Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 1.djvu/516

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NOTES AND QUERIES. ui s. i. JU*E 25, 1010.

QUEEN KATHERINE PARR. I wish to be informed if there is any good recent life of this queen, or any monograph dealing with the close of her career. What became of her daughter by Lord Seymour of Sudeley ? According to Strype she died young ; but Miss Strickland in her ' Queens of England ' states that she married Sir Edward Bushel, and was ancestor of the Johnson Lawsons of Grove Villa, Clevedon. May I also inquire if there is any catalogue of the collection of relics of the queen now pre- served at Sudeley Castle, near Winchcombe, Gloucestershire, and if the question of their genuineness has formed the subject of inquiry ? EMERITUS.

[The nearest approach to a Life quoted in the

  • D.N.B.' is in Miss Strickland's 'Queens.']

AUTHOR OF QUOTATION WANTED. I shall be glad if any of your readers can tell me the author of the poem from which the following quotation is taken :

If I may enter by some humble door. I think the concluding line is The home for which I long.


ELEPHANT AND CASTLE IN HERALDRY. I would like to be informed of any fact about the origin or early use of the heraldic "elephant and castle,' 1 a charge borne on the arms of the Cutlers' Company, the City of Coventry, and, as crest, by Giovanni Francesco di Malatesta. H.

PRINCESS CLARA EMILIA OF BOHEMIA. In a MS. (largely autograph) of the Lisbon National Library (No. 7644) D. Francisco Manuel de Mello dedicates (fo. 113) his verses to " The most Serene Princess Madam Clara Emilia of Bohemia, daughter of Frederick, Fifth King of Bohemia, Palatine of the Rhine." I should like to have some particulars about this lady, who is not men- tioned among the children of Frederick by the genealogists I have consulted. Mello met the Princes Palatine (Rupert and Maurice), and probably this lady, when in Holland in 1641. EDGAR PRESTAGE.

PARIS FAMILY. Was John Ayrton Paris, M.D., son of Thomas Paris, born at Cam- bridge 7 Aug., 1785 ('Diet. Nat. Biog.'), related to the Mary Paris who married Samuel Vince, Plumian Professor of Astro- nomy, in 1780, at Cambridge ? She was a daughter of Thomas Paris of Cambridge (see Vince, ' Diet, .Nat. Biog. ? ), and hence Dr. John Ayrton Paris might .have been her

brother. Was this so ? I should be very glad of any information about this Pari& family or its branches. E. H.

COWES FAMILY. I am very grateful to PROF. .SKEAT for his courteous reply (ante, p. 155) to my question concerning a possible derivation of "The Cowes," and for his suggestion that there may have been a home or stead here belonging to some one whose name in the possessive case is thus preserved. Our island farms are in very many cases thus named, and I am not with- out hopes that this valuable clue may lead to definite results.

I now appeal to your readers for informa- tion concerning the family name of Cowes. Where did such a family live ? and do anjr remain in England ? I find that Pepys mentions " Capt. Cowes ?J as commanding one of the ships of the Royal Navy circa 1 660. I also learn that before 1 735 a certain Peter Cow or Coues lived in Jersey, as inquiries for his origin are being made by an American rear-admiral.

It seems unlikely that either Capt. Cowes or Peter Cow came of the ancient Norfolk house of Coo, as the vowel-sounds are so- different ; but I am very anxious to learn if a family called Cow or Cowes can be traced, as I could then endeavour to trace any member of it who may have settled in the Isle of Wight before Henry VIII. built his castle on the beach. Y. T.

BISHOPS OF GLOUCESTER : THEIR POR- TRAITS. Are there any portraits extant of the following Bishops of Gloucester : William Wakeman, 1541-9 ; James Brooks, 1554-8 ; Richard Cheyney, 1562-79; John Bulling- ham, 1581-98 ; Gabriel Goodman, 1625-55 ;. William Nicholson, 1661-72 ; and John Pritchett, 1672-81 ? A. A. HUNTER.

College Road, Cheltenham.

TALBOT. In a document, written in Dutch and dated 1393, Johan van Greven- steyn makes known that he has become a " los leidige man " (query a freeman) of the town of Aiche (Aix), and he affixes his seal. He also requests " John Talbot, the Englishman, to affix his seal in further testimony of the truth."' The seal of John van Grevensteyn consists of a shield bearing three annulets with the inscription around JOHAN VAN GREVNSTEYS. The seal of John Talbot shows clearly a shield bearing a fess between three birds, probably martlets, and above the shield, on a helmet, a crest which has- been taken for a talbot's head and neck.