Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/267

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11 S. X. OCT. 3, 1914.]




CONTENTS. No. 249.

TJOTKS : The Will of Thomas Vole, 261 Sir John Gilbert J. F. Smith, and 'The London Journal,' 262 Notes on Words for the ' N. E. D.,' 264 "Chatter about Harriet Lines quoted in Jonson's ' Poetaster' Unique Municipa Record, 266 History of England with Riming Verses- Giles and Elizabeth Calvert, Booksellers Clerkenweli Tea-Gardens, 267.

QUERIES : Louvain and Malines: Old Painted Glass 'The Fight at Dame Europa's School ' The Tennina' "inck" Old Etonians College of Chemistry, Scotland Frederick Family of Old Jewry Addison Family. 268 Sir John Lade Gem Seals Craft and Religious Guilds and Chantries Rumney Diggle and Leonora ffrederick, -269 Baker of Asbcombe Helmet worn at Flodden Field Mace Family Beszant Family Heraldic Author Wanted Conventual Guest-Chapels Epaulets Fraser, 270 " Accidents will happen in the best regulated families," 271.

BEPLIES : Earls of Derwentwater : Descendants, 271" Chatterbox "Arms of the Deans of Lichfleld, 272 "The Hero of New Orleans" Portraits by Lonsdale, 273 " Hurley-hacket " John Charnock Lowell's ' Fireside Travels ' Cramputius : the Genie Jonquil, 274 Foreign Tavern Signs Heine and Amiens Cathedral Memorials to Thomas Arnold Rev. W. Langbaine Colour and Sound. 275 "ffrancis "British Regimental History British Coins and Stamps Poem Wanted, 276 Bonar-Richard Henry Wood, F.S.A. Robert Tinkler John Bateman Burton : Blakeway Irish Volunteers, 277 " Sparrowgrasa," 278.

NOTES ON BOOKS : ' Some Old-Time Clubs and Socie- ties ' ' A Theory of Civilisation ' ' Fleetwood Family Records' "The Nineteenth Century' ' The Cornhill.'

OBITUARY : Henry Fishwick. Booksellers' Catalogues.


As he was No. 88 in my list of College Chaplains (ante, p. 222), readers of ' N. & Q.' have already been introduced to this Wyke- hamist, whose variable surname, after ni.-my flutterings between " Birde " and "Fo'wle" (spell" the names as you will), at length soared into " Vole," and in that shape alighted on his epitaph and nestled in his will. To the account previously given of his career as Scholar, Lay-Clerk, Chaplain, and Fellow, it may now be added that he started life in College as a Quirister. In tli" Hall-book which relates either to 1506-6 or to 1506-7, and more probably to the earlier of these bnrsarial years, thore is a " Byrde " throughout the year in the weekly lists of the Quiristers ; and from the Hall-book of 1508-9 we learn that in the sixth week of the fourth quarter

" Fowle," the Quirister, was promoted to be Scholar. For Hall-book purposes the week always began on a Saturday, and it appears by the Account Roll of 1508-9 that the fifth week of the fourth quarter of that year included St. Swithun's Day (Sun- day, 15 July, 1509), which was celebrated in Hall with a pittance costing 5a., and also that the Election of 1509 was not held until August had set in. Hence, on the one hand, almost the precise date of Fowle's admission as Scholar can be calculated ; and, on the other, my identification of him with " Thomas Birde," the 21st boy ad- mitted under the Election of 1508, stands fully confirmed. The Hall-book shows that Oilman and Hawkyns (the 19th and 20th) were likewise Quiristers, and that they and Vole became Scholars together in the same week, filling vacancies due to the departure of Fen, Beldon, and Pytt.

All this, however, is merely by the way, though it well illustrates the value of our extant Hall-books as aids to research. The main object of my note is to print Vole's will, and the still more interesting inventory of his effects which remains attached to the probate. It is mainly by studying docu- ments of this character that we can hope to arrive at a true idea of what College life was like in Tudor times. The documents run as follows :

AO Domini 1558/xxvij Julii.

In dei nomine Amen. I Thomas Vole of good and parfite memory do make & ordayre my laste wyll and testamente after this sorte : fyrste I bequethe my sowle untoo almigtye Godde & my bodye to be buried in the Colledge churche commenlye called Saincte Marie Colledge nighe unto Winchester before the roodlofte doore Item I geve all my goodes & moneie to the Colledge above wrytten desyrynge Mr. Warden & the felloshippe to bringe me honestlye to the yearthe with Dirige and requiem masse at the daye of my buriall and also in like maner at monethes mynde.


I make myne executors the twoo Boucers of he colledge which shall be in office at my de- >artinge out of this worlde & I geve them for

heire peines to eche of them iijs. iiijd. & I make

nyne overseer Mr. William Adkins* unto whom [ geve fortye pence in monye and my painted lothe of the maundie whiche hangethe nowe over he alter.



  • A Fellow, who was Sub-Warden of the

College in 1558-9. His brass remains in the loisters.