Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/277

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" Scolopendra cetacea," its modern name, vii.

347, 410, 517 ; viii. 116, ^14

Scorpion, Milton's use of the word, xi. 150, 212 Scat (Michael), his place in Dante's 'Inferno,' x.


Scotch, Irish, and American booksellers, i. 423 Scotch arid Irish booksellers, ii. 170, 418 "Scotch-" or "Scot-," prefix to place-names, x.

310. Scotch Court of Session, claim made in, e.1800, xii.

101, 166, 209, 306

Scotch estates, clearances on, ix. 188, 232 " Scotch science," origin of the term, iv. 250 Scotland : English actors in 1599 and 1601, iii. 474 ; insect names in, i. 79 ; litigation con- cerning hereditary standard-bearer of, i. 381 ; proclamation of the sovereign in, i. 441 ; royal shield of, ii. 129 Scotland and England, Legislative Union, note in

parish register, 1707, ix. 507 "Scots " = " Scotch," use o the words, xi. 108,

157, 306

Scots and Ulster Scots in America, iv. 444 Scots Guards and the King's health, iv. 165 ;

Eegimental history of, x. 447, 495 ; xi. 15 Scots trewsed regiments, the tartars of, xii. 83 Scotsmen, their advent in England, ix. 266 ; in France, i. 48, 173, 352; in Italy, c. 1627-41, vi. 330 Scots music, Robert Fergusson on, iii. 349, 496 ;

iv. 35 Scott (General) of Balcomie, Fife, c. 1780, xi. 188,

288, 368, 479 Scott (Miss), author of plays, c. 1810, vii. 238, 315,


Scott (Daniel) on " Mallas Bigg," i. 128 Scott (Dred) and Chief Justice Taney, vii. 446 Scott (E. F. Stone) on John Mann, v. 310 Scott (Dr. E. J. L.) on Etyas the printer, ix. 167 Scott (J.), duel with J. H. Christie, i. 228, 338 Scott ( J. W.) on bequest of Bibles : Lord Wharton, v. 56 Cartwright (Edmund), vii. 349 Cathe- dral bell stolen, viii. 377 " Club Walks," vi. 494 Mewce : Washington's connexion with Selby, vii. 317 Schott (Johann), arms of, i. 248 'Tomahawk,' vii. 369, 454 Weather in nine- teenth century, dry, iv. 495 Scott (Jessie), Mrs. Huxley, Sir W. Scott's niece,

xii. 173, 231 Scott (John), his ' Four Elegies,' 1760, x. 309,


Scott (John), D.D. of Oxford, 1731, xii. 400 Scott (Margaret), cet. 125, d. 1738, xii. 30, 146 Scott (Mary Augusta) on Caldecott's ' Three

Jovial Huntsmen ' : "Powlert," viii. 148 Scott (Rev. Richard), of King's Lynn Grammar

School, 1797, ix. 430, 498 ; x. 17 Scott (Thomas), records of, at the War Office, x.

173, 231

Scott (Thomas) or Scot, regicide, vi. 11 Scott (Ulster) on Roebuck and the Arcoul, French

privateer, iii. 288

Scott (W.) on Alexandrines in Shakespeare, ii. 418 " All comes out even," &c., iii. 74 Allusions in American authors, ii. 373 Anglo-Spanish author, ii. 119 ' Arno Miscellany,' 1784, ii. 234 Arnold (Matthew) on eloquence, ii. 318 "As dead as Queen Anne," ii. 430 Atterbury (Osborn), i. 415 Audley (Sir Henry), i. 172 Authorized Version : date of its translation, iii. 394 Authors of quotations jvvarjted, i. 197, 291 ;

ii. 278 ; iii. 313 Banished Covenanters, i. 92 Battle in Lincolnshire, iii. 135 Battle of .the Wey : Carpenter, Cressingham, and Rowe families, iv. 77 Bell's editions of the poets, ii. 319 " Best of all Good Company " : John Bright, v. 178 Bibliotheca Drummeniana, i. ^33 Blanket, as a verb, ii. 376 Boswell and Johnson in the Hebrides, i. 376 Bright (John), his quotations, iii. 15 Brighton visitors in 1779, i. 193 Brisbane (Sir Thomas Makdou- gall), iii. 491 'British Chronologist,' i. 336 Brooke's (N.) ' Observations on Italy,' i. 34 Brotherton (Sir Thomas William), i. 76 Bruce (Robert), Earl of Ross, v. 177 Bruce 's followers in 1306, i. 294' Buccaneer,' ii. 372 Bull (Edward), publisher, ii. 176 Calthrops in early warfare, i. 10 'Canadian Boat Song,' i. 81, 256, 397 Cannon Ball House, Edinburgh, i. 133 ' Casablanca,' iii. 233 Chalmers's (George) ' Sylva,' i. 337 Chalmers's (W.) 'Scoticana3 Ecclesise Infantia,' i. 393 Chaucer and Boccaccio, i. 192 'Church Historians of England,' iii. 374 ; iv. 117 Circle of Loda, ii. 97 Clavering (Lady), i. 231 Coningsby (Thomas de), i. 118 Corpse bleeding, ii. 391 Coryat (Thomas) and Westminster School, iii. 72 Cosnahan family, Isle of Man, i. 331 ' Critical Review of the Publick Buildings, &c. in London,' i. 253 Crusie, Scottish lamp, iii 393 De Guileville and Bunyan, i. 351 De Quincey and Swedenborg, i. 435 ' Deil stick the Minister,' i. 275 ' Dialogues of the Dead ' in ' Once a Week,' i. 75 Dickens : "Shallabalah," iii. 153 Dickens and Thackeray : Mantalini, iv. 153 Dods (Meg) and ' Cook and Housewife's Manual,' iii. 257 Donne's poems, ii. 75 Drummond of Hawthornden, v, 92 Dryden as a place-name, iii. 138 Dun Y, i. 94 Edin- burgh clubs, i. 332 Edinburgh Literary Journal,' ii. 338 'Edwin Drood,' iii. 472 Elections, first, under the Ballot Act, i. 378 Elections, most expensive, i. 191 Elizabeth (Queen) and astrology, ii. 197 Emerson : " Mr. Crump's whim," v. 414 Farquhar (Major William), 15th Foot, i. 355 Feast of the Ass, i. 396 "Forbes Mackenzie hour of eleven," i. 353 Frederic, Prince of Wales, ii. 435 " Gag," " guillotine," and " kangaroo " as Parliamentary terms, iv. 35 Gale family, iii. 297 Ganion coheriga, Gaelic motto, i. 432 Gargoyles, i. 370 " Gerizim " and ' Temple Dictionary of the Bible,' i.374 Gordon's (Rev. Patrick) ' Geography,' v. 16 Governors of the Royal Hospital, Chelsea, iii. 235 Grant (James) of Bengal, iii. 355 " Great George our King," iii. 471 Great Snow in 1614, iii. 14 Hafiz in Oriental editions, i. 177 Hall's 'Chronicle,' Henry IV., ii. 458 " Halls " district, ii. 416 Hammersmith Terrace, i. 250 Heine on Kant, i. 357 Henningsen (Charles Frederick) and Kossuth, iii. 55 Henriquez (Jacob) and his daughters, ii. 236 Henry, Prince of Wales : mark on his neck, iii. 334 " History of Bullanabee,' i. 356 Hodson (Major) at St. Helena, ii. 251 Horace, ' Car- mina,' Book I., ii. 55 House of Commons prayer : Speaker Yelverton, iv. 38 Hunt & Clarke's "Autobiographies,"!. 413 Index to the Christian Fathers, i. 334 Jacobite song, i. 315 Jeff ray (Margaret Anne), v. 257 Johnson (Major John), i. 418 ' Jonathan Sharp,' ii. 35