Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/67

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Busby (Dr.), his house at Baling, xii. 140 Bushby (E. F.) on ' Cockles and Mussels,' iv. 4081 Bushel, " bussellus Londonie," in 1340, x. 90, 174 " Bushel and Strike," origin of tavern sign, ix.

330, 392, 454

" Bush Inn " at Staines, its history, i. 208 Business house, the oldest in London, xi. 69, 137,


Buss (Miss) and Miss Beale, rimes, v. 291, 392, 497 Buss (Octavius) on Miss Buss and Miss Beale, v.


Bussey (Parson) of Alscott, Warwickshire, i. 309 " But*" = " without " in the Bible, iv. 26, 78, 158 Butcher (J.), Westminster scholar, 1724, ix. 449 Butchers, their marks upon carcases, ix. 269 Butleigh, Somerset, the Hood memorial column,

ix. 365

Butler. See Botelcr. Butler, the name in registers of Bucks and Oxon,

xi. 382

Butler (C. E.) on Raikes Centenary, iv. 37 Butler (Dr.), his pictures in 1618, iv. 489 Butler (G. G.) on missing words wanted, v. 476 Butler (S.) and Rabelais, unfounded charge of plagiarism, i. 226 ; on Irish shire stolen, v. 468 Butler (Samuel) pirated edition of ' Hudibras,'

ii. 142, 211 Butler (Thomas), W T inchester scholar, c. 1588, viii.

409 ; ix. 518 Butler family, vi. 161

Butler or Le Botiler family, iv. 310, 3^4 Butt George), 1741-95, Staffordshire poet, ix.

448, 492

Butt (Walter) on Osmunderley, v. 270 Butterfield (Admiral), his first wife, d. 1842, ix.

471 Butterfield (T.), Westminster scholar, 1737, ix.


" Butter rents," from account c. 1330, viii. 426

Butterworth (Major S.) on author wanted, vii.

453 " Branache Ecossais," xii. 488 British

troopship wrecked on Reunion Island, viii.

131 Centenary of the cigar, ix. 235 Lamb

(Charles) and " Dog days," viii. 5 " Mrs.

S. ," ix. 257 Lowell's ' Fireside Travels,' x.

197 Methods of waking a sleeper, xii. 490

" Persuasion," vii. 445 Smith's (Horace)

verses on surnames, viii. 73 " Sung by Reynolds

in 1820," v. 237 Taylor's ' Holy Dying ' :

Charles Lamb, vii. 477 " The common damn'd

shun his society," viii. 126

Button inscription, " The Chosen Few," i. 287

Button-makers, dates of firms, vii. 369, 477

497 ; viii. 95

Buttons, silver, the date of, v. 49 Butts (Thomas), a friend of Blake, 1793, vii. 428,

492 ; viii. 35 Butty vant, Bullyvant, surnames, iv. 18, 117, 158 Buxton (Rev. J. Frank) on Corpus Christi in

England : post-Reformation, xi. 430 Buxton and Rothschild, conversation between, v.

309, 414 Byam (G.), Westminster scholar, 1715, ix. 449 ;

x. 57

Byde (J.), Westminster scholar, 1735, ix. 449 Byde (T.), Westminster scholar, 1735, ix. 449 Byde family of Ware Park, v. 469 Byles (C. E.) on Matthew Arnold on modern

hurry, iii. 488

Byles (Rev. Mather) and Alexander Pope, iv. 166 "By-o, By-o-baby," 1594, ix. 105

Byrne (M. D.), h's ' The Boat Race,' i. 68

Byrom (Samuel), author of pamphlet on debts, 1729, ii. 168, 195

Byrom (Samuel), Westminster scholar, ix. 449, 515

Byron (Lord), relics of, i. 266 ; ' Childe Harold,' Canto IV. stanza 182, a misprint, 418 ; quoted in court of justice, iv. 48 ; and Heine, 290, 338 ; his Aberdeen tutor, v. 167 ; and the Sidney family, 268, 378 ; and the Hobhouse MS., vii. 509 ; Viii. 51 ; ' Last Links with,' 228, 249 ? his use of the word " lay," ix. 506 ; x. 158

Byroniana, x. 108

Byron- Webber (R.) on ' Tale of a Tub,' xi. 251

Byzantine Emperors of Constantinople, descen- dants of, vi. 466

C and t interchanged in words and place-names,. iii. 229, 351, 398

C. on authors of quotations wanted, vii. 489 Banished covenanters, i. 9 Butlers in parish registers, Bucks and Oxon, xi. 382 Chantries, xi. 322 " Die JEgyptiaca " : " Hor ^Eagyptiaca," xii. 181 Famous trial: Jephson, xii. 442 Foxtone (Master John), xi. 474 Irish priests banished to Barbados, i. 149 St. Thomas Cantilupe, xii. 101

C. (A.) on adventure of the Hawk privateer, xii.. 299 Detached portions of counties, vi. 69 Great Snow in 1614, iii. 14 Thomas Bradbury Lord Mayor, x. 490 Wildgoose, ix. 398

C. (A. B.) on lucky shoes, ii. 509

C. (A. C.) on " All's fair in love and war," xi. 198 Alphabet of stray notes, xi. 369 Altars, ix. 415 Andrews (Richard), vii. 135 "Ask"= tart, viii. 194, 335 Author wanted, vi. 95 ; vuv 373 Battle of Lohfeldt, ix. 474 Bengeworth,, vi. .72 Birmingham statues and memorials, ix. 411 Blizard or Blizzard as a surname, ix.. 437" Blood-boltered," ' Macbeth,' ix. 417 Bolton of London, c. 1550, vii. 488 Breast tackle, ix. 194 Chained books, vi. 136 " Cheev " : Cheever," vii. 74 Childe or Child family, x. 29 Church ales : churchwardens* accounts, vi. 74 Clack surname, ix. 494 ' Cloister and the Hearth,' xii. 185 Cockburn,xu. 258 Communion "halpens," vi. 308 "Con- founded red herrings," v. 377 ' Coriolanus,' viii. 510 " Daie workes " and " Rodds," xii. 271 Derham (Samuel), M.A., M.D., x. 131

Descendants of Catherine Parr, x. 215

Detached portions of counties, vi. 234 " Dowler," vii. 370 Dunstable larks, x. 397 Easter hare, xi. 320 " Excorse," vi. 386 Fielding's ' Tom Jones,' x. 293 " Fingers " of the clock, xi. 255 " Finstall," vi. 511 folk-speech (Worcestershire) : " plain," xti- 188 ' Guy's Porridge Pot,' London, 1803, ix. 471 Harmar (Samuel), vii. 388 I'Anson, v., 416 " Inchaiffe hesper," xi. 327 Lingen family, vii. 48 Maidens' garlands, vi. 336 Mediaeval common-sense, ix. 188 Milton's ' Lycidas,' vi. 395 " Morrye-house," vii. 158 Necessary nicknames, xi. 405 Nixon : Tracey, vii. 30 Old- time children's books and stories, vii. 357 " Peace with honour," xi. 209 Pennington (S.), viii. 130 Place-names, v. 413 Plants in poetry, vi. 357 " Plowden," ix. 436 "Pomander," vi.214 Salt mines, vii. 395