Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/274

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. x. OCT. 3, 1914

the fact that many years before this descrip- tion was written this resort had been re- named by R. Hiem " Florida House and Gardens " (vide ' Sunday Ramble,' 1776). Also it would not, in 1792, be mentioned as a " once celebrated small retreat."


WE must request correspondents desiring in- formation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, iu order that answers may be sent to them direct.

LOUVAIN AND MALINES : OLD PAINTED GLASS. References to printed accounts of the ancient glass in the churches of these cities would be very welcome. Also, have tracings of any of this old stuff now, prob- ably, all destroyed ever been made on an exhaustive scale ? Recent events show the wisdom of the French Government, many years ago, in causing tracings of old glass in several of the cathedrals of France notably, Le Mans to be made.


'THE FIGHT AT DAME EUROPA'S SCHOOL.' Who was the author of this famous pam- phlet ? The copy before me bears no date, but it was published, I believe, in 1871. It was printed at Salisbury by " Bennett, printer, Journal Office," and the publishers were " London : Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Salisbury : Brown & Co." My copy bears the imprint " One Hundred and Eighty- Fifth Thousand," and consists of twenty- eight pages in a blue paper cover. The pamphlet has just been reprinted in slightly larger form, but no author's name is given.

F. H. C.

[MB. FALCONER MADAN, now Bodley's Librarian at Oxford, contributed to ' N. & Q.' in 1881 (6 S. iv. 241, 281, 342, 401,531) a bibliography of ' The Fight ' and the literature connected with it. In the inter- esting introductory article he states that the author was the Rev. Henry William Pullen, of whom several particulars are supplied. Mr. Pullen died on 15 Dec., 1903, and an account of him is included in vol. iii. of the Second Supplement of the ' Dic- tionary of National Biography.']

THE TERMINAL " INCK." I shall be glad to learn the meaning of the terminal " inck " which is found in some surnames as, for instance, Beyerlinck, Beyerinck, Maeter- linck, Sidbrinck. Further, does it give any clue as to the origin of such surnames, and the country from which owners of such sur- names originally hailed ? G. T. S.

OLD ETONIANS. I shall be grateful for information regarding any of the following r (1) Fahie, Anthony, admitted 17 Sept., 1765, left 1769. (2) Fahie, George, admitted 17 Sept., 1765, left 1766. (3) Farley, James,, admitted 19 Jan., 1756, left 1759. (41 Farley, John, admitted 8 Sept., 1758, left 1763.* (5) Farley, John, admitted 27 Oct., 1758, left 1763'. (6) Farrer, James, ad- mitted 2 May, 1756, left 1760 or 1764. (7) Farrer, John, admitted 28 Jan., 1756, left 1760 or 1764. (8) Fenton, William Stapleton May, admitted 14 Oct., 1762, left 1762. (9) Fleming, William, admitted 16- Jan., 1755, left 1756. (10) Ford, Thomas, admitted 28 April, 1756, left 1762. (11> Ford, William, admitted 28 April, 1756, left 1760. (12) Forrest, Arthur, admitted 21 Sept., 1765, left 1767. (13) Forrest, Thomas, admitted 21 Sept., 1765, left 1767.

R. A. A.-L.

COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY, SCOTLAND. A MS. list of students in the College of Che- mistry, Scotland, from 1755 to 1765, and of th& Materia Medica in 1761, has recently come into my possession. The book contains some 985 names, including students from, the West Indies and North America, and some who were already graduates of Oxford and Cambridge. What is known of this College ? Was it connected with some medical school ? V. L. OLIVER.


FREDERICK FAMILY OF FREDERICK PLACE, OLD JEWRY, E.G. Is anything known of the birth and parentage of Christopher Frederick, an astrologer and member of this family ? He was related to Christopher Frederick, Serjeant-Surgeon to King James I. I shall be grateful for any information relat- ing to him. LEONARD C. PRICE.

Ewell, Surrey.

ADDISON FAMILY. The following names of members of the Addison family appear in the Register of Bilton Church, near Rugby, in which parish stands the Hall, formerly the property of Joseph Addison, and his residence from 1712 to 1718 :

1728-9. Edward Addison of Rugby died Jan. 19, and was buried Jan. 23, 1728/ 9.

1749. Lydia Addison, relict of Ed. Addison, Esq r , was buried June 2nd.

1797. Charlotte, daughter of Joseph Addison, Esq r , and Charlotte his wife, Countess of Warwick and Holland, buried March the 10th.

From some MS. notes taken in Bilton Church in 1826 by Matthew Holbeche Bloxam, F.S.A. (now in my possession), I