Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/154

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. x. AUG. 22, mi.

one, from 1766, which wants only the volume for 1767 ; but the French edit : on of some years is supplied by the German : for some years there are both editions. The issue for 1808 is, of course, the Napoleonic substitute.

Can any of your readers say what com- plete copies of the ' Almanach,' from its commencement Tintil 1815, exist in public or private libraries ? The issues between 1774 and 1788 contain illustrations, many of them by Daniel Chodowiecki. The later issues, from 1815 onwards, are not un- common. J. F. R.

OLD ETONIANS. I shall be grateful for information regarding any of the following : (1) Cope, John, admitted 21 Sept., 1757, left 1760. (2) Corryton, John, admitted 4 July, 1754, left 1757. (3) Cotton, Evelyn Rowland, admitted 19 July. 1756, left 1761. (4) Cotterell, Clement, admitted 11 Sept.,

1765, left 1773. (5) Cox, John Saville, ad- mitted 24 April. 1760, left 1765. (6) Craw- ford, Francis, admitted 8 Sept., 1758, left 1763. (7) Crawford, William, admitted 12 March, 1759, left 1763. (8) Croft, John, admitted 25 April, 1763, left 1764. (9) Croft, Thomas, admitted 19 April, 1765, left 1772. (10) Croftes, William, admitted 11 Sept., 1758, left 1765. (11) Cunningham, Anthony, admitted 30 Jan., 1759, left 1763. (12) Curtis, John, admitted 5 Feb., 1760, left 1763. (13) Curtis, Michael Atkins, ad- mitted 5 Feb., 1760, left 1764. (14) Cus- tance, Jolm, admitted 31 May, 1762, left

1766. R. A. A.-L.

EARLS OF DERWENTWATER : DESCEND- ANTS. There are at least two families in which there is a tradition of descent from the Earls of Derwentwater, in one of them through Husseys of Bristol, whose mother was a Percival.

From such records of the Derwentwater family as I have had access to, I can find no If kely channel of such descent, and shall be gr ateful for any assistance your readers can afford me. T. M. HARVARD.

4, Queen's Leaze, Forest Hill, S.E.

1. SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY CORN LAWS. Were any duties laid on foreign cereals in England at the beginning of the seven- teenth century ?



[Watling Street ; the Icknield Way ; Ermin Street ; the Fossway.]

HOGARTH'S PORTRAIT OF T. MORELL, S.T.P. This portrait " Win. Hogarth, del. James Basire, sculp." faces the title-page of ' Thesaurus Graeeae Poeseos,' by T. Morell, S.T.P., Etonae, 1762.

In the ' Chronological List of Hogarth's Works ' in ' Hogarth's Works,' by John Ireland and John Nichols, F.S.A. (no date, a new edition, circa 1874), Third Series, p. 315, we read that " some impressions are without either the inscription of ' The- saurus ' or ' JEtat. 60.' '

My copy has " JEt. [not ^Eitat.] 60" on a sheet of paper on the front dexter side of the table, and " Thesarus " (not Thesaurus) at the top of a sheet of paper lying under Morell's hand. Are there copies of the print with the last word correctly spelt ? ROBERT PIERPOINT.

' HUMOURS OF HERALDRY,' BY MR. FOS- TER. Was only one paper of eight pages issued ? or were other similar pamphlets done and headed " second edition with double acrostic" ? If so, where can I obtain these ? The one I know is extraordinarily clever. E. E. COPE.

Finchampstead, Berks.

AUTHORS WANTED. Can any one tell me where I may find the following lines ? But the good deed [deeds ?] through the ages Written in the immortal pages.

J. R. M. [Should be :

But the good deed through the ages, Living in historic pages, Brighter grows and gleams immortal, Unconsumed by moth or rust.

Longfellow, ' The Norman Baron.']

Will any reader give me the author of tlie line

In ParadiseU learned to ease my soul in song ? CLEMENT SHORTER.

Who was the author of a well-known volume of poems and ballads, published by Duffy of Dublin, called ' Spirit of the Nation'? SAMUEL HORNER.


Who is the author of the following lines, and where do they occur ?

The heart desires,

The hand refrains, The Godhead fires,

The soul attains.


[Asked for at 10 S. viii. 449, but without success. ]