Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/328

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. i. APE. w, ma

Booksellers' Catalogues.—April.

Messrs. Deighton, Bell & Co. of Cambridge send their Catalogue 21, New Series, containing works on Theology and Church History, Greek and Latin Classics, Oriental Works, and Physics and Chemistry, among the last being the Journal of the Chemical Society and the Bridgewater Treatises. Under History is Camden's 'Britannia,' Gough and Nichols's edition, 1806, 4 vols., folio, half-calf, 2l. 15s.; also Hakluyt, with essay by Raleigh, 12 vols., large 8vo (one of 100 copies on hand-made paper), 15l. Under Archaeology, Fine Arts, &c., are Batty 's ' Copper Coinage,' 21. 2s. ; Fox-Davies's ' Art of Heraldry,' folio, half -morocco, 81. ; Frankau's ' Eighteenth- Century Colour Prints,' folio (only 50 copies printed), 15Z. ; and the following by Sir Walter Arm- strong : ' Sir Henry Raeburn,' with a duplicate set of the plates, imp. 4to, 6Z. 6s. ; ' Sir Joshua Reynolds,' 51. 5s. ; ' Turner,' 51. 5s. ; and another copy on Japanese vellum (one of 250), 10Z. 10s. There are also Frankau's ' William and James Ward,' 201. ; and Williamson's ' History of Portrait Miniatures,' 2 vols., folio (one of 50 on hand-made paper), 30Z. Works under Biblio- graphy include sections of the Museum Catalogue. Among Poetry and the Drama are the Edition de Luxe of Byron, edited by Coleridge and Prothero (one of 250), 13 vols., 4to, 10Z. 10s. ; Farmer's ' Early Dramatists,' first series, 13 vols., 4to, large paper, 211. 15s. ; and ' The Minor Poems of Milton,' reproduced in facsimile from the MS. in Trinity College Library, folio, half-morocco, 21. 2s. There is a privately printed book, Alfred Jones's ' The Old English Plate of the Empress of Russia,' 49 photogravure plates, royal 4to, 51. 5s.

Mr. Wilfrid M. Voynich's Catalogue 26 of Early Printed Books, Part II., contains many items of extreme rarity, including a number previously unknown. To describe the contents fully would half fill a number of ' N. & Q.,' so we can only indicate a few. The first entry is ' Capitoli della Venerabile Compagnia de S. Gio. Decollate,' a fine copy in dark-blue levant, 1518, 12Z. 12s. This is unknown to bibliographers. Baptista Man- tuanus (Spagnuoli), ' Vita Dionysii Areopagita?,' 1507, is 4Z. 4s. In the poem to the King of Spain the author speaks of the discovery of America by Columbus. A very rare school-book, Niger's ' De Grammatica Libri Decem,' 1514, is 21. 2s. The 1480 edition of this work contains the earliest known specimen in Italy of printed music. Philippus, Bishop of Brugnato, ' Opus noviter editum pro sacerdotibus animarum curam haben- tibus,' good uncut copy^ 1521, is 51. 5s. This ex- tremely rare work contains a textbook of pastoral duties, and comprises all the excommunications and interdictions promulgated by the Popes, the Lateran Council, and the Diocesan Synods. Under Anonymous Presses is another unrecorded early work, Dominicus de Seraphinis, ' Floridum Compendium Sinonimorum,' good copy, half- morocco, no copy in British Museum, Milan (?), 1485 (?), 61. 6s. The earliest known edition is dated 1501. There is a very rare and early Italian ' Imitatio Christ! ' under Gerson, 1494, 47. 10s. Under Padua is a typographical monu- ment of great rarity, Thomas de Aquino, ' Sum- mae Theologie, Pars Prima ' (all published), 1473, 10Z. 10s. There is an imperfect copy in the

British Museum. A fine edition of a famous romance of chivalry, Baiardo's ' Philogyne : Trattato amoroso de Hadriano e de Narcisa ' Parma, 1508, is 25Z. Under Mirandola, 1519, is the first book printed there, and so rare that in 1860 it was regarded as unique and reproduced in facsimile, namely, Pico della Mirandola's 1 Liber de veris calamitatum causis nostrorum temporum ad Leonem X,' large good copy, 81. 8s. Mr. Voynich has been fortunate in dis- covering a copy of Joannes de Sacrobosco dated Cracow, 1522 ; the price is 100Z. This is one of the rarest early books relating to the discovery of America. There is one of the few books pub- lished by the Stationers at the sign of the Trinity in St. Paul's Churchyard, Rolle's ' Speculum Spiritualium.' William Bretton was the pub- lisher ; his books were printed abroad chiefly, as this one was in Paris by Wolfgang Hopyl, 1510, 201. A liturgical work of great importance is ' Missale Ebredunensis,' the only Missal ever printed for the diocese of Embrun (French Alps), 1512, 50Z. The first Cicero printed in Spain, at Alcala de Henares, 1501, is 81. 8s. There is one of the finest specimens of W T ynkyn de Worde's press, the ' Polychronicon,' Westminster, 1495, 115Z. This copy is from the Osterley Park Library. The work is seldom met with so complete and in such a good state of preservation. Another rarity is ' Antiqua Statuta,' 12mo, agenda shape, narrow and very tall, small but good and perfect copy, 1514, 25Z. Under France in the Addenda is ' Chroniques de France,' 3 vols., Paris, 1476-7, a totally uncut copy, 50Z. This is a literary and typographical monument of the greatest rarity, being the first edition, and the first book printed in France in the French language. There is another edition dated 1493, folio, gothic type, 3 vols., with 30 woodcuts surrounded by borders and 920 smaller woodcuts of beautiful design, altogether twelve leaves wanting, 150Z. This is one of the finest illustrated books printed in Paris in the fifteenth century, and the first of the fine books printed by Maurand. It is of such rarity that most libraries possess only odd volumes ; even the British Museum, which is rich in Verard's books, has only the second and third vols., imperfect. The Catalogue contains many illustrations.

in (K0msp0ntontSu

WE beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we dp not print, and to this rule we can make no exception.

WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately, nor can we advise correspondents as to the value of old books and other objects or as to the means of disposing of them.

EDITORIAL communications should be addressed to " The Editor of ' Notes and Queries ' " Adver- tisements and Business Letters to " The Pub- lishers "at the Office, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.G.

H. B. ADRIANCE, San Francisco (The more I see of men," &c.). Fully discussed at 10 S. x. 188, 273; xii. 292.

CORRIGENDUM. A nte, p. 295, col. 2, line 21, for

the columns " read ten columns.