Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/279

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11 S. X. OCT. 3, 1914.]



in the same work, we are told that his mother, whose maiden name is not given, " after the death of his father married Robert Abbot, Bishop of Salisbury.' Bridget " and " Jone " form an irrecon- cilable discrepancy, but it is curious that the two versions agree in describing the lady who married John Warner as a widow. Atrain, there is nothing improbable in the Dean of Lichfield marrying the widow of Bishop Abbot of Salisbury, whose younger brother George was for a few months Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry.

It would be interesting to have the views of MR. E. LEE WARNER on this, which may, however, be an entirely false trail laid by Simms, who cites no authority for his statement.

The arms impaled by Dean Warner are attributed in Papworth to Dowding, Flore, Gambell or Gamble (Ireland), William de Agilon, and Stepkins (Middlesex).



For wife of John Warner see 11 S. iv. 174, contribution by MR. EDWARD LEE WARNER: " John Warner, D.D., married at Saltwood, Hythe, Kent, by licence, 30 April, 1616, Mrs. Jone Abbott, widow." The maiden name of Mrs. Warner has not, I believe, so far been ascertained ; perhaps the arms Az., a fleur-de-lis or may ' assist. R. J. FYNMORE.

46. Nicholas Penny, D.D., was Canon of Norwich 1721-44 ; he was also Rector of Beddington (instituted 1730), and Dean of Lichfield 1731-45, when he died, aged 72. See Gentleman's Magazine. On his monu- ment is this coat of arms: Arg., on a fesse sa. three plates. This coat belonged to the family of Penne or Perm, in the county of Bucks. FRANK PENNY.

" THE HERO OF NEW ORLEANS " (11 S. x. 248). The hero of New Orleans was the American General Andrew Jackson, who, with a force of less than 6,000 men, defeated at New Orleans the British General Paken- ham's veteran army of 12,000, most of them trained in the wars with Napoleon. The British lost about half their numbers.


Probably Sir Edward Pakenham, brother- in-law of the Duke of Wellington, who, as commander of the British force, was killed in an attack on New Orleans on 8 January, 18 15. G. C. MOORE SMITH.

PORTRAITS BY JAMES LOXSDALE (11 S. x, 231). He was born at Lancaster, 16 May r 1777, and lived most of his life in London at 8, Berners Street Opie's old house where he died 17 Jan., 1839.

He married Miss Thornton of Lancaster, and had three sons. He exhibited at the Royal Academy 1802-38, Society of British Artists 1824-37, British Institution 1816-37, Liverpool Academy 1813-35.

MR. T. CANN HUGHES may get some assistance from the following notes.

10. Wm. Manning was the father of the Cardinal. The firm was Manning & Ander- don. J. L. Anderdon married a daughter of Wm. Manning. The British Museum has an engraving, by C. Turner, of this portrait.

16. Sir Thos. Stamford Raffles was a col- lateral ancestor of the Rev. Thomas Raffles, D.D., LL.D., a beloved and notable Inde- pendent minister in Liverpool. His son, Thos. Stamford Raffles, was the Stipendiary Magistrate of Liverpool for about twenty years. He died in 1891.

18. Sir Matthew Wood, Bart., was Lord Mayor of London. Ancestor of Sir Evelyn Wood, and Mrs. C. S. Parnell (Katharine Wood).

22. The portrait of Wm. Roscoe is in the Liverpool Royal Institution, Colquitt Street. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1823. Engraved by S. Freeman in 1832.

28. The portrait of General Isaac Gas- coyne, M.P., is in the Liverpool Town Hall. It was exhibited at the Royal Academy and at the Liverpool Academy in 1829, and at the Historical Exhibition in the Walker Art Gallery in 1907. He was a collateral ancestor of Lord Salisbury. The Public Library of Liverpool contains a copy of Aspinall's ' Liverpool a Few Years Since/ published in 1852. It has an engraving by Scriven of the Lonsdale portrait of Gas- coyne. In the R.A. Catalogue the name is spelt "Gascoigne," but in the Liverpool Academy Catalogue and other local publica- tions the spelling is " Gascoyne."

29. The Rev. Jonathan Brooks (not Brooke) was Rector of Liverpool and an. Archdeacon. Lonsdale painted a portrait of him. It was exhibited at the Royal Aca- demy and the Liverpool Academy in 1830. Engraved by C. Turner. Archdeacon Brooks was born in 1775, and died in 1855.

32. Riversdale (not Roversdale) Grenfell was an ancestor of Mr. Charles Seymour Grenfell of Taplow, Bucks. Henry Rivers- dale Grenfell was Governor of the Bank of