Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/291

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11 S. X. OCT. 10, 1914.1



1788. " The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck ; con- taining bis adventures ; his cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years imprisonment, at the Fortress of Magdeburg, by command, of the late King of Prussia ; also anecdotes, his- torical, political, and personal. Translated from the German by Thomas Holcroft. Lon- don : Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, in Paternoster-Row. 1788." Duodecimo, I., 8 + 1-30; II., 2 + 1-352; III., 2 + 1-336.

This was published in German in 1786, and translated into three separate French versions: by Le Tourneur, 1788; by the Baron de Bock, 1788 (two editions of this the same year) ; and by Trenck himself, 1788 (Querard, 9: 547).

This was noticed in The Town and Country Magazine for May, 1788 (20: 236), and The Monthly Review tor September, 1788 (79: 255). In The Town and Country Magazine for May, 1788 (20: 203), appears an ' Epitome of the Life of Baron Trenck.' The Robinsons were publishers of this periodical, and I think it very probable that it was* Holcroft who did the ' Epitome ' for who was better qualified than he who had just been over the material ?

A different translation in two volumes, in the Yale University Library, bears the date 1787, but I have not been able to verify the facts of publication. The title- page reads :

" The Life of Frederick, Baron Trenck. Written by himself, and translated from the German. Vol. I. Flectere si nequeo superos, acheronta movebo. London : Printed for J. Murray, No. 32, Fleet-Street. 1787."

These books are in duodecimo, and paged as follows: I., 2 + 24 + 25-231; II., 2 + 3- 211 pp. The amazing success of Holcroft's and neglect of this version complicate the problem very much indeed.

The Universal Magazine for April, 1788 (82: 223), lists both " Life of Baron Frederick Trenck, 3 vols., 12mo, 155.," and "Memoirs of Frederick Baron Trenck, 2 vols., small 8vo, 7s. But though we get something out of this, the facts are evidently somewhat twisted ; and should we be expected to trust such an editor ?

The English Review for July, 1788 (12: 15), lists the Murray edition and reviews it- Murray was also publisher of the magazine and says (12: 20):

" Of this work two other translations have aj>p Mi'od : one in two volumes, price 6s. in boards, by an officer ; another in three volumes, price 12.s. sewed, by Mr. Holcroft."

The British Museum Catalogue and ' 1) X.B.' give later editions of the Holcroft version as : London, 1792, 12mo ; London, 1795, 12mo, 3 vols.; "Third Edition,

London, 1800, 12mo, 3 vols. ; " Fourth Edition," London, 1817, 8vo, 3 vols. j London, 1835, 12mo.

There was an 1845 edition copy in the New York Public Library in one volume : " London : James Gilbert, 49, Paternoster Row. G. Philip, South Castle Street, Liver- pool. William Walker, Otley, 1845." Duo- decimo, 2+3-480 pp.

Vols. XXVI. and XXVII. of " Cassell'a National Library," copies of which I own, are reprints of Holcroft's version, issued in 8vo, 2 vols., London, 1886. These volume* of Cassell's also appeared at New York. The next is the earliest French : La Vie de Frederic, Baron de Trenck, ecrite par lui-me'me, et traduite de 1'allemand en Francois Par M. le Baron de B***. | Flectere si nequeo Superos, Acheronta movebo. | Premiere Partie. A Metz, de 1'imprimerie de C. Lamort. Se trouve Chez Devilly, Libraire, rue Fournirue, avec approbat. et permiss. 1787." Octavo. I., p.l.+front. +20 + 1-168 ; II., p.l.+title + l- 172 pp.

The next is the earliest English I have seen :

" The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck ; containing, his adventures ; his cruel and excessive suffer- ings, during ten years imprisonment, at the fortress of Magdeburg, by command of the late King of Prussia ; also, anecdotes, historical,, political, and personal. Translated from the German. By Thomas Holcroft. Complete in three volumes. Vol. I. London : Printed for G. G. and J. Robinson, in Pater-noster-row.. MDCCXCV." Octavo. I., p.l.+front. + 10 + l- 390; II., p.l.+title + 1-356; III., p.l.+6+5- 386 pp.

Vol. i. contains this note : " In order to reduce the Price, the present Edition has been more closely printed ; and the four Volumes of the former Edition, are wholly comprised in the present three. The first three Volumes of the former Edition, were translated by Mr. Holcroft, and conclude at page 05, [the close of the anecdotes of Alexander Schell] of the third Volume of this Edition ; and there is good reason to hope that the Header will be satisfied with the Translation of the remainder, it having been made by a gentleman who is very conversant with the German language."

Again :

" The Life of Baron Frederic Trenck ; containing his adventures ; his cruel and excessive suffer- ings during the ten years' imprisonment at the fortress of Magdeburg by command of the late King of Prussia. Also anecdotes, historical, political, and personal. Translated from the German, by Thomas Holcroft. Complete in three volumes. Vol. I. The Third Edition. London : Printed for G. G. and J. Kobinson, Paternoster-Row, By S. Hamilton, Falcon- Court, Fleet-Street. 1800." Octavo. I. P-l- + 10 + 1-390; II., p.l.+title + 1-356; III., P-U +6+5-386 pp. Not printed from the same type.