Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/33

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Owen (Arthur) of Johnston, co. Pembroke, ix. 297 Oxford degrees and ordination, v. 53 Page family, ix. 232 Patron saint of pilgrims, x. 254 Peploe grant of arms, 1753, v. 55 Pepys query, ix. 32 Peter the Wild Boy, ix. 211 Portrait of Sir Peter Lely, vi. 413 Powell, v. 355 Princes of Wales, ii. 70 Procter (Adelaide Ann), her mother, x. 393 Public School Eegister, i. 270 Puns on Payne, ii. 453 Pyrrhus's toe, iii. 131 " Queen Elinor in the ballad," x. 195 Quipp (William), ix. 434 Ralegh's (Sir Walter) house at Youghal, iv. 473 ; his descendants, vi. 236 ' Ralph Roister Doister,' iii. 413 Rawdon family, ix. 476 Redcoats, viii. 295 Rochford (Earls of), vii. 178 Rodney (Admiral Lord), x. 294 Roman rite in England before the Reformation, vii. 317 Rome : Jewish sarcophagi and Greek painting, viii. 17 Romney (Sir W.), Lord Mayor, iii. 238 Royal descents, ix. 418 Royal Exchange paving-blocks, iii. 473 Royal jubilees, iv. 12 Sackfylde (Sir John), Knt., ix. 434 St. Agnes : folk-lore, v. 112 St. Catherine's College, Cambridge, ii. 359 St. Cuthbert : his birds, v. 115 St. Dunstan and Tunbridge Wells, iv. 54 St. John the Baptist in art, vii. 452 Saint-Just, iv. 137 St. Margaret's, Westminster, i. 15 St. Paul at Virgil's tomb, viii. 93 Sash windows, v. 218 Scarborough Spa, iii. 234 Scotch Court of , Session, xii. 166 Scott of Balcomie, xi. 289 Scott's " Rob Roy," ix. 516 Scottish titles conferred by Cromwell, iii. 193 Segrave : de Segre, vi. 374 Selkirk family, v. 236 Shakes- peare and Blackfriars Theatre, xii. 108 Shakespeare on the pain of death, vi. 93 Shakespeare's signatures, vi. 437 Sheffield, Griffith, Hunt, Cole, Cox, xii. 329 " Shotover Papers ; or, Echoes from Oxford," v. 513 Signs of cadency, x. 98 Simon (Richard) : Lambert Simnel, vii. 194, 292 " Six Lords," viii. 238 " Slang Dictionary," xi. 31 Smith's (Alexander) " Dreamthorp," ix. 493 Smuggling queries, viii. 257 Snowe (Rev. Richard ), i. 98 Somerset (Earldom of) in the Mohun family, vii. 215 " Speak to me, Lord Bryon," x. 95 Spenser (Edmund), 1592, v. 417 Spenser and Dante, iv. 515 Stampe (William), D.D.,vi. 96 Sterne and " Dr. Slop" (Burton of York), vi. 376 Stock Exchange as " The House," ix. 274 Stone (Archbishop) of Armagh, iv. 55 Stonehenge and Merlin, iv. 178 Strout or Stroude (John), Devon, ix. 32 Sussex (Duke of) : morganatic marriage, ix. 518 Swift (Dean) and the war of 1688-91, ii. 317; and the Rev. J. Geree, v. 76 Swinfen (John), ix. 375 Taylor v ( Jeremy), his descendants, ii. 258 Third alternative, xii. 86 Thomas (John), ix. 177 " To banyan," vii. 337 Tregonwel! (Mrs. Mary), vi. 270 Tregonwell's (Sir John) Second Wife : George Marten, George Martyne, and James Marten, Winchester scholars, vi. 454 Trussel family, v. 137 Tuck (Friar), x. 236 Twelve good rules, viii. 54 Unicorn in royal arms, iii. 274 Unicorn's horn at the Tower of London, xii. 349 Vanbrugh's epi- taph, ix. 194 -Vandervart, viii. 254 Vere (Alberic de), viii. 413 ' Vertimmus,' Latin comedy, ii. 196 Vicars of St. John the Baptist, Little Missenden, vi. 278 ; vii. 133 Victoria (Queen) and George Peabody's funeral, ii. 311

Voltaire in England, ix. 353 Walker (Bishop) of Derby, iii. 277 Wall churches, iii. 435 Walton (Izaak) and tomb-scratching, vii. 492 Warenne (Gundrada de), viii. 75 " Waverley " : " Clan of grey Fingon," iv. 37 Wellesley's- (Lord) issue, vii. 333 Wellington, x. 134 Weston family, Farnborough, Berkshire, viiL 471; Wildgoose, ix. 397 Women carrying, their husbands, ii. 452 Wood's (Anthony) ' " Athenae Oxonienses," vi. 381, 404 Wright of Essex, xi. 256 Wynn (Sir Watkin Williams) : the Prince of Wales, vi. 276 Yorke (James), the Lincoln blacksmith, v. 412 " Young Man's- Companion," v. 139

Bayley (A. Yates), Etonian, 1758, ix. 389, 454 Bayley (F. W. N.),his ' Tale of a Tub,' c. 1860, xi r

251, 305 Bayley (Harold) on alchemist's ape, vii. 157

Red hand of Ulster, vii. 334 Bayliss (H. J.) on De Quincey puzzle, xi. 305 Bayly (T. Haynes), musical composer, d. 1839 r

vii. 109, 211

Bayne (T.) on " aircraft " : " turnout," vi, 118 Ambiguous possessive case, viii. 91 American words and phrases, iii. 196 ' Anne of Geierstein,' i. 185 Anon, use of the- word, iii. 266 Anstruther, Fife : Scott of Balcomie, xi. 368, 479 ; xii. 109' Arden of Feversham ' : " Gale," ii. 337 Arnold (Matthew> on eloquence, ii. 376 Austen (Jane), her death r ii. 397 Author wanted, vi. 95 ; vii. 454 Authors of quotations wanted, iii. 313 ; iv. 516 " Bartholomew ware, v. 194 Brattle on the- Wey : Carpenter, Cressingham, and Rowe families, iv. 113 " Blood-boltered," "Mac- beth," ix. 417 Brechin, iii.. 106 Bright (John), quotations by, iii. 15 Burns and " The Wee Wee German Lairdie," iii. 286, 430 j iv. 52 Burns's ' Death and Dr. Hornbook,' i. 105 Burns's friend Thomson, vii. 506 "But " = " without" in the Bible, iv. 78 Campbell- (T.), c. 1729, vi. 158' Canadian Boat Song,' i,- 136, 312 Casanova and Carlyle, vi. 172 Classicly. use of the word, ii. 449 Colkitto and Galasp," v. 104, 311 " Comus " and Gray's " Elegy," vii. 277 " Comus " at Co vent Garden Theatre, iv. 412 Corn and dishonesty : an honest miller, iii. 12 Cowper's ' Charity ' : " Porcelain," iii. 456 Cuckoo and its call, iii. 486; iv. 75 "Dander," vii. 15 " Daud " = George, x. 430 Deer-leaps, iv. 194 " Died in his coffin," vii. 395 Dr. Fell : Martial, vi. 37 D'Urfey and Allan Ramsay, iv. 94 Elze = already, iii. 25, 111 " Ephesians," a Shakes- pearian term, x. 497 Erskine (Archibald), v, 193 Fletcher's (P.) 'Love': a reading, i, 425 " Forwhy," xi. 94 " Frap," x. 298 " Guy Livingstone," viii. 415 Hacket cow, iv. 445 Hemans (Felicia), iv. 534 " Hit " : tense in Chaucer, vi. 72 Holed stones : tolmens, v. 54" Hollo ! " viii. 95 Hone (William), vii. 451 " Honours three," ix. 34, 115 Humbug, viii. 115 " Hurley-hacket," x. 294 Hydon's- Ball, Surrey, ix. 453" I fegs," iii. 206" If you ask for salt, you ask for sorrow," ii. 198 " Jiffle," vii. 487 Jonson (Ben), ii. 174 Keats's " Ode to a Nightingale," v. 11 King in place-names, ii. 192 Lamb's " Rosamund Gray," iv. 36 Lifting the bride over the threshold, vi. 232 Linlathen : its position, iv. 205 " Love me, love my dog," iii. 52