79

Robins, Price, Bulkeley, and Kirkman families, xii. 9, 75

Robinson (Mr.), his designs for Somerset House, ii. 25, 258

Robinson (A. .), on regimental mess, xii. 139

Robinson (Catherine H.)- John Miller, x. 230

Robinson (H. Crabb), and De Quincey, iii. 102 ; on Hazlitt, vii. 485

Robinson (John) on Speaker's Chair of Old House of Commons, ii. 128, 331 ; iii. 93 ; Wilcock (Peter), i. 494

Robinson (Sir John), Bt., Lord Mayor of London, i. 428, 489 : ii. 74

Robinson (John Riley), his poem ' The Women of Weinsberg, vi. 427

Robinson (Lionel G.) on ' Le Proscrit,' ii. 228 Nelson and the Victory, iii. 287

Robinson (Luke), two M.P.'s of the name, xi. 9, 55, 70, 111, 177, 197 ; xii. 304

Robinson (Luke N.) on Robinson (Luke), M.P., xi. 9 Robinson (William), xi. 171

Robinson (Miss Lydia S. M.) on authors of quo- tations wanted, viii. 69 Biddel (William) = Sarah Kemp, viii. 231 Dutch Ambassador in Paris, 1779. viii. 208 Fire and new-birth, viii. 454 Hamilton, viii. 90 Harvest custom : Alsace and Lorraine, viii. 130 Lacis or filet- work, viii. 473 McFunn, vi. 508 McPhun family in Scotland, vii. 470 ^Meeting-houses, octagonal, vii. 417 Moncure (John), 1709-64, vii. 368 Relic of a food offering to the dead, v jii. 77 Wade (Armigall), viii. 208

Robinson (Rear- Admiral M-)> d. 1799, his an- cestry, vii. 229

Robinson (Admiral Marks) = Margaret Withers, ix. 488

Robinson (Mary R.) on Annie Keary's ' Last Day of Flowers,' iv. 288

Robinson (Richard), of the Irish Privy Council, xi. 250

Robinson (Thomas), d. 1655, his tomb at Over Kellet, ix. 28, 91

Robinson (W.), of Hull, 1682, his father, xi. 171

Robinson family, v. 507

Robinson family arms and motto, iv. 28

Robinson family of Appleby, x. 288, 374

Robinson family of Hinton* Abbey, Bath, x. 410, 491 ; xi. 77

Robsart (Ludovick), Lord Bourchier, d. 1431, vi. 130, 197, 253

Robson E. (Iliff) on FalstafTs nose, ' Hen. V.,' II. iii. 16, x. 87

Robson (P. A.) on Andreas Gisalbertus, viii. 454

Robson (R. S.) on Rev. George Jerment, vi. 37

Roby (J. T.) on dedication of Rostand's ' Cyrano,' ix'. 498

Rochdale dialect words of the fifties, xi. 295, 403, 496

Roche and Van Ness families, vii. 149

Rochebouet (General de), French premier, 1877, vii. 289, 377

Rochechouart family, i. 108, 156

Rochefoucauld, Champagne^ and Hamon families, i. 289

" Rochers," chateau of Madame de Sevigne, vii

128 ; viii. 276 Rochester (Lord), his statement about Nathaniel

Lee, xii. 502

Rochford (Earls of), their family, vii. 107, 178 Rocket Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, their medal for valour at Leipzic, vi. 230, 313, 377, 432 ; vii. 94

Rockingham on Alexander the Great, tomb of, xii., 404 American national flower, iv. 455 Births, extraordinary, xi. 175 Botany, vhv 231 ; viii. 137 Broken on the wheel, i. 416 China and Japan : diplomatic intercourse, i. 397, 511 Clerks in holy orders as combatants,, xii. 368 Cuckoo and its call, iv. 195 Death,, apparent, vi. 58 Death folk-lore, ix. 352 ; x 232 Earth-eating, vi. 397 Executions, mili- tary, iv. 413 Fire and new-birth, ix. 14, 178 " Five Wounds," viii. 337 German soldiers* amulets, xi. 439 Hat into a house, throwing a,, x. 157 Human fat as a medicine, ix. 195 ; xu 35 Journals in the U.S.A., foreign, v. 137 Kipling and the swastika, ii. 338 Lifting the- bride over the threshold, vi. 314 ' Lorna Doone,' words and phrases in, ix. 137 Maida : naked British soldiers, iv. 492 Names terrible to children, ii. 133 Napoleon as- historian, x. 195 Napoleon's diversions ai> St. Helena, x. 195 Napoleon and Wellington : told they once met, x. 195 Rats and plague, iii.. 78 Red hand of Ulster, vii. 373 ; x. 178 Snake poison, vi. 75 Sponge, xi. 46 Sun as the Manger, v. 133 " To carry one's life in one's hands," vii. 255 Rocks, the action of vinegar on, x. 11, 96, 152^

197 " Rodds " and " daie workes," land measures,

xii. 221, 271 Rodger (E.) on London gunsmiths and their

work, iii. 49, 318

Roding, meaning of, in place-names, viii. 270, 335 Rodney (Admiral Lord), his ancestry, x. 249,

294 ; saved from drowning, vii. 485 Rod-titles : Blue Rod, iii. 425 ; Black Rod, iv. 18 Rodway (A.) on Collar of SS. : the forget-me-not,- iii. 413 ; Edward VI., birth of, xii. 106 ; Regi- mental badge of the 6th Foot, ix. 117 ; Stuart portraits : Edgar family, vii. 214 Roe (Herbert E.) on Rowe family, vi. 363 Roebuck, Portland packet, and French privateer

Arcoul, 1797, iii. 288

Roehampton and Sir Walter Scott, 1831, xii. 300 Roeites of Calverton, founded 1780, iii. 9, 194, 272,.

385, 455 Rogers (George Alfred), wood carver, and Grinling^

Gibbons, iv. 217, 255, 299 Rogers (H.) on Devonshire schools, vi. 358 j.

Turpin's (Dick) ride to York, vi. 414 Rogers (John), the bust of, xii. 180, 231, 508 Rogers (John), M.D., author, c. 1755, ix. 268 Rogers (Jonathan), Russian Court physician, d

1811, v. 308

Rogers (Nathaniel), M.P. for Hull 1717-27, ii. 173 Rogers (Samuel), story of, capped, i. 65 ; and B-

Disraeli's baptism, iii. 268, 314 Rogers (T.) of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, d. 1752, vii


Rogers (Rev. Thomas) of Walsall, 1824, x. 370 Rogers (Capt. Woodes), c. 1708, his descendants^

ii. 488 ; the " pirate," viii. 488 ; ix. 30, 57 Rokeby (Baron), Archbishop of Armagh, xi. 250*