Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/72

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Carew (B. Shapland), Etonian, 1765, ix. 489 ; x. 18

Carey (C.) on aviation in 1911 : the taxi-aero, iv. 5

Carey (Miss Sheridan), her poem ' Dear Speckle- back,' vii. 308, 354

Carey (T. W.) on Beauvoir, Normandy, and De Belvoir, England, v. 88 Le Botiler or Butler family, iv. 310 Segrave : de Segre, vi. 271

Carey (W. J.) on " Bite bigger, Billy," vi. 94

Carisbrooke Castle, I.W., the water-wheel, vii. 269, 354

Carith. on lacis or filet-work, viii. 108

Carkesse (Thomas), Westminster scholar, i. 468

Carkett (B.), Etonian, 1763, ix. 489

Carleton (I.) artist (?), 1636, vii. 148

Carlin Sunday and " The Hole," Fleet Street, ii. 229, 314, 392

Carlos (Don), son of Philip II., his death, v. 409

Carlton (W. J.) on Timothy Bright, iv. 531 ' Mirror for Short-hand Writers,' vii. 227

Carlyle (Dr. Alexander), of Inkeresk, his pedigree, iii. 244

Carlyle (T.) French version of his ' French Bevolution,' ii. 206 ; on singing at work, 309, 494 ; Sir C. Hanbury Williams, and Sir Woodbine Parish, iii. 163 ; his aphorism on Charles I., 328, 371 ; and " Schicksal und eigen Schuld," 407 ; iv. 13, 57 ; on Oliver Cromwell's head, iii. 445 ; his ' Sartor Besartus,' v. 209, 315 ; explanation of references, v. 290, 435 ; and Casanova, 428 ; vi. 16, 94, 172, 235 ; his quotations from Goethe, 106 ; America his " Carcassonne," 489 ; and Emerson, " transcendental moonshine," viii. 307, 356 ; " The eye sees only," 406, 472, 515 ; Higginbotham in his ' Cromwell,' ix. 365 ; his ' Past and Present,' x. 189, 255

Carlyon (Thomas), Etonian, 1764, x. 28

' Carmagnole,' a French revolutionary hymn played by English military band, iv. 27, 158, 199

Carnall (Bobert), author, c. 1822, his biography, iii. 308

Carne (Joseph), F.B.S., of Cornwall, x. 110

Carnwath House, demolition of, viii. 327, 378

Carolina, South, newspapers, 1732-74, iv. 168 ; v. 378

Caroline (Queen), her funeral and Col. Oakes, iii. 69, 173 ; brass token with bust of, v. 167 ; letter to her husband, viii. 184

Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark, her mar- riage, 1766, vi. 186

Carols : " Tyrly tirlow " and Coventry Nativity play, i. 125 ; " To-morrow shall be my dancing day," 241 ; " I will teach you one," ix. 250 ; All you that are to mirth inclined, xii. 461, 508 ; Good King Wenceslas, 499

Caromez : Frere Caromez, c. 1370, i. 9

Carpenter or Carpentiere, sculptor, d. 1737, vi. 129

Carpenter (Margaret), her portrait of B. Banken, 1846, xi. 249

Carpenter family of Somerset, arms of, iv. 527

Carpenter, Cressingham, Spettigue, and Bowe families, iv. 24, 77, 113

Carpet-bagger, etymology of the word, iii. 45

Carpillions, meaning of the word, iii. 168, 213, 358

Carr (Dr. J.)=Mary Dacre. of Hertford, c. 1792, xi. 267

Carr (John), Westminster scholar, 1726, ix. 488 Carr (Balph), Westminster scholar, 1781, vii. 70

133, 193 ; ix. 488 ; x. 33, 75, 115 Carr (W.), artist, 1792, vii. 228, 274, 312 Carr (W.), Mayor of Liverpool, 1741, x. 131, 176 Carr (W.), Westminster scholar, 1820, ix. 488 Carr (Bev. W. Arnold) on William Carr, Mayor of

Liverppool, x. 131 Carracci (Annibale), picture of St. Gregory,

ii. 269, 377 ; ' The Three Maries,' viii. 166 Carrington (A.) on John Baine, c. 1783, iv. 229 Carrington (Lord), Arthur Young's reference to

xii. 241,282,303,312

" Carronade " guns, origin of, v. 251, 337 Carruthers (W.) on bequest of Bibles: Lord

Wharton, v. 151 Cart family arms, i. 289, 375 Carter (Miss A. Q.) on Horatio Hele, vii. 268 ;

John Hele, South Molton, viii. 129 Carter (C. W. L.) on French Church registers,

i. 348 Carter (Sir Gilbert T.) on Gilbert family, ix. 49

Pirates : Capt. Woodes Bogers, ix. 30 Carter (H. A.) on Stewart family, Scotland and

Ireland, v. 130 Carter (John), d. 1910, hairdresser to the Bar

i. 425

Carter (B. J.), Westminster scholar, 1820, ix. 488 Carter (Sarah), " The Sleeping Beauty," d. 1855 r

viii. 231 Carter (T.), Westminster school steward, 1794

vii. 70, 133 Carter (W.) on Pike of Market Harborouglu

v. 389 Carter (William), Bristol artist, vi. 410

vii. 13, 93

Carter family, ii. 128 Carter and Haseldine families, ix. 129 Carthage, stone from, at Stepnev, vii. 109, 195.


Carthagena medal, the origin of, ix. 290, 358 " Cartholes," meaning of the word, viii. 426 Carthusian Priories, fourteenth and fifteenth

centuries, xi. 293

Carton (J.) on Medmenham Abbey, i. 32 Cartoons, Baphael's, copied by Le Blon, 1729,

iv. 269

Cartouche, clergyman's arms on, iii. 329, 391 Cartularies, bibliography, vii. 286, 335 ; of

Chertsey Monastery, iii. 70, 115 ; of alien

priories in England, 167, 255 ; of Hulton Abbey,.

its possessor, 1911, iv. 367 ; of Hexham,

viii. 489 ; of Premonstratensian house, Holy- wood, vi. 468 Cartwright (Edmund), his biography, vii. 349,

435 Cartwright (J.), Westminster scholar, 1742,.

ix. 488

Cartwright (B. A.) on three-handled cup, ii. 408 Cartwright (T.), Westminster scholar, 1777,

xi. 170 Cartwright (Bishop W.), 1730-99, Nonjuror,

ix. 150, 492

Cartwright (W.), Etonian, 1764, x. 28 Gary (C.), Westminster scholar, 1716, ix. 488 Cary (H.), Westminster scholar, 1775, ix. 488 Gary (Henry), Westminster scholar, i. 288 Cary (H. F.), translator of Dante, his portrait,.

v. 348 ; his poems, viii. 309 Cary (Walter), author, c. 1583, vii. 128, 253 Cary or Carey (C.), Etonian, 1758, x. 28