Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/272

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St. Loe of Somerset, pedigree of, vii. 207

St. Lugidio, Irish name, English equivalent, iv. 10

St. Luke, epigram on, viii. 313

St. Margaret in Mr. A. Lang's ' Maid of France,'

i. 347 ; ii. 277 St. Margaret's, Westminster, east window :

Prince Arthur, i. 15, 97 Sta. Maria degli Angeli, Borne, inscription at, v.


St. Mark's, North Audley Street, its notice board,

iii. 235 ; its tenure, ii. 368

St. Mark's Eve : " Watching the supper," iii. 305 St Marsauet (Green de) and siege of La Fere,

c. 1595, vii. 367, 478, 497 St. Marti n-le- Grand, Dean and Chapter of, ix.

St. Martin 's-in-the-Fields and the Royal Standard,

vi. 106, 125 St. Martin's Lane, site of the "Fives Court,"

c. 1803, iv. 110, 155, 176, 231 St. Martin 's-le- Grand, model of part of, i. 69 St. Mary, picture of ' The Last Communion,'

viii. 308, 397 St. Mary-le-boiie Charity School, wall-inscription,

iv. 186 St. Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, registers of, 1631-

1653, viii. 368 ; petition for flags, 1814, 466 St. Mary Ottery, documents relating to, vii. 127 St. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, Penn memorial in,

iii. 125 St. Mary's, Amersham, churchyard inscriptions,

vii. 464 ; viii. 23, 103, 204, 303, 423 ; x. 216 St. Mary's. Lambeth, inscriptions in churchyard,

xii. 296, 355, 396, 436, 449, 477 St. Mary's, Scarborough, attached to a monastic

order,' vii. 348, 396 St. Mary's Soho, divers rites performed, x. 450,


St. Mary's at Thame, persons interred in, ix. 348 St. Mary's Church. Warwick, the architect, ix. 377,

411 St. Michael-on- Wyre, Lancashire, inscription on

bell, ix. 28, 149

St. Michael's, Crooked Lane, xi. 137, 348, 456 St. Michael's Church, Worcester, its mural tablets,

ii. 266

St. Michael's Mount, the priory of, xii. 239, 330 St. Michael's Rectory House, Cornhill, vii. 247 ;

xi. 490.

St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, incriptions, iv. 184 St. Nicholas's Day, Belgian custom, x. 486 St. Nicholas's loaf, tradition of 1670, x. 310 St. Olave's, Silver Street, churchyard inscriptions,

iv. 385

St. Pancras, 1817, a sketch of, v. 67 St. Pancras, Chichester, the (lorporation of, viii.

168, 213 St. Pancras, life and martrydom of, ix. 191, 235,

312, 352 St. Fancras Church, London, c. 900, ix. 191, 235,

312, 352 ; x. 249, 297 ; engraving of, i. 408,

517 ; v. 468

St. Pancras rate-books before 1800, x. 189 St. Patrick and shamrock, iii. 467 ; iv. 16, 76 St. Patrick on Barry O'Meara, Napoleon's surgeon

at St. Helena, iv. 167 St. Paul and Longimis, iv. 64,^ 133 St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, viii. 8, 93 St. Paul's Cathedral, altar by Grinling Gibbons, ix.

248, 295, 316 ; calendar of wills at, x. 12, 117,

155; uses made of the Gallery, 188; daughter

of schoolmaster of, c. 1590, 190 ; Nelson's^ sepulchre in, 308 ; the height of, 388, 434, 474 ; xi. 13, 278 ; organists of, i. 428, 492

St. Peter's, Bengeworth, demolished, c. 1869, v.. 468

St. Philip Neri, alluded to by Goethe, ix. 329, 376

St. Prothus, churches dedicated to, ii. 528 ; liu

. 72

St. Publius, Bishop of Malta, v. 189

Saint Quentin, part author of ' A Complete System-- of Geography,' 1811, xii. 302

St. Richard of Andria, c. 492, x. 329

St. Sabinus wrecked on Woolacombe Sands, iv. 47 r 158

St. Salvius wrecked on Woolacombe Sands, iv. 47, 158

St. Saviour's, Southwark, subterranean passage,., xii. 27, 79

St. Sepulchre, London, registers of, v. 309

St. Stephen's Chapel, Westminster, model of r 1836, ix. 485

St. Sulpice, the Brotherhood of. started 1897, xi.- 210

St. Sunday, references to, 1528^-32, vii. 108, 197

St. Swithin, c. 800, his burial, and the weather, iv- 45, 94

St. Swithin able to restore broken eggs, xii. 480

St. Swithin on Abraham's beard, a game, ii. 29 "Act of Parliament clock," x. 130 Adders' fat as cure for deafness, iii. 117 " A fact is a lie and a half," ix. 170 Aitken (Cora Kennedy),, vi. 70 All Saints' Day observance in Leon,. x. 345 " All's fair in love and war," xii, 446 Anvil cure, iv. 448 Apple tree flowering in autumn, ii. 199 Arms of women, iL 175 " As sound as a roach's," xi. 18 Atlantis and Lemuria, xii. 146 Austen's (Jane) * Persua- sion,' iv. 339 Australian gold yield, vi. 47 Author wanted, vii. 454" A Wyvern part-per- pale addressed," vii. 294 Bagehot (Walter) : pronunciation of name, x. 336 Barbers and yellow, ix. 148, 316 -Barley and blindness, xii. 488 " Barring-out," viii. 515 Becket's per- sonal habits, i. 292 -Bells of Bosham, iv. 286 Black rats in London, ii. 465 Board of Green Cloth, iv. 137 Bombay gentlemen of 1792 : Wllliamses of early Boston, Mass., xii. 164 Book-covers : " Yellow-backs," ii. 373 - Bookworms, xii. 185, 308 " Bore," ix. 398 Breda cockneys, iv. 227 ' Brides of Mavis Enderby,' v. '237 " Brother Johannes/' x. 494 Buntingford E'bell, vi. 27 Burgh-on- Sands : its pronunciation, iv. 457 Burglar folk-lore, i. 129" Bursell," iv. 73 Burying face downwards, xii. 164 " But " = " with- out " in the Bible, iv. 26 " Capping " at Scottish Universities, iii. 478 Capulet (Lady), ix. 141 " Castles in Spain " : " Castle in the air," iv. 66 Cat queries, xii. 369 Caul, xii. 239 "Chalk Sunday," vi. 235 Charades by Col. Fitzpatrick, iii. 356 Chartres Cathedral, iii. 448 Choirboys in ruffs, viii. 496 Christmas in Brittany, iv. 501 Christmas in the Cevennes,- xii. 493 Christmas Eve, viii. 501 Christmas Eve in Provence, vi. 505 Churches used for election of municipal officers, xii. 404 Cigar, centenary of, x. 33 Clapper of Mende, v. 326 Cleopatra's portrait, v. 176 Cley-next-the-Sea Church : Woodwose, ii. 471 Clocks and clockmakers, x. 499 ' Co eke Lorelle's Bote, r v. 192 Cocks' heads, vii. 416 Coleridge