Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/280

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Sellon (E. M.) on authors of quotations wanted, v.

68 Selwyn (W.) on mayors : " Worshipful " and

" Bight Worshipful," v. 188 Semaphore signalling stations, locality of, x. 12,

77, 233

Semple (Major), his wife's name. xii. 220, 271 Semple (J. G.) adventurer, 1795, ix. 89 Seneca, his phrase " Initium caecitas, progressio

labor," xii. 341, 450

Senescens on Lady O'Looney's epitaph, iii. 108 Senex on Sambel : Wells, viii. 476 Senior (W.) on authors of quotations wanted, iv.

309 'Rape of the Table,' vii. 329 Stanfleld

(Clarkson), R.A., iii. 409 Thornley, marine

painter, ix. 11

Senior Classics, names of the schools of, iv. 69, 115 Senior Wranglers, names of the schools of, iv. 69,


Senpere (?) bridgekeeper, c. 1440, i. 510 ; ii. 52 Senrab Street, origin of the name, xii. 167 " Sense-carrier," origin of the word, iv. 187 Sentiments and toasts, collection of, i. 406 ; ii.

32, 79

Septs, Highland, their constitution, xii. 220, 288 Sepulchral monuments, English, 1300-1350, ii. 47,

154, 199

Sepulchral slabs in Hampsthwaite Church, x. 169 " Sepurture." meaning and origin of the word, iv.

427 " Serendipity," origin and meaning of the word,

vii. 400 Sergeant (Mrs. Jane), her poem ' Ernald,' xi. 249,

306 Sergei ( J. T.). 1710-1814, his statue of Diomede, ix.

350 Serjeant, "Prime Serjeant," official Irish title,

c. 1750, iv. 470, 516 ; v. 77, 297 Serjeants' feasts, 1555, MS. on, xi. 278 Serjeants' Inn, Chancery Lane, dinner in 1839, iv.

5, 73 Serjeantson (R. M.) on authors of quotations

wanted, ii. 327 Hubbard (George), gent., vi. 469 Sermon, " museum," Dorsetshire custom, viii. 429 Sermons : c. 1695, authors of, xi. 400, 472 ;

American burlesque, its publication, xii. 68,

110, 229 ; Good Friday, payment for, vii. 9 ;

Dean Stanley's, on Easter Day, v. 229 ; on the

execution of Charles I., xii. 440 Sero on authors wanted, vii. 176 Serocold (Ralph) on Moore of Winster, ix. 490 Serpentine, the Regent's fleet review, 1814, x. 426 Serres (R.), marine painter, his biography, xi. 342 Servant, ' Trustv Servant,' the painter of, c. 1620,

xii. 193, 267, 342

Servants, sixteenth-century, rules for, iii. 166 Servian terms, meaning of, x. 107 Sessions books, City, i. 288 " Set." printers' phrase, early use of, x. 106 Seton-Anderson (J.) on Dickson : Baillie : Gor- don : Simpson, xi. 494 Settle (Elkanah), his ' Thronodia Hvmencea,'

1712, x. 348, 395 ; xi. 33 " Set up my (his) rest," phrase in card games, vi.

" Sevecher," meaning of the word, iv. 209, 259 Seven, a mystic number in Papua, ii. 305 Seven Dials, plan of, c. 1690, viii. 182 " Seven Eyes," of Christ, in Welsh poetry, xii. 420

486 Sevenoaks, sundial inscription, 1630, iv. 307

" Seven Seas," origin of the expression, ix. 207 " Seven Seas " of Kipling's book, xi. 434, 502 Seven Springs pool at Coberley, viii. 148, 197 Seventeenth-century biography, i. 349 ; ii. 36 Seventeenth-century clergy, Christian names

wanted, ii. 149, 238 Sever (Henry) of Merton, 1427, viii. 181, 238, 276,

297 Sever family of London and "Ye Olde Harpe,"

viii. 267

Severn, river legend, i. 56 Svign4 (Madame de), her chateau " Les Rochers,"

vii. 128 Seward (Anna), date of her baptism, c. 1744, iii.


Seward (W.), his ' Anecdotes of some Distin- guished Persons,' ix. 450, 493 Seward family, vi. 428

Sewell (Wm.), his ' Mirror for the Times,' i. 328 Sex : brown sex=female sex, ii. 505 ; iii. 36 "Sex horas somno," epigram, vii. 71, 136, 256 Sextons, family of, 1631-1893, viii. 206 Seymer or Seymour (Richard), 1768, vi. 449 Seymour (Henry), d. 1805, his marriage, v. 389,


Seymour (Queen Jane), her death, xii. 48, 106 Seymour (Mary), her marriage, vi. 110, 173 Seymour (St. John D.) on Irish ghost stories, viii.

389 Seymour (S. K.) on sonnets by Rafael, iii. 353

" Thou ascended," vii. 48

Seymour and Onslow families, arms of, viii. 108 Seysfort (Christlove), Westminster scholar, 1779,

viii. 248

Shabrack, its etymology, i. 105 Shackford (S. B.') on Shuckforth, viii. 488 Shackle (R. J.) on private schools, vii. 488 Shad well (Thomas), his allusions to Shakespeare, c. 1668, viii. 46 ; and ' The Tory Poets,' ix. 127 Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley, third Earl of), his

' Judgment of Hercules,' ix. 307 Shaftesbury, inscriptions in Holy Trinity Church- yard, ix.' 44, 124, 284, 504 " Shak," " skape," and " scape," meaning of, xii.

182 Shakespare (William), of Leicestershire, c. 1544,

vi. 228

Shakespeare (J.) at Barking, Essex, 1595, iv. 426 Shakespeare (W.), early allusions to, i. 17, 204, 505 ; wooden statuette of, 17 : arid plant- names, 76, 459 ; and the Mountjoy family, 204, 315, 376 ; Jones copy of Third Folio, 244; various spellings of his name, 321 : illustrators of editions, 327, 414, 474 ; Croker portrait,

189, 238 ; Quartos in Switzerland in 1857, 288, 353 ; alexandrines in, 309, 417 ; allusions to,

344 ; his biography in Tonson's edition, 1708-9,

345 ; in Hungary, 345 ; chronological editions, 348, 431 ; his Bible, 365, 430 ; and Godfrey Goodman, iii. 246 ; his quotations from the Prayer Book, 301, 391, 439 ; "page " in his epitaph, 304 ; and Roger, fifth Earl of Rutland, 307, 357 ; Tallis & Co.'s edition, its literary value, 367, 412 ; noble families in, iv. 248, 296, 398, 458 ; allusions to, 365 ; and Weever's ' Epigrams,' 384 ; compared with Balzac, 509 ; and Italian literature, v. 25 ; his use of the first person, 65 ; his Sonnets and Marlowe, 190 ;