Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/64

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Buckeridge Street, origin of the name, vi. 50 Buckfastleigh, isolated church at, viii. 207 Buckfastleigh, Vicars of, 1777-1860, v. 308 Buckhorse, prizefighter, his death, c. 1804, xii. 85,


'Buckingham (George Villiers, second Duke of),

his duel with Earl of Shrewsbury, xii. 302, 344

Buckingham (J. Silk), d. 1855, autobiographical

MSS., v. 48

Buckland (Frank) and Richard Bell, iv. 245, 295 Buckland (T.) Westminster scholar, 1733, ix.


Buckland Shag, village legend, i. 367, 416 Buckle (H. T.), his ' History of Civilization,' i. 115 Buckley (E.), Etonian, 1765, ix. 489 Bucknall family, viii. 146, 234, 276 Bucknill (J.) on Cyprus epitaph, i. 206 Buckrose, in place-names, iii. 464 Bucks, Order of, Christian Freemasonry, xi. 263 Bucks and Beds, early Sheriffs of, viii. 408, 497 Budapest, length of journey from London to,

1859, viii. 70, 152 Budd (Charles), Westminster scholar, 1752, ix.


Buddha in Christian art, ii. 147, 217 ; iii. 357 Budget, verbal use of the word, ii. 47 " Buds of marjoram," Shakespeare's Sonnet

XCIX, viii. 169, 213, 237 Buff and blue as party colours, i. 486 ; ii. 11 Buffoon's admirers referred to by Fielding, i.

367 ; ii. 534

Bugbears, historical characters used as, xii. 138 Builders in Devonshire, 1812-30, ii. 310, 418 Bukaty family, vii. 268, 436 Buldon, Prebendary of, v. 68, 139 Bulfm, Bulfinch, Bullyvant, surnames, 1080-

1488, iii. 444 ; iv. 158

Bulg (Martin), traditions about the saint, ix. 108 Bulgarian river tradition, i. 246, 517 " Bulgars "^Bulgarians, use of the word, vi. 367 Bulkeley (Sir R.), Bart,, of Ireland and Surrey,

c. 1705, xi. 494 : xii. 52, 129, 188 Bulkeley, Kirkman, Price, and Robins families,

xii. 9, 75

Bulkley (Mrs. Mary), actress, c. 1759, xi. 432, 498 Bull=a seal, origin and use of the term, iii. 326

411, 477 Bull, snow-white, bred for Druid sacrifices, xi. 90,


Bull (A.) on Percy Society, viii. 30 Bull (Edward), 1798-1813, publisher, ii. 87, 176 Bull (F. W.) on Rev. Samuel Greatheed, v. 236 Bull (Richard), Westminster School steward, 1776

vii. 70, 170, 200, 256 Bull (Stephen), Westminster scholar, 1723, ix


Bull (W.), Westminster scholar, 1723, ix. 230 Bull (Sir W.) on author of ' Paddiana,' x. 354 Bell inscription at Falmouth, iii. 248 Benamor (Dr.), vii. 261" Billion," " Trillion," &c., ix 315 Capital letters, vii. 50 Families : dura tion in male line, v. 27 Grafton (Duke of) East Indiaman, ii. 189 Horrocks (Jeremiah) ix. 315 Links between thallium and the Great Plague, xi. 45 'Maids of Taunton,' ii. 491 Names of novels wanted, xi. 175 Robinson (Luke), M.P., xi. 55 Swale (Mrs.), 1761-1845 ii. 248 Verne (Jules), viii. 256 Vernon (Ad miral) and Oakendean, Bowfold, iii. 348 Wall-papers, x. 75 Watt's (Isaac) collatera . descendants, ii. 168, 351 Wellington an

Bliicher at Waterloo, ii. 227, 453 Weltie, xii. 9 York (Duchess of), 1820, iv. 67 Zanzigs, xi. 481

Bull and Poker,' story alluded to, 1757, x. 108 Bullen (R. Freeman) on Anne Boleyn or Bullen, iii. 375 Consecration crosses near piscinae, viii. 398 East Anglian families : Gosse and Goose, vii. 477 Harwich and George I., ix. 317 Heart-burial in niches in church walls, viii. 391 Helmet worn at Flodden Field, x. 455 Huxley on Positivism, viii. 18 Quarles family, vi. 153 Richards of Bramley House, Suffolk, v. 177 Rixham Fair and Matthew Prior, x. 75 Suffolk poll-books, i. 308 Tanner (Thomas), Bishop of St. Asaph, v. 238 Bullen or Boleyn family in Ireland, iv. 6, 465 Buller-a-lah," 1688, meaning of the word, v. 28, 111 Bulley (H. A.) on Gower family of Worcestershire,

iv. 53

Bulley family, iii. 8, 134, 375 Bullion, use of the word in 1336, its etymology, ii.


Bullivant (Cecil H.) on Bullivant, ix. 207, 488 Bullivant family, ix. 207, 488 Bullock ( J. M.) on advent of Scotsmen in England, ix. 266 Analyzing- the water of the Dead Sea, vi. 488 " Andrew Halliday," xi. 409 Authorship of ' PaxVobis,' vii. 328 B. (E. V.), xii. 487 Bagpipes for Highland Regiments, xi. 248 Belt family, i. 266; ii. 186 Botany Bay female " factory," ix. 231 Bourbon's (Due de) " secret," viii. 390 British graves in the Crimea, viii. 209 Bukaty family, vii. 268 Burying face downward, xii. 118 Byroniana, x. 108 Cameron (Capt. John), Northern Fencibles, 1793, ix. 291 Cannon's regimental Histories, xi. 280 Capture of Spira, v. 429 Clack surname, x. 35 " Cock " = tassel, xii. 160 " Comte de Babktin," v. 309 Courage, the brewer, xi. 433 Curious hunting episode in Bucks, vii. 389 Dingwall family, vi. 11 Disaster at Rhe, 1627, v. 370 Dog's monument at Quilon, iv. 49 Dublin Gunns, iv. 449 "Duke" and " Duchess J' as Christian names, vii. 447 Early volunteering : " Plan II.," xi. 360 -East India Company's marine service, ii. 193 Empress as surname, viii. 106 " Episcopalian " or " Church of England," xi. 28 Experimenting medically on the soldier, xii. 157 Forerunner of the London Scottish, xi. 186 Fraser Highlanders, xii. 170 Georgiana Duchess of Bedford, v. 306 Germans as Gordon Highlanders, x. 446 Glasgow men as Papal Zouaves, viii. 50 Goats with cattle, xi. 500 Gordon, deaf and dumb instructor, vi. 448 Gordon as a Hun- garian Nobleman, viii. 486 Gordon (Adam) of Downing Street, xi. 454 Gordon's (Adam Lindsay) fate, vi. 245, 312 Gordon (Rev. Anthony) : Francis Hastings Gordon, iii. 308 Gordon (Capt. Charles) of the Chesapeake, xii. 257 Gordon (Charles), publisher, ii. 67 Gordon (Col.), in ' Barnaby Rudge,' i. 11; iv. 508 Gordon (Col. the Hon. Cosmo), xi. 174, 324 Gordon (Counts of), v. 390 Gordon's (Duchess of) recruiting kiss, ix. 69 Gordon (Second Duke of) : a curiosity in bibliography, iv. 165 Gordon (Rev. James) at siege of Derry, iii. 369 Gordon (James Newell), v. 508 Gordon '" Jimmv >M the Cambridge