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Nottingham, in May of the same year, the move- ment was due, embarked for India on June 13th, 1793. This meeting marks the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society, and the inauguration of modern Foreign Missions.

On the lower part of the stonework is carved Carey's famous motto : " Expect great things from God : attempt great things for God."

In the Carey Memorial Church, opened in October, 1912, is a stained-glass window containing a medallion portrait of Carey and the following inscription :

William Carey, D.D. Born Paulerspury 1761. Died Serampore, Bengal,


Founder of Modern Missions.

A Northamptonshire Shoemaker, Baptist Pastor, First Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society, Professor of Oriental Languages, Government Translator, and Author of many Versions of the Scriptures in Indian languages.

Moulton, Northants. On the wall of the Baptist Chapel, at the back of the pulpit, is a marble tablet inscribed as follows :

This Tablet

is erected to the memory of Wm. Carey, D.D.,

who was the honoured founder of

this place of worship,

and who for four years was

the devoted pastor of this church.

He afterwards became the Evangelist of India,

Professor of Sanscrit

in the College of Fort William,

and the Father of

Modern Missions.

lie died at Serampore, June 9th, 1834, aged 72 years.

Leicester. On the wall beside the pulpit of Belvoir Street Baptist Chapel a tablet i? thus inscribed :

In memory of the Rev. William Carey, D.D.,

who entered on his work as Pastor of this Church A.D. MDCCLXXXIX.

and left his native country

as a Missionary to India A.D. MDCCXCIII.

where he rose to the highest eminence

as an Oriental Scholar. Deroted to the ministry of the Gospel among the


he was chiefly engaged

in the translation of the Sacred Scriptures

into the various dialects of the East ;

and became Professor ot the Sanscrit, Bengali, and Mahratta languages.

He was distinguished by elevated piety indomitable perseverance and disinterested bene- volence,

and having built for himself, by his vast attainments and great labours,

a bright and imperishable monument, died at Serampore ix June MDCCCXXXIV.

aged LXXIT years. " Attempt great things, expect great things."

Paulerspury, Northants. In 1885 a brass plate was fixed inside the church porch. It is very near the head of the grave of Carey's father, and is thus inscribed :

To the Glory of God

and in Memory of Dr. Wm. Carey,

Missionary and Orientalist,

who was born at Paul -rspury, Aug. 17th, 17C1, and died at Serampore, India,

June 9th, 1834.

The remains of his father Edmund Carey lie near this spot.

The headstone on Edmund Carey's grave was renovated at the same time and the inscription recut. The whole work was executed at the cost of Mr. E. S. Robinson of Bristol.

Hackleton, Northants. The Baptist Chapel was rebuilt in 1887 as a memorial to Dr. Carey. A tablet on the front of the building is thus inscribed :

This Chapel was built to the glory of God in memory of Dr. Carey, the Father of Modern Mis- sions to the heathen, and one of the Founders and the first Missionary of the Baptist Missionary Society. He toiled as a shoemaker, was con- verted to God, and preached his first sermon in this Village.

A Baptist Church existed at Hackleton so far back as 1781, and its 133rd anniversary was celebrated in May last.

Calcutta, India. In 1842, eight years after the death of Carey, the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India decided by resolution to place

" a marble bust to his memory in the Society's new apartments at the Metcalfe Hall, there to remain a lasting testimony to the pure and dis- interested zeal and labours of so illustrious a character."

The bust was duly sculptured by Lough, and shows forth to this day " the veneration in which the name of the illustrious founder of the Society is held."

Serampore, India. Dr. Carey's remains were interred in the Baptist Mission burial- ground. His grave is marked by a plain slab of stone, bearing merely his name and the dates of his birth and death. At the head of the grave is a large square memorial surmounted by a dome supported by four pillars. This monument commemorates Carey's three successive wives, and also contains the following laconic inscription to his own memory, placed there in accord- ance with the instructions given in his will :

William Carey. Born August 17, 1761,

Died June 9, 183). I

" A wre';ched, poor, and helpless worm, On Thy kind arms I fall."