Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/293

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family, v. 58 Decipherment of old tombstone inscriptions, vi. 337 Epitaphiana, v. 184 French prisoners of war at Lichfield, v. 109 Gotham in Derbyshire, v. 125 !' Gothamites " = Londoners, iv.*133 Gray (Thomas) and mail coaches, iii. 288 Indexes Locorum to printed parish registers, iii. 256 Little Wit-ham, v. 249 Monumental inscriptions, i. 251 .Nottingham as a surname, v. 169 ; vi. 171 Nottingham earthenware tombstone, i. 189, 312 ; ii. 14 Nottingham graveyard inscrip-

' tions, ii. 165, 244 Nottingham monastery not in Dugdale, ii. 468 ; iii. 53 Peveril family, v. 90 Boeites of Calverton : Wroeites of Australia, iii. 9, 272, 385, 455 Sash windows, v. 218 Staple in place-names, ii. 128, 252 Sweetapple surname : Benjamin Hodgkin, iii. 294 Tallard (Marshal), prisoner of war, iii. 289 Wall churches, iii. 377 Wedgwood ware and water-carriage, iii. 46

Stapleton (Brigadier Walter) at Battle of Cul- loden, d. 1746, vii. 309 ; ix. 130

iStar on " mouner," iii. 229 ; King Engle and his sons, vi. 95

"" Star," Broad Green, Croydon, vii. 428 ; viii. 38

" Star Chamber," early instances of the name, xi. 207 (

Starling as a Christian name, i. 506

Starlings taught to speak, xi. 68, 11.4, 154, 218, 270, 388

Stars, questions on life in, xi. 414

Stars and smallpox, comparison in poem, iii. 167, 211, 335

Stars in lists of India stockholders, xi. 168, 235

"* Star-Spangled Banner,' earliest publication, ii. 84

  • ' Startups," use of the word, 1591, x. 255

" Startups End," Tring, origin of place-name, ix. 151, 217, 276

4< Starvation," earliest use of the word, xi. 107

"' Star-ypointing " in Milton's epitaph on Shake- speare, vii. 227, 456 ; viii. 11, 141, 196, 232, 294, 317, 320

State Papers, Ireland, Calendar of, 1670-1705, vii. 288

" Statesian," use of the word, xi. 299

" Statesman "=small landowners, 1794, xi. 278, 325

Statham (H. Heathcote) on St. Alban's Abbey, vii. 198

Statham (N.), " treasure -trove " in his ' Abridge- ment,' ix. 187

Stationers' Company and the book-trade, 1557- 1625, i. 6 ; and licence to publish, vi. 510

Stationmaster at Windsor, c. 1878, ii. 68, 114, 136, 253

Statues : in the British Isles, i. 282 ; ii. 42, 242 ; iii. 22, 222, 421 ; iv. 181, 361 ; v. 62, 143, 481 ; vi. 4, 284, 343, 385 ; vii. 64, 144, 175, 263, 320, 343, 442 ; viii. 4, 13, 75; 82, 183, 278, 285, 382, 444 ; ix. 65, 164, 384, 464 ; x. 103, 177, 226, 275, 303, 313, 360 ; xi. 24, 145, 275, 428, 476 ; xii. 65, 178, 231, 298, 336, 338, 370, 388, .406, 416 Calcutta, vi. 41, 104, 163, 204, 316; xi. 450 Cavendish Square, equestrian statue removed from, iv. 527 ; v. 58 Charles I., Charing Cross, x. 169, 217 Charles II. in Royal Exchange, ii. 322, 371, 454 Charlotte (Queen), Bloomsbury, viii. 12, 430 Diomede by Sergei, 4. 1775, ix. 350 Elizabeth (Queen), in Royal

Exchange, iii. 187, 230, 315 George I., iii.

152 George III., in Berkeley Square, v. 169

Guildhall, i. 208, 333, 376 London, omissions

from lists of, xii. 27 National : article in

' Saturday Magazine,' viii. 109, 157 Piper in

the Plague of London, v. 64, 153 Richard I.,

in London, iv. 285 Rome, height of their

pedestals, iv. 389 Royal, of London, iv. 18t ,

398 Royal Exchange, iii. 138, 176, 409; x:.

468 : xii. 17, 37 Snow, works on, iii. 308

Venice, iv. 308, 394 Wellington, in London, ii:.

285 ; iv. 55 William III., in London, iv. 285 ;

in Hoghton, Lanes., viii. 328, 376 Statuette of Shakespeare rediscovered, i. 17 Statuettes, bronze, of Napoleon, xii. ^59 Stature of British officers, x. 210, 237 Staveley family, viii. 429 Stave porters at Dockhead, i. 10, 253 Staves, constables', elaborately painted, 1824, v,

288, 395 Stealing, pirates on, origin of the allusion, iv. 24t'.


Steam-engines erected c. 1722, x. 450 ; xi. 15 Steamers in 1801 and 1818, i. 58 Steam vessels as engines of war, 1824, ix. 107 Stebbing (W. P. D.) on St. Gratian's nut, i. 212 ;

secret service, x. 370

Stebbins (Herbert W.), 1900, his address, iii. 87 Stedman (J.), sen., Westminster scholar, vii. 30 Steel (A. E.) on Sir Walter Ralegh's house at

Youghal, iv. 472 ; chained books, vi. 69 Steel (Jane) on bronze statuettes of Napoleor,

xii. 359 Steele (J. T.) on motto of Exhibition of 1851, ii:.

11 Steele (R. L.) on Shakespeares in the 18th century,

iv. 146

Steerage in frigates, its position, i. 77, 295 Steinberger (M.) on London to Budapest in 1859,

viii. 152

Steiner (Bernard C.) on Parson Weems, x. 375 Stencil, derivation of the word, ii. 302 ; iii. 138 Step (E.) on Skolpyne, iii. 335 Stephen : TJrton alias Stephen family, ix. 470 Stephen (C.) on " Audeo quid audeo," vii. 429;

Smith (Richard), Royal Verderer, c. 3715, 429;

Stapleton (Brigadier W T alter), 309 ; ix. 130 Stephen (G. A.) on West Norfolk militia, x. 67 Stephen (Master) and his hawk, i. 87, 151 Stephens (Mrs. H.), nee Planta, c. 1760, xii. 201 Stephens and Boger families, vii. 470 Stephenson (P. A. F.) on epitaphiana, vii. 265 Stephenson (Philip E.) on ' Pickwick ' querier,

iii. 68, 267 Stephenson (Robert), of Lincolnshire, c. 160f,

ix. 470, 515

Stephenson family, ii. 187 Stepney family, viii. 487 Stepney-Gulston (Alan) on royal arms in churches,

ii. 428 ; twenty -four acts of chivalry, iii. 129 " Sterling," etymology of the word, ix. 447 Sterne on clothes and their influence, i. 76, 152 ;

and " Dr. Slop," dates of their births, vi. 375 ;

and the Earl of Aboyne, viii. 166 ; allusion in ' Tristram Shandy,' xi. 67, 192 ; Confucius in ' Tristram Shandy,' 188 Sterne family, ii. 329 Sterrett, meaning of the surname, v. 328 Stethoscope, invention perfected, c. 1843, ix. 449