Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/127

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ii 8.x. A, is, 1914.] NOTES AND QUERIES.



CONTENTS.-No. 242.

NOTES : Fulham Parish Registers, 121 Holcrofb Biblio- graphy, 122 Emendations in ' All 'a Well that Ends Well' and ' Cymbeline,' 125 Chattels of Roger Mortimer of Wigmore, 126 ' Poems on Several Occasions ' "Ruby" Early Instances of Words for the ' N.E.D.,' 127 John Heywood the Dramatist a Freeman of London "Chatterbox," 128.

QUERIES : Machiavellt : Testina Editions Eleanor Needham, 128 Andrew Lang, Pindar, and Mr. G. O. Smith Sir Philip Howard Rev. H. Salvin Acrostics Saints' Day Customs Sumptuary Laws ' Poems written for a Child' 'The Pamela Magazine' Authors of Quotations Wanted Capt. Richard Hill and the Siege of Derry, 129 Duke of Ormonde's Followers Retforde : Derlee : Officials of Edward III. Sir Beauchamp St. John " lebie horse "" Act of Parliament Clock James Win. Gilbart Holcrof t of Vale Royal Biographical Information Wanted, 130 Lord Erskine's Speeches "Lady" Wm. Carr, Mayor of Liverpool Samuel Derham Portrait of Wellington by Salter, 131.

EEPLIES : Sir Gregory Norton, 131 Wellington, 132 Chandos, 134 Seventh Child of a Seventh Child Napo- leon III. at Chislehurst Holcroft Bibliography : Gordon Riots Old Etonians, 135 Adulation of Queen Elizabeth Last King of Naples West Indian Families Palm the Bookseller, 136 -Stevens Balnes : Laleham " Galleon " in Verse Wall -Papers, 137 Marquis de Spineto The Cusani Voltaire in London Stones of London, 138 ' Aut Diabolus aut Nihil 'Folk-Lore Queries, 139.

NOTES ON BOOKS: 'Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society Dwelly's Parish Records' 'The English Borough in the Twelfth Century ' ' Transactions of the Birmingham Archaeological Society' Report of the Birmingham Free Libraries ' Francis David ' 'The Religious Philosophy of Plotinus.'

Notices to Correspondents.


THE following extracts from the parish registers of Fulham, co. Middlesex, recently made, are perhaps worthy of preservation. The registers consist of two parts i.e., " Fulham side " and " Hammersmith side."

FULHAM SIDE. Baptisms,

Nicholas, son of Sir Nicholas Crispe, Baronet, and Judith, his lady, baptized 8 Oct., 1676.

Mary, daughter of Sir John Williams, Knight, and Mary, his lady, baptized 17 May, 1679.

Judith, daughter of Sir Nicholas Crispe, Baronet, and Judith, his ladv, baptized 4 June, 1679.

Anne, daughter of the Bight Reverend Ed- mund, Lord Bishop of London, and Margaret Gibson, his wife, baptized 9 Dec., 1727.


More Mollineux and Cassandra Cornwallis, by licence, 6 March, 1721.

M r Charles Tryon and the hon ble Mary Shirley, by licence, in the Bishop's Chapel, 3 July, 1722.

Bowater Vernon and Jane Cornwallis, by licence, in the Bishop's Chapel, 11 Dec., 1722.

Sir Wilfred Lawson, Baronet, and M re Elizabeth Mordaunt, by licence, 14 March, 1723.

Robert Tyrwhit and Elizabeth Gibson, in the Chapel at the Palace, by licence, 15 Aug., 1728.


Humphrey Henchman, Lord Bishop of London, departed this life at his house in Aldersgate street, London, the seventh day of October, and lyes buried in the South Aisle of Fulham Church, under a black marble stone, buried 13 Oct., 1675.

Edward Sheaffield, armiger, buried 13 March, 1675/6.

The Lady Elizabeth Herbert, buried 27 Feb., 1677/8.

Elizabeth, Viscountess Mordaunt, buried 1 May, 1679.

Sir Francis Compton, K', buried 28 Dec., 1716.

Lady Elizabeth Childe, buried 27 Feb., 1719/20.

Sir William Withers, K*, buried 7 Jan., 1720/1.

Sir Robert Childe, buried 11 Oct., 1721.

Dr. John Robinson, Lord Bishop of London, buried 19 April, 1723.

Henry Mordaunt, Esq., buried 6 May, 1724.

The Lady Mohun, buried 21 May, 1725.

Dorothy, daughter of Col. John Mohun, buried 21 Feb., 1726/7.


William, son of Sir John Cope and Ann, his lady, baptized 3 March, 1684/5.

Christopher, son of Sir Robert Legard and Mirabella, his lady, baptized 28 May, 1685.

John, son of John and Jane Leccy, valued 50Zi. per annum, baptized 27 June, 1698.

Florah, daughter of Edward Hyde, Lord Corn- bury, and Catherine, baptized 31 Jan., 1700/1.

Elizabeth, the daughter of John and Jane Leacy, 50Zi. per Annum, baptized 20 Jan., 1703/4.

Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary Talmaish, baptized 12 Jan., 1706/7.


Sir George Worburton, K*, and Diana Allington, married 18 June, 1699.

Francis Berkeley of the Inner Temple, gentle- man, and Elizabeth Jenkins, married by licence, 28 Sept., 1704.

John Hook, Esq., and Elizabeth, Viscountess Bulkeley, by licence, 12 Dec., 1729.


Humphrey Henchman, Lord Bishop of London buried 13 Oct., 1675.

Alban, son of Sir John Cope, buried 11 Aug., 1684.

Meadows, daughter of Sir Phills lady (sic), buried 31 March, 1687.

The Lady Elizabeth Box, wife of Sir Ralph, buried 2 Feb., 1693/4.

Sir Samuel Morland, K* and Baronet, buried 6 Jan., 1695/6.

Benjamin Driden,* Gentleman, from Durham Yard, in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields, his widow executrix, buried 30 Jan., 1698/9.

  • Benjamin "Driden" was probably the son of

Sir John Dryden, second Bart. , and first cousin to the poet. Sir John had a son Benjamin, born in 1649, who is said to have married " an old woman " and died s.p. Margaret " Driden," buried at Fulham in 1711, is probably the widow.