Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/209

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ii s. x. SEPT. 12, i9i4.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


22. Dom. John Bobard, 1436 (or 35)-38.

23. Dom. Thomas Caleys, 1437-42. " Garcio panetrie et botellerie " at the College, 1430-32 (in succession to John Wykeham). Lay-Clerk, 1432-37.

24. Dom. John Pays, 1438-55 (or 56). Lay Clerk, 1431-38.

L'f>. Dom. William Wareyn, 1440-43. Probably Wm. Waryn of Basingstoke, Scholar, elected 20 Aug., and admitted 30 Xov., 1431 : " recessit sponte a r.r. H. VI. xu mense Nfovembris] " i.e., 1433 (Beg.).

26. Dom. Thomas Clavyce, 1442-44. Prob- ably Thos. Clavys of Bishopstone, Wilts, S -liolar, adm. 14 H. VI. : " recessit propter i ti tern " (Beg.).

27. Dom. Bichard Westbury, 1444-50.

28. Dom. Hugh Hereberd, 1443 or 1444.

29. Dom. Henry Vernegew, 1444^47. Died in 1447, when the College received 3s. 4d. as legacy from him (A.B., 1446-7, " Oblationes ").

30. Dom. John Dyer, 1447-49.

31. Dom. Walter Bathe, 1449-50. Scholar, from Yeovil, adm. 1439 : " recessit ad obsequium," 1443 (Beg.). Lay-Clerk, 1444-48.

32. Dom. William Dey, 1450-51.

33. Dom. William Hyll, 1451-52.

34. Dom. John Howse, 1451-55 (or 56).

35. Dom. Thomas Bydyng, or Bedyng, 1452-55 (or 56).

36. Dom. Bobert Clyfton, 1456 (or 55)- 1457. Vicar of Hampton, Middlesex (College living), 1457: ceded 1460: Vicar of Sun- bury, 1460 : resigned 1463 (Hennessy).

37. Dom. Thomas Yorke, 1456 (or 55)-62.

38. Dom. William Hale, 1456 (or 55)-57.

39. Dom. John Parley, 1457-62 (or 63 or 64). Lay-Clerk, 1453-54. Fellow, adm. as of Marshfield, co. Glouc., " capellanus," If. May, 1472, being then "rector in insula vccta : et recessit ad suum beneficium iiij 10 die Octobris eodem a " (Beg., L.A., and Beg. O.).

40. Dom. Forster, 1457-58 (or 59).

41. Dom. John Kyngton, 1458-64.

42. Dom. John Knyjth (Knight), 1462- 1463 (or 64).

43. Dom. Thomas Walson, 1464 (or 63 or 62)-74.

44. Dom. John Boner, 1464 (or 63 o 62)-67.

If.. Dom. John Wulford, 1465-69. Lay

k, 1459 (or 58)-65.

46. Dom. Thomas Odam or Wodam

1407-76. Lay -Clerk, 1456-67. Fellow

f> Jan., '1476 (1476/7), as " Thoma

itcr de Glapthorn in com

Northampton. Lincoln, dioc." (Beg. O.). Died about February, 1487/8 (see A.B. r .487-8, ' Stipendia sociorum ') : bequeathed o the College 53*. 4rf. (A.B., 1489-90, Beceptio f orincica ' ).

47. Dom. John Cote, 1469-72.

48. Dom. John Crowe, 1473-79. Lay- 'Jlerk, 1461-73.

49. Dom. John Cokett, 1474-75. Vicar of Harmondsworth, Middlesex (College liv-

ng), presented 25 Feb., 1475/6, as of Norwich dioc., " capellanus " : resigned before 12 Jan., 1500/1, when Dom. John Home was presented (L.A., ff. 70, 89).

50. Dom. William Dowce, 1475-88 (or 89).

51. Dom. Bichard Crowe, 1477-78 (or 79). Scholar, adm. 1466, native of Bristol, son of College tenant at Alton (Beg.). Scholar of STew College, Oxford, and Fellow there, 12 March, 1473/4-76 ('Liber Successionis et Dignitatis ' ).

52. Dom. Bichard Page, 1479 (or 78)- 1485 (or 86 or 87). Lay-Clerk, 1475-78.

53. Dom. William Mercer, 1479-85 (or 86 or 87).

54. Dom. Simon Norman, 1487 (or 86 or 85)-88 (or 89).

55. Mr. Simon Smyth, 1487 (or 86 or 85)- 1488. Fellow, adm. 30 Jan., 1488 (i.e., 1487/8; see A.B., 1487-8, ' Stipendia sociorum '), as " Mr. Simon Smyth de Medylton in comitatu Oxon. Lincoln, dioc. in jure canonico bac." (Beg., L.A.).

56. Dom. Bobert Chalden or Chalton, 1488-91.

57. Dom. John B"uge or Bugge, 1489 (or 1488)-99. Chaplain of Huls' or Holes' Chan- try in St. Mary Magdalene Chapel in Salis- bury Cathedral, 1501-29 (A.B., under An- drew Huls' obit, where Buge, while such Chantry Chaplain, is styled " magister " : the Chantry was founded by the College under the will of Magister Andrew Huls, Chancellor of Salisbury Cathedral, who died in 1470). Died before 7 Jan., 1529 (1529- 1530), when the College presented Dom. Bichard Dunstall as Chaplain of the said Chantry (L.A., f. 62). This John Buge must not be confused with the John Bugge, M.A., who was admitted Fellow on 8 March, 1520/21, and who, having resigned his Fellowship in 1524 (A.B., 1523-4, ' Stipendia sociorum'), was hanged at Beading ("pe- pendit apud Bedyng"), November, 1539, for denying the King's supremacy (see ' N. & Q.,' 9 S. xi. 350).

H. C.

(To be concluded.)