Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/119

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US. X. AUG. 8, 1914.]



thus bearing out the theory advanced by your correspondent.

In Gilbert's ' Register of the Abbey of St. Thomas, Dublin,' there are, at pp. 170, 369, two grants of Walter de Ridelesford witnessed by " Amabili, filia Henrici," and at the latter pr ge there is a foot-note which begins " For grant from Walter and Ama- bilis de Ridelsford of rent," &c. This con- firms the marriage. At p. 150 of the same work there is also a grant to which " Meilero Filio Henrici " and " Waltero de Rideleford "

subscribed their names as witnesses, which, to my mind, strengthens the hypothesis that Meiler and Amabilis were brother and sister. Unfortunately, in this Register dates are conspicuous by their absence. But from the table below it will be seen that Meiler was quite young in 1157, and that Walter de Ridelesford was born not later than c. 1150; and as the former died in 1220, it was doubtless Amabilis's husband who was the co-witness to the grant with Meiler, her brother.

Andre L de Vitre, Seigneur de Vitre [Planche", 'The =j=Agnes, d. of Robert, Comte de Montaigne (half-brother to

Conqueror and his Companions." ii. 300], + 1135, fifth in direct descent from Juhael, Comte de Bennes [Bowles and Nichols, ' Annals and Anti- quities of Lacock Abbey,' 1835 ed., p. 264*].


Robert de Vitre", inferred born

after the Conquest

[Planche", ib. 301].

Kmme de la Guerche

[Bowles and Nichols,


the Conqueror) [Bowles and Nichols, j'6.], by Matilde de Montgomery, d. of Roger, Earl of Shrewsbury and Arundel [Doyle, ' Official Baronage of England,' L 433].

King Hemy I. (t 1135) by the Princess Nesta (fl. 1106), d. of Rhys ap Tewdwr, King of South Wales (t 1090) ['D.N.B ,' xlviii. 88], and wife (=c. 1095) [ib. xl. 228] of Gerald of Wind- sor, Constable of Pembroke Castle [' Itinerarium Cambria-, pp. 89-91]. who was probably dead by 1136 [D.N.B, 'xix. 135; xl. 229].

Robert de Vitre, called the younger= [Plancbe, ib.] t 1174 [Bowles and Nichols, ib.].

Knune de Dinan, d. of Alan de Dinan [Planche", ib.] or of Olivier, Vicomte de Dinan, by Agnorie, sister to Eudo, Comte de Pentnievre, second husband of Duchess Bertha [Bowles and Nichols, il.].

Henry, b. aftei=j=a Welsh lady, name 1114 [t'6. xix. 211] unknown [t'6. xix. 211]. Slain 1157 [Betham, [ib. xix. 164, 211] 'Genealogical Tables/ 1795 ed., Table DCIV.]

Alianor de Vitre,= =3. e. HSfi Doyle, ' Official Baronage,' iii. 233] =3. shortly after 1190 [W. D. Pink. Leigh, Lanes], + betw. 1232 and Aug,1233 [Pink]

=3. William Fitz- Patrick, 2nd Earl of Salisbury, b. after 1148, t 1196 [Doyle, t'6., 232, 233].

\ Andr6 II. =j de Vitre", t 1221 [Bowles and Nichols, ib.].

^Matilda de Mayenne, d. of Geoffroi de Mayenne [Bowles and Nichols, ib.], alias Geoffrey, Earl of Anjou and Nantes (t 1157). brother to King Henry II. [Betham, ' Genealogical Tables,' I795ed., Table CCLXJ.], by Constance, sister to the Duchess Bertha [Bowles and Nichols, ib.]. (a)

Meiler Fnz-Henry, Amabilis (filia. quite young in Henrici) 1157. t 1220 Fitz-Henry(6> [16 , xix. 164]. (6) ['N. 4 Q., 1 =1182 a niece of 11 S. viii. 371], Hugh de Laci b ante 1157. (t 1186), =Walterde Lord of Meath Ridelesford, [ib , xix. 164]. (c) b. not later than c. 1150 [16. 11 S. ix. 132],

a, Countess of Salisbury ,=pWilliam " Lungespe'e,' nat. son of King

b. 1187 [Doyle, ib., iii. 233].

b. 1188 [Wiihaui, ' Hist, of

Lacock Abbey,' 1806 ed.],

under 6 at father's death

[Pink] =? 1198. t 1261

[Doyle, ib.].

Henry II. (by Rosamond de

Clifford, the "Fair Rosamond"),

b. before 1176 ; cr. Earl of Salisbury,

1193 [Doyle, ib., iii. 234],

1 1226 [Doyle, t'6., 235].

Alianor de Vitre=p Walter de Ridelesford,


' Viceroys of

Ireland,' p. 105],

b. ante 1221 ;

or Annora

['N. &Q.' US.

x 55].

Baron of Bry,

co Wicklow, i 1243.

[Archdall's ed. of

Lodge's ' Peerage of

Ireland,' i. 1.0].

Stephen de Longespee, probably b. c. 1214, as^fEmeline de Ridelesford, liv. 1276 [' N. & Q ,' second son, the elder son William having 11 S. viii. 371], eldest d ; , and widow of

been born c. 1212 [v. Doyle, t'6., iii. 236],

Justiciar of Ireland in 1259. Slain 1260.

Second husband [Banks, ' Dormant and

Extinct Baronage,' iv. 311].

Hugh de Laci, Earl of Ulster (t 1242-3),

- secondly c. 1243 [' N. & Q ,' *.],

[Pat. Rot. 50 Henry III. m. 10].

[v. 'N. &Q.,'11S. viii. 871.]

Co) They were the daughters of Conan le Gros (f 1140) [v. Betham, Table CCLXI ]. (6) "Their father Henry was a natural son of King Henry I. by the Princess Nesta, daughter of Rhys ap Tudor,

Prince of South Wales" [Gilbert's 'Register of St. Thomas's Abbey, Dublin, p. 369], ['N. & Q., 11 S.

viii. 371]. (c; I should be interested to learn the name of this lady, and who her parents were. Betham, Table DCIV., calls

Meiler's wife Hugh de Laci's daughter.


8, Lansdowne Road, East Croydon.