Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/316

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Vitr4, Brittany, local history of, vii. 329, 437 '* Vitremyte," moaning of the word, viii. 327 ' Vittoria Corombona,' a parallel to, vii. 326 Vivax on treatises on longevity, vi. 330

    • Vive la Beige," medal inscription, c. 1865,

iy. 129, 174, 215, 498

' Vivian Grey,' keys to the characters, vii. 409 Vizetelly (Ernest A.) on Emmeline Lott (Miss or

Mrs.), ix. 329 Vole (Jean), sentence in ' Les Arrivants,' iii. 148,

178, 217 Vole (Thomas), Fellow of Winchester College, his

will, 1558, x. 261

Voltaire on love, i. 137 ; and J. J. Rousseau,

Hi. 447 ; on the Bible, 450 ; Mazzini's quotation

-from, v. 328, 454 ; his letters while in England,

388 ; vi. 15 ; mention of Mount Krapak,

viii. 329, 376 ; on the Jewish people, ix. 49, 298 ;

x. 33 ; in England, his notes, ix. 308, 353 ;

his residence in London, x. 70, 138, 412 ; on

the prophet Habakkuk, xii. 502

Volunteering in 1797, " Plan II.," xi. 360

Volunteers, Irish, 1778, their history, x. 230, 277,

298, 375 Volunteers, Manchester, regimental colours of,

i. 484 ; ii. 73 Volunteers, Royal East London, history of,

vii. 288, 372 ' Voragine (J. de), " vestis adriatica " in his

' Legenda Aurea,' viii. 270

Vortigern, origin of the name, v. 378, 436, 514 ' Vortigern and Rowena,' its authors, 1795, i. 73 Vos (P. H. de) on Ananias as a Christian name,

iii. 497 Phear (Sir John Budd), iii. 472 " Vossioner," on a brass in Ufton Church, 1587.

ix. 210, 390, 437, 495 " Vote early and vote often," banner inscription,

ii. 66 " Vox populi vox musae " and Gluck's operas

vi. 390 : vii. 377 Voysey (Rev. C.), 1828-1912, founder of Theistic

Church, vi. 128 Vrchlicky (Jaroslav), 1853-1912, Bohemian scholar, vi. 266


" W " pronounced like " v," Cockney habit of speech, iv. 326

W. on ancestry wanted, viii. 28 Authors wanted, viii. 247 Bows and arrows in the Crimean War, xii. 342 D'L'rfey and Allan Ramsay, iii. 467 Lissauer's ' The Hymn of Hate,' xii. 321 Sampler : Fytche family, vii. 150 Stuart portraits : Edgar family, vii. 127

W. (A.) on John Phillip: his connexion with Dyce, viii. 45

W. (A. M. ) on Carlyle : explanation of references wanted, v. 290

W. (A. R. ) on parishes in two or more counties, ix. 374" Secretary at War," ix. 374

W. (A. T.) on Angeli (John), the literary felt maker, xii. 295 Author of quotations wanted : " Over the hills and far away," xi. 35 Bacon (Francis) : a recent P]xemplum Alphabet! Bili- terarii, v. 425 Boate (Edward), M.P., vi. 174 Bodley's smallest MS. : a relic of Jeremiah JRich^ vi. 345 Cairn's family, x. 154 " Cas- trensis (Stephani Roderici) Lvsitani ann. tetat. Ixxvili.," vi. 97 Charas (Moses) Pharmacopoeus

Regius, vi. 96 Clifford's Inn, vi. 387" Con- turbabantur Constantinopolitanif ' xi. 156 " Cyder Cellars," xi. 256 Essex as a Christian name, iii. 92 Harris (Benjamin) and ' The Protestant Tutor,' vii. 32 Jew and Jewsou surnames, iv. 258 Ling family, vii. 294 ' Little booke of perfection of woemen,' ii. 355 Mason (Col.),* his coffee-house, iii. 449 Porter (Jane and Robert), v. 353 Reference wanted, xi. 109 School-books, 17th century, viii. 475 Shorthand Society, early, vii. 374 Signs of Old London, v.. 77 Torrens, v. 375 W. (A. W.) on authors of quotations wanted, v.


W. (C.) on ' A Voice from the Bush,' iii. 214, 271 W. (C. B.) on authors of quotations wanted, i. 26& Best company consists of five persons, i. 367 Buffoon's admirers, i. 367 English decorator and Tintoretto, i. 367 Galloping Hogan, i. 367 Kings with special titles, v. 57 Pope's descrip- tion of Swift, iv. 270 Thackeray on the Marquis de Soubise's cook, iv. 270 W. (C. J.) on Chard : arms in the Abbot's room,

iii. 249

W. (D.) on " Here sleeps a youth," iv. 28 W. (E.) on " Collins "=letter of thanks, ii. 196 Hill (Rev. Rowland), his letters, ii. 373 Emerson, quotation from, v. 268 Smith's (Horace) verses on surnames, viii. 10 " Sydney Carton " at Old Shrewsbury School, ix. 214 *

W. (E. C.) on " Castle Tavern," Eltham, yi. 375 W T . (E. F.) on Bettisfield Park, Flintshire, vii. 229 Churchill, xii. 319 Cromwell at Chesnunt, vi. 250 Xon-parochial registers, v. 290 Scotch Court of Session, xii. 101 " Sportsman >r hotels, v. 269 W. (E. G.) on Wild Huntsman : Herlothingi, ix.

232 W. (E. L.) on Avice Capell^John Warner, iii.

228, 314

W. (F.) on alphabetical nonsense, xi. 13 W. (F. A.) on Beagle, H.M.S., vii. 10 Belgian coin with Flemish inscription, iv. 176 British memorials of the Peninsular Campaign, v. 204, 302 Clothes and their influence, i. 76 French coins : Republic and Empire, iv. 255 Howard (Miss) and Napoleon III., iv. 430 ' Ingoldsby * legend, conjectural origin of an, viii. 145 J'y suis, j'y reste," iv. 197 ' Mother and Three Camps ' : ' ; Point of War,' iv. 337 Paris barriers, iv. 293 Pictures of Peninsular battles, viii. 167 Regiment (75th) at Delhi, iv. 288 " Souchy," iv. 96 Street nomenclature, iv. 236 Yew in poetry, i. 137 W. (F. C.) on Pope and Irish bishops, i. 170 W. (G.) on authors of quotations wanted, v. 372 Clergy retiring from dinner table, ii. 70 Coming of age, vii. 369 Observant babe, xii. 505 Simon (Richard) : Lambert Simnel, vii. 129, 256

W. (G. H.) on apparition at Pirton, Herts, iv. 3$ Audley (Sir Henry), i. 172' Ballad of Lord Bateman' : its authorship, v. 147 Brandon, Duke of Suffolk : Brunt, v. 215 Charles I.'s executioner, vi. 453 Civil war in fiction, i. 368 Coaching tokens, vi. 133 Combe-Martin market charter, v. 249 Cowsway (Bristow) : Brixton Road, ii. 448 Cromwell (Thomas), v. 37 Flemings in Pembrokeshire, vii. 167