Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/332

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Yorke (James), Lincoln blacksmith, c. 1640, v. 248,


" Yorker " at bridge, origin of the word, yi. 3' Yorker, cricket term, its derivation, ii. 605 ; iii. 37 Yorkshire charters of the 12th century, viii.

489 Yorkshire Lass on Dickens 's last reading at Leeds ,

vi. 87 Yorkshire place-names, etymology of, viii. 370,


Yorkshiremen in America, 1657-1794, v. 127 Young (A. B.) on Circle of Loda. ii. 8 Peacock on

fashionable literature, i. 86 ; ii. 4 ; plays, ii. 27 Young (Arthur), his reference to Lord Carrington,

xii. 241, 282, 303, 312

Young (Brooke), Etonian, 1762, xi. 267, 410 Young (Mrs. Edward), her death c. 1765, v. 68 Young (Rev. Edward), author of 'Night Thoughts,'

iii. 148 Young (G. A.) on two old-fashioned romances, vii.


Young (Mrs. Mary), Eton dame, d. 1775, v. 68 Young (R. M.) on glass manufactured at Belfast,

iii. 473 Young (T. E.) on treatises on longevity, vi. 394 ;

Cardinal Newman's epitaph, vii. 449 Young (W. Arthur) on uncollected Kipling items,

viii. 441, 464, 485 Young family of Auldbar, xii. 379 ' Young Folks,' history of the periodical, ii. 450,

511 ; iii. 34, 71, 251 ' Young Man's Companion,' date of first edition, iv.


Younger (E. G.) on ' Musica Proibita,' vi. 430 " Yousters " and "Eowestre." meaning, viii. 107,

173 Ypres, merchants of, at St. Ives Fair, c. 1260, x.

501 Ypres and Albuera, a comparison of the battles, xi.

265 Yspytty If an, trial concerning advowson, c. 1660,

vi. 229 Yule log in Cornwall, i. 129, 255, 296, 357. 398

Z. on Judge M'Clelland, iv. 250 Z. (A.) on cocks' heads, vii. 328 ; whitened door- step, vi. 473 ; "pogrom," x. 427 Z. (J.) on coffin-shaped chapels, ix. 51 Historic " Court " : Sheppey tree cut down, ix. 6 Sale of Pitt House, ix. 66 Z. (S.) on roses as cause of colds and sneezing, xi.


Z. (X. Y.) on brave Belgians, x. 168 H.M. barque Endeavour, vi. 131 Fox of Stradbroke, Suffolk, ix. 168, 310 Jews and the War, x. 247 Lyford family, i. 469 Morris, viii. 68 Pawlett : Smith, viii. 68 Petrograd, x. 208 Six Clerks' Office : James Clarke, v. 337 Zadig of Babylon, temp. King Moabdar, iv. 269,


Zanoni on courtesy titles, xi. 330 O'Neill, x. 470 Zanzig (husband and wife), their performances, xi.

249, 304, 367, 409, 481 Zaurat or Ziaret : " the Holy Ziaret," explained,

i. 105, 232 Zephyr on " Bonny Earl o' Moray, "iv. 68 Lifting

the bride over the threshold, vi. 191 Zeugma or syllepsis : 'Pickwick,' iv. 366 " Zijm and Gijm," meaning of the allusion, ix. 391,


Zinfaudel, Californian Claret, its name, vii. 88 Zizka (Jan), d. 1424, his burial-place, vi. 465 Zobell (Benjamin), 1762-1831, German artist, viii.

69, 116 ; ix. 391

Zodiac Club, or dining coterie, c. 1880, vii. 230 Zodiac of ten signs, date of use of, vi. 309 ; vii. 34 Zodiac signs used for musical notation, ix. 191 " Zona Libre " of Mexico, viii. 149 Zouaves, Papal, Glasgow men as, viii. 50 Zouche (R.) and the plays ' The Sophister,' 1637 ;

and 'Fallacy,' x. 287 Zucchero (Frederick), his portraits of Queen

Elizabeth, iv. 244, 292

Zulziman, in Dekker's ' Satiromastix, ' 1602, xii. 474