Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/310

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" Tramp "= instrument for trimming hedges, viii.

426 Tramps, their marks reproduced in exhibition,

ix. 247

" Tramway," derivation of the word, vi. 300 "Tramways," Act of Parliament, 1794, viii. 168,

275, 308, 333

Transcendant, orthography of the word, ii. 305 "Transcendental moonshine," Carlyle and Emer- son, viii. 307, 356 Transcribers of parish registers, 1602, v. 130, 216,


Transcripts, bishops', of registers, vii. 66, 155 "Transept," history of the word, viii. 287, 337 Transliteration, guide to, i. 229 "Transliteration," earliest use of the word, viii.


Transposition of words in metrical verse, xi. 415 Trant (Sir John), murdered 1702, ii. 489 Trant (Sir Patrick), Bt., his descendants, ii. 310 ;

111. 334

Trant family, ii. 489

"Trapezist," pronunciation of the word, ix. 107

Trapnel (Anna), author of "The Cry of a Stone,"

c. 1653, ix. 221, 271 " Traps "=personal effects of travellers, viii. 347,


Trash, Elizabethan use of the w T ord, i. 361 "Trash nail," meaning of the term, ix. 107 Travel in Europe in the 17th centurv, xii. 42, 63,

81, 130, 169

Traveller, Hungarian, and oysters, 1642, xii. 441 Travellers not in ' D.N.B.', i". 266, 392 Travers (Benjamin) on Thomas Hudson, portrait

painter, ix. 96

' Traverse the cart," meaning of the phrase, ix. 7 " Traversnail," meaning of the word, viii. 426, 478 " Trawn chaer," in a will dated 1499, ix. 488 ; x.

32, 432, 475

" Tray " and " bay " of a stag, ix. 67, 113 "Trayhor," meaning of the word, viii. 210 "Tread," its past tense, ix. 27, 116, 158. 454, 492 Treal (E. B.) on authors of quotations, i. 514 Treason, counsel in trial for, 17th century, vi. 49,

112, 474

Treasure buried near sites of monastic houses, ii.

469, 515

"Treasure-trove," use of the term in Statham's

'Abridgement,' ix. 187 Treasure-trove, Jewish, source of the story, xii.

Trecothick (Barlow), Lord Mayor 1770, ii. 209

298, 335 ; iii. 11, 330

"Tredekeiles," meaning of the word, viii. 45 Tree, "Court " tree of the Isle of Sheppev, ix. 6 Tree, old, in Park Lane, xi. 228, 289 "Tree-ball," game played by American Indians,

1710, ix. 67 Tree folk-lore, the elder, xii. 361, 410, 429, 450,

470, 489, 507

Tree lore of the Nigerians, ix. 366 Treen (A. E.) on Addison family, x. 268 Trees, list of fruit trees, 1753, Viii. 26 ; growing from graves, iv. 250, 297 ; viii. 425, 494 ; in Moorfields and storm, 1703, x. 389 Tregelles ( J. A.) on Amaneuus as a Christian name,

^Tregetours " and jugglers, notes on, xii. 280 Tregonwell (Sir J.), c. 1580, his second wife, vi.

347, 454 Tregonwell (Mrs. Mary), 1642-1717, vi. 270

Treherne. See Traherne

Trelawny (Sir J.), Bishop of Winchester, viii.

189, 218

Trelawny (Sir William), Bt., his biography, ii. 449 Tremayne (A.), on ' Mask,' viii. 156 Tremearne (A. J. N.) on ancient religions, viii. 329 Tremouilliere family of Brittany, vii. 329, 437 Trenchard (H. W.) on ' Pickwick ' difficulties, iii.

332 " Trenchmore, -moor," country dance, c. 1560,

ix. 107

Trent, meaning of the river's name, xii. 502 Tresham (Sir T.), 1543-1605, his household

necessaries, xii. 358 T'revelyan (G. M.j on Carlyle 's ' Sartor Resartus,'

v. 3i5

Trevisa (John), c. 1400, his biography, xi. 148, 198 Trevor (Hon. B.) of the Post Office, d. 1785, vii.

429, 493 Trevor- Hampden (Hon. Robert), Westminster

School steward, 1770, vii. 251

Trewsed Scots regiments, the tartans of, xii. 83 Tpta KaTTTra KaKurra, original wording of Greek

proverb, xi. 209, 255, 330

Trial, c. 1660, concerning Yspytty If an, vi. 229 Trial in 1776, peers giving tickets for, ii. 148 ; of a

criminal, victim's name Jephson, c. 1850, xii.

442, 505

Trials by ordeal, Fordwich custom, vi. 368, 436 'Tribal Hidage,' proper names in, ii. 143, 211 'Tribes of Galway," and P. P. Skerrett, d. 1912,

v. 427

" Tribulis," meaning of the word, viii. 426 ' Tribune ' (eighteenth century), its publication,

viii. 368

' ' Trif orium, " architectural term, 1174, ix. 228 Trilby, mentioned in 1843, ix. 27. 97 " Trillion," the number used c. 1450, ix. 228, 278,

315, 453 Trimmer (Mrs. Sarah), the author, her ancestry, i.

170, 210 Trin. Coll. Camb. on Alexander family, v. 308

Authors of quotations wanted, iv. 476

Gardiner family, v. 128 Hathersage Church,

Derby, xi. 94 Keats's ' Ode to a Nightingale,'

iv. 507; v. 116 Milton's 'Lycidas,' vi. 328,

476 " Sabbath day's journey," v. 15

Turpin's (Dick) pistol, vi. 456 Trincomalee, capture of, 1782, British regiments

represented, xii. 28, 76, 126, 229, 270 Trinculo on ancient wit and humour, viii. 289 Trinder (Mrs. W. H.), author, c. 1861, xii. 68 Trinitarian Order and the French flag, xi. 167, 235 Trinity, hexagram a symbol of, ix. 109 Tripos : "Tripos verses," origin of the term, vi.

347 Tristan de Acunha Island and a shipwreck, 1822,

x. 7, 58 'Tristram Shandy,' an allusion in, xi. 67, 192;

Confucius in, xi. 188

'Triumphs .of Faith,' 1766, by J. Bonar, viii. 350 Trivandrum, meaning of a cairn at, vi. 388

  • Trod," " trode," past tense of " tread," ix. 27,

116, 158, 454, 492 ; x. 175 Trollope (Anthony), commemorative tablet, x.

280 Trollope (W.), of the Six Clerks' Office, c. 1790, ix.


Tromp (Admiral) in England, 1639, iv. 48 Tromp (Harpert) of Delft, 1632-91, viii. 490 Tromp and De Ruyter families, v. 149, 295