Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/304

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Tennis, earliest work on the game, vii. 500 Tennis Court, Haymarket, the site of, iv. 110,

155, 176, 231

Tennyson (Lord), his ' Margaret,' i. 507 ; ii. 94. 138 ; " oorali " explained, ii. 409, 453 ; his ' Flower in the crannied wall,' iii. 167, 358 ; " Memmian naphtha -pits," ix. 67, 137 ; x. 176, 234, 476 ; " titmarsh " in poem by, ix. 487 ; x. 16, 155 ; commemorative tablet, x. 280 ; and George Crabbe, xi. 450 ; and Gold- smith, xii. 140 Tennysoniana, ii. 341, 394

Tent = tenth, use of the word, ii. 47

Tenterden steeple and Goodwin Sands, sermon on, v. 26S

Tenure customs, ancient, iii, 269 : T. 38

Teoni (Ralf de), his wife, i. 32

Terence, owner of a French edition, 1628, xii. 412

Termonde, the font at, x. 428

Terms, ancient, for articles belonging to a knight, v. 50, 138, 266

Ternant (Andrew de) on ' Big Ben ' and Phil May, iii. 237 Chilston, vii, 487 Cooking, domestic, with lime, ix, 409 ' Dictionary of Musicians,' of 1822-7, iv. 487 ; viii. 394 Empires of the Air and Sea, xii. 67 Garrick in France, ii. 359 Gibbon and Hibgame, ii. 306 Gibbon on the classics, ii. 188 Inglis (Henry David), 1795-1835, ix. 189 King's Theatre (Opera House), Haymarket, v. 96 Longfellow, on Dufresny, iii. 26 May (Phil) and his bio- graphers, ix. 305, 377 Trilby, ix. 97 Writers on music, ii. 87

" Terra Susana," meaning of the phrase, iii. 83, 235

Terrace, as name for row of houses, iii. 207, 251, 291, 332, 391

" Terrapin," origin of the word, iv. 106, 318

" Terre Sancte, ad subsidium," payment of fines in aid of Crusades, vi. 188

" Territorials " in London, c. 1588, vi. 323, 364, 457 ; vii. 37

Terry (General Astloy) on " Dr. Syntax," v. 448 ; vi." log Heraldic,' x. 270 Lowther (Col.), vi. 217 Military : coloured print, ix. 114 Neunburg, arms of, vi. 89 Parsons (William) : Life or Horse Guards, ix. 116 " Terse " claret, origin of the term, iii. 7, 116

" Tertium quid," earliest use of the phrase, iii. 67, 131

Tertius on families : duration in male line, v. 132 Leigh (Theophilus), D.D., iv. 537 Meriet Arms, v. 337 Nottingham as a surname, v. 276 Top hat in sculpture, v. 295

" Tertius gaudens," source of the expression, iii. 327

Tertullian on Christians and lions, i. 428, 492

Testament, black-letter, date of edition, x. 69 140

' Testamenta Eboracensia,' meaning of words in, iv. 128

Testina editions of Machiavelli's works, x. 128

Tetherington (Jack), Irishman and gambler, xi. 300

Tew (Rev. E. L. H.) on Annesley (Samuel), ix. 305' Arabian Nights,' v. 29 Authors of quotations wanted, ii. 129 Beatson (General),

and the Crimean War, vii. 135 ; ix. 397, 516

Bishops addressed as " My Lord," v. 96

Briefs, ix. 307 Brutton : the Earl of Cardigan,

ix. 436 Camden Society : ' Long Ago,' v. 328 Cameron of Fassifern, Memoir of, ix. 234 Chaplains : their status, iv. 208 Church closed on vicar's death, iv. 286 Cigar, centenary ofy. ix. 454 Colleges : matriculation and gradua- tion, vii. 474 Cromwell (Richard) at Cheshunt, vi. 351 Duelling, ix. 230 " Egoism " v. " egotism," ix. 450 Epaulets, x. 270 Essex as Christian name, iii. 173 Eyre (Governor) r Bishop Westcott, ix. 447 Fee-farm rents, ix. 157, 317 Fiction, real characters in, vi. 366 Fox of Stradbroke, ix. 486 Gale (Rev. Thomas),, ix. 188 Gillespie (Robert Rolls) at Vellore, iii. 397 Graham (W.), and Jane Clermont, ii. 108 ' Guy Livingstone,' author of, iv. 249 Henley, seven oars at, vii. 108 Howard (Miss) and Napoleon III., v. 458 Hurricane at Hornsey, ix. 266 Jersey (Earl of) : lines on his ancestress, iv. 310 Kennett and Howe- families, ii. 229 ; vi. 148 Lade (Sir John), x. 316 ' Last Links with Byron, Shelley and Keats,' viii. 228 Light Brigade at Balaclava^, ix. 186, 334 Maida : "regiments present, iv. 110,. 232, 334' Mistletoe Bough,' chest, ii. 326 Monkey nation, ix. 206 Montaigne (Arch- bishop), ii. 87 Napoleon's " Guard," iv. 289 Nonconformists, dedication of Chapels, vi. 131 -" Over end " = straight up, ix. 298 Oxford degrees and ordination, iv. 528 ; v. 133 Pluralities, ix. 290 Postage stamps, first per* f orated, iv. 197 Providence, voyage of : Capt. Bligh, ix. 489; x. 116, 277 Rectors of Up ham and Durley, x. 63, 366 Ryan : Lord Cardigan at Balaclava, v. 508 Smith (Father),, the organ builder, ii. 189 Suffolk (Frances,. Duchess of), y. 427 Sussex (Duke of) : mor- ganatic marriages, ix. 470 Sussex drinking custom, ix. 248 " Trod," ix. 454 " Trooper," x. 328 Tudor's (Mary) grave, iii. 246 Turkish spy in Paris in the 17th century, v. 489 Turpm's (Dick) ride to York, vi. 189, 355 Upham Latin inscriptions : Holdway and Ewen, iv. 330 ; v. 438 Warner (Rev. Ferdinando), ix. 369 " Waters " and Lieut. Warneford, ix, 391 " Weakest goes to the wall, The," x. 27 Wellesley's (Lord) issue, ix. 436 Wesley Journals, iv. 369 Young (Rev. Edward), iii. 148

" Tewke," " tuke," kind of cloth c. 1490, iii. 87,. 130, 155

Textor (lonenes Ravisius) and Roger Ascham, . iii. 441

Thacker (Gilbert), Westminster scholar, 1677, ii. 49

Thacker (J, G.) on " Seven Seas," xi. 502

Thacker (William), c. 1824, date of his death,, iv. 270

Thackeray (J. W.) on British infantry, viii. 491 Myless, Essex, vii. 513 Thacker (William), iv. 270

Thackeray (T. J.), playwright, c. 1826, and W. M.- Thackeray, iii. 28, 132, 215

Thackeray (W. M.), his use of the word " mugir,"" i. 221 ; at the British Museum, ii. 428, 472 ; and the stage, 428, 494 ; iii. 28, 74, 91, 132 ; and pugilism, iii. 28, 111 ; his last words, 47,. 91 ; nis broken nose, 162, 251 ; centenary notice, iv. 21, 61, 101, 141, 178 : and Dickens's Mantalini, 47, 153, 258 ; his Col. Newcome, liter- ary parallel, 225 ; and the Marquis de Sou- bise's cook, 270 ; origin of the name, 283, 333,.