Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/190

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11. s x. SEPT. 5, wu.

engraver. There are eleven other cuts to this article about Christmas by Gilbert. The

trations to ' Martin the Foundling.

In referring back to my own notes I have experienced some difficulty in finding the

titles I required. I have therefore drawn up the following chronological list, which

style is quite different from that of the illus- will serve as an index, not only to the

notes, but to the Guildhall Collection. It also enables me to correct one or two over- sights.


Title of Novel in ' The London Journal.'

' Notes and Queries.'

Guild/Kill Vollti/trx.


' It was Time,' by F. Soulie. Gilbert illustrated this story only from 17 Jan. (vol. ii. p. 297) to 7 March (vol. iii. p. 9) ; the leading story was ' Faust.'


' Faust,' by G. W. M. Reynolds. Gilbert only began with chap. Iv. on 14 March, and continued to the end on 18 July (vol. iii. p. 305).

-2Q July, 1846.

' Cromwell's Death Bed,' by F. Soulie (vol. iii. pp. 321 and 337 ) ; two cuts only.

1 Aug., 1846.

' Martin the Foundling,' by E. Sue. Ended 29 Mav, 1847.

1 IS. vii. 222, col. 1

HI Nov., 1847.

-5 Aug.,

' The Seven Cardinal Sins,' by E. Sue. A fine picture on 4 Dec., signed J. Gilbert, and illustrations by him to 22 Jan., 1848 (vol. vi. p. 321), when the Journal was almost taken up with the French Revolution.

11 S. vii 222, col 2

1848. 3 March,

11 S vii 222 col 1


10 May, 1849.

25 Jan.,

' Stanfield Hall.' Concluded, with the sub-title of 'Cromwell; or, The Protector's Oath,' 16 Nov., 1850 (vol. xii. p. 171).

US. vii. 222, cols, land 2; viii. 143; x. 103, 144.

11 S. vii. 121, col. 1

pp. 58-70 _


25 Jan., 1851.

11 Oct.,

' Kenneth : a Romance of the Highlands,' by G. W. M. Reynolds. Published in Reynolds's Miscellany, vols. vi. and vii. ; concluded 27 Dec., 1851. Illustrated throughout by Gilbert in his happiest vein. En- graver's name, E. Hooper. The Guildhall volume has only one illustration of minstrels sitting at a banqueting table, from R.M. of 22 Feb., 1851 (p. 65).

(Not in my first lists.) 11 S. x. 144.

11 S. viii. 121,

p. 210.


col. 1.


9 Oct., 1852.

16 July, 1853.

' The Will and the Way ' ' Hercules and the Cretan Bull '

11 S. viii. 121, col. 2; x. 103, 144. 11 S. viii. 121, col. 2.

pp. 98-111, and 210.

p. 209.

3 Sept., 1853.

9 Sept.,

' Woman and her Master,' with fifty-three illustrations

11 S. viii. 121, col. 2; x. 144.

11 S. viii. 121,

pp. 181- 207.

DD 112- 1


col. 2 ; x. 144.

fF J-i-


3 March, 1855.

' The True and False Heiress '


11 S. viii. 121, col. 2 ; x. 144.

pp. 164- 172.