Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/312

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii is. i. APR. 10, 1910.

I have added references to the information given by other correspondents of 'N. & Q.' supplementary to my first list. Nobody is entered after 1799.

There is a catalogue in Power's 'Handy Book,' and the various local bibliographies (of which a list would be useful) would furnish another host. There must also have been many provincial booksellers whose names never got into the asylum of a title-page.

Macaulay's celebrated "Chapter III." may be read by way of comment.


Alnwick. A. Graham, 1767. \ylesbury. Stephen Dagnall, 1661 (and at

Leyton ; see under Chesham, 10 S. v. 142). Banbury. George Thorp(e), 1703-6. Bath. R. Cruttwell, printer, 1775-1802. S. Hazard, 1775-1795. W. Meyler, 1786. Birmingham. T. Warren, jun., printer, Litch-

field Street, 1751.

Christopher Earl, Coffee-Pot, Dale-End, 1766. Baskerville, 1772.

Bradford, J. Wood, Ive Gate, 1760. Nicholsons, printers, 1787. George Nicholson, printer, 1788-90. Brentford, New. P. Norbury, 1779. Bristol. William Ballard, Bible, Corn Street,


Thomas Wall, Tolezey, Corn Street, 1660. Richard Moon, Wine Street, 1660, Wind Street,

1661. William Bonny, printer, Tolsey, on the Back,


Richard Gravett, 1715. Sam. Farley & Co., printers, 1716 (?). Joseph Penn, printer, Wine Street, 1719. Sam. Farley, printer, 1721 ; Wine Street, 1732-


Francis Wall, Tolzey, 1721. Widow Penn, Wine Street, 1733. Sam. & Felix Farley, printers, Shakespeare's

Head, Castle Green, 1738-45. S. Bonner, printer, Castle Street, 1746. Sam. Farley, printer, near White Hart, Old

Market, 1746-8 ; Castle Green, 1750-73. E. Farley, printer, Small Street, 1758-65. T. Cadell, Wine Street, 1765. AVilliam Pine, printer, Narrow Wine Street,

1766 ; Wine Street, 1771-6. S. Farley, printer, Castle Green, 1769-72. S. Bonner, Castle Street, 1769 ; Castle Green,


J. Rudhall, printer, Small Street, 1772. Rouths & Nelson, printers, 1775. T. Mills, Wine Street, 1775-92. Bonner & Middleton, printers, Castle Green,


E. Sibly, printer, Castle Street, 1786. A. Browne & Son, Tolzey, 1786. Paine, printer, 1793. Bulgin, 1795. N. Biggs, printer, 1796. J. Cottle, 1797. Biggs & Co., printers, 1799. John Rose, printer, Broadmead, 1799. J. Mills, printer, Castle Street, 1799.

Buckingham. B. Seeley, 1751.

Bury St. Edmunds. Ralph Watson, 1686.

Philip Deck, 18th cent.

Green, 1757.

J. Rackham, 1787-98.

P. Gedge, printer, 1797. Canterbury. J. Abree, 1740.

Simmons & Kirkby, printers, 1778. Carlisle. F. JoUie, 1792.

Chelmsford. See a list in The Library World, Sept., 1904.

L. Hassall, 1771 (10 S. xii. 128).

Frost, 1781.

Clachar, 1795. Chester. H. Page, 1711.

Ledsham, 1761.

Lawton, 1771 (10 S. xii. 128).

Broster, 1791.

W. Minshull, printer, 1796.

W. Leicester, 1796. Chesterfield, S. Gunte?, 1725. Cirencester. Jos. Turner, 1735.

Watkins, c. 1780.

S. Rudder, printer, 1792-3.

Colchester. See a list in The Library ^\ r orld ) Sept., 1904.

John & Thomas Kendall, 1761.

W. Keymer, 1772-98.

John Kendall, 1773. Coventry. Lackman, 18th cent. Deptford Bridge. J. Delaho, 1799. Derby. H. Allestree, 1725*

H. Cantrel, 1725. Devizes. T. Burrough, 1774.

Devonshire. See J. Ingle Dredge, ' Devon Book- sellers and Printers, 17th 18th Cent.,' 1885-91. Dorchester, Dorset. Samuel Gould, d. 1783

(10S. v. 492).

Dudley. J. Rann, printer, 1794. Durham. W. Freeman, 1713.

John Waghorne, 1727-30. Eton. J. Pote, printer, 1783. Evesham. Hugh Keate, 1678.

John Agg, printer, 1794. Exeter. Sam. Darker, printer, 1699.

Sam. Farley, printer, over against New Inn, 1699-1709.

Charles Yeo, 1699.

S. Farley & J. Bliss, 1706.

Jos. Bliss, printer, 1707.

John March, near Great Conduit, 1707.

Andrew Brice, printer, Northgate Street, 1726-56.

E. Score, 1778.

Thorn, 1781.

E. Grigg, printer, 1792.

Woolmer, 1793. Gateshead. Stephen Bulkeley, 1646-62 (and at

Newcastle-upon-Tyne ). Greenwich. Thomas Cole, 1770. Halifax. P. Darby, printer, 1760.

Watson, c. 1790.

'J. Nicholson & Co., 1795. Hampshire. See 10 S. v. 481. Henley. G. Norton, printer, 1790. Hereford. Tho. Hancox, 1674.

Will. Parks, printer, 1721.

W. C. B.

(To be continued.)