Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - General Index.djvu/93

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stoppers " and Sir Isaac Newton, xii. 49

Turpin's (Dick) pistol, vi. 107 " When she

was good," iii. 333 Curtis (John), Etonian, 1760, x. 148 Curtis (Michael Atkins), Etonian, 1760, x. 148 Curtis (W.), 1774, coloured print of, viii. 128, 178 Curwen (J. F.), on price of cereals in 1550, vii. 288 Curwen ( J. Spencer) on Nottingham as a surname,

v. 237 Plaistow and its products, iii. 256

Price (Dr.) the Druid, iv. 274 " Vicar of

Bray " : " pudding-time," vii. 149 Curwood (John), blind, called to the bar, 1796,

ix. 430, 498 ; x. 33 " Curzo," meaning and origin of the word, vi.

428 ; vii. 54, 172 Curzon (Nathaniel), his gift to Clerkenwell (?),

c. 1500, ix. 250 Curzon of Kedleston (Lord) on George I. Statue,

ii. 7

Cusack (James), Westminster scholar, 1746, x. 330 Cusani, a nation, their customs, x. 90, 138, 372 Custance (John), Etonian, 1762, x. 148 Custom House cutters, their officers, iii. 228, 477 Customs and institutions, pagan, vi. 250, 351,

370 ; vii. 233

Custumal from ' Liber Niger,' the date of, viii. 88 Cutforthhay (John), Westminster scholar, 1729,

x. 330 Cuthbertson (Kitty) novelist, friend of Macaulay

family, iii. 429, 475 Cuthbertson (William), Westminster scholar, 1738,

x. 330 Cutler (E.) on Shakespeare on the pain of death,

vi. 28 Cutlery, Sheffield, in 1820, French book on, iv.

428 ; iv. 78 Cutter (W. P.) on Garrick and ' Borneo and Juliet,'

ii. 47

Cutters, Custom House officers, of iii. 228, 477 Cuttle (Capt.), his hook on right or left wrist, iv.

506 ; v. 52 Cyder Cellars, Maiden Lane, xi. 208, 256, 366 ;

xii. 14 Cymdeithias Lien Cymru, Welsh printing society,

iii. 263

Cymmau, a property in Flintshire, iv. 250 Cynghordy, Welsh place-name, English trans- lation of, v. 28, 97 Cynical," use of the word, v. 506 Cyprian image legend, i. 328 ; ii. 96 Cyprus, folk-lore of, xi. 486 ; xii. 4 ; Levant

Company and Consuls in, xi. 222, 241, 263,

499 ; xii. 128, 460 ; hagiography of, xii. 129,


Cyprus epitaph, its meaning, i. 206 Cyril on Fox's widow, viii. 487 " Cytel," the meaning of, in Anglo-Saxon names,

iv. 187, 233, 434, 491

D. on book covers : " Yellow-backs," ii. 274 " Castill Jordeyn," viii. 350" Cheminots," i. 494 Elections, first, under the Ballot Act, i. 416 Field telegraph, early, i. 274 " Foul anchor," ii. 168 " lona," ix. 490 Knight- hood and Disraeli, ii. 431 " Plough Inn " at Longhope, i. 193 " Posters," i. 494 Bailie- paper, its meaning, ii. 356 Snails as food, ii. 353 Turcopolerius : Sir John Shelley, ii. 371 Vanishing London : Proprietary Chapels, ii. 293

D. (A.) on diminutive almanacs, vii. 329 D. (A. H.) on Chinese Gallery in London, i. 207 D. (A. H. C.) on Poseidon and Athene, xi. 377 D. (B.) on Apssen counter, i. 116 Authors of quotations wanted, ii. 408 Browning (Mrs.) and Sappho, i. 52 Fanshawe (Miss C.) :

' Politics,' vii. 509 St. Andrew, xii. 49

Wooden ships, i. 35 Words and tunes wanted,- viii. 176

D. (B. M.) on Kings with special title, v. 7 D. (C.) on Armour (Bobert), vii. 130 Chevalier- de Laurence and heraldry, ii. 1 Cowland, ix.- 514 Hogg on Scott, vi. 248' Lady Bark,' by David Ferguson, vi. 349 ' Marriage,' by Susan Ferrier, ix. 169 ' Mes Pensees ' i~ Laurent Angliviel de La Beaumelle (1726-73),- viii. 206 ' Pax Vobis ' : authorship, vii. 433 ' Beverberations ' : W. Davies, ii. 134 Solicitors' Boll before 1827, viii. 158 D. (C. E.) on eighteenth- century murder, vu-


D. (E.) on Cymmau, Flintshire, iv. 250 D. (E. H.) on rings with a death's head, viii. 217;

J. Aspilon : B. Gille : J. Sturdy, i. 409 D. (E. J.) on Khoja Hussein, viii. 232 D. (G.) on abolition of tenure by knight service,, vii. 369 ; descendants of Catherine Parr, x. 257 j Jonathan Forbes and Whiterill, Shakespearian^ critics, xi. 49

D. (G. F.) on knighthood : Arthur of Brittany,- vii. 413 Undergraduates as officers of the reserve forces, xii. 502 D. (H.) on heart locked with a key, x. 388 D. (H. C.) on Ivory seal found in New Guinea, vi-


D. (H. L. L.) on Amelia (Princess), i. 10 Colonial* t Governors, viii. 329 Day family of Essex, iii^ 233 Denny and Windsor families, ii. 274 ; vi. 417 Goring House, ii. 369 Waltham Abbey : carved panels, i. 245 D. (H. W.) on Bobin Hood, v. 29 D. (J.) Authors wanted, ii. 327 ; iii. 454 Barabbas a publisher, ii. 29 Chartres Cathedral iii. 497 " Counfounded red herrings," v. 288- Dillon on Disraeli, iv. 449 Four winds, a fairy story, i. 199 Germans, x. 388 Knights- of the Swan, ii. 369' Lady of Elche,' xii. 342 Magi in the Gozzoli fresco, viii. 130 ' Nibelun- genlied ' : its localities, iv. 309 Old novel wanted, viii. 167 Pears : " Bon Chretien "~ and " Doyenn6 du Cornice," iv. 309 Pisa Cathedral, vii. 410 Poor Soul's Light : " To- tenlaterne," ii. 448 Borne : Jewish sarco- phagi and Greek painting, vii. 429 Sacts'a- (Hans) poems, v. 167 " Satan rebuking sin,' r v . 330 Statesman in " Friends in Council," ii. 329 Torrens, v. 289 Women carrying their- husbands, ii. 452

D. (J. L.) on Trafalgar Bridge, xii. 83 D. (J. M.) on alabaster boxes of love, ii. 169

Usona = U.S.A., ii. 148, 254 D. (K.) on Shakespeariana, i. 504 ; ii. 28, 163 D. (M. C.) on Coleridge on firegrate folk-lore, i-

349 ; " Die Wahrheit ruht in Gott," i. 417 D. (M. L.) on minster : verger v. sacristan, ii. 13^ St. Esprit, iv. 209 Saint's Garden, v. 128- D. (P. G.) on Grand Khaibar, iv. 290 Speaker's-

Chair, ii. 177

D. (B.) on " totane," v. 366

D. (B. C.) on King in place-names, i. 130 Vatclv i. 308