Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/330

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. x. OCT. 2*. wu.

There was another translation noticed in The English Review for January, 1790 <15:1):

" Essays on Physiognomy ; designed to promote the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind. By John Caspar Lavater, Citizen of Zurich and Minister of the Gospel. Illustrated by more than Eight Hundred Engravings accurately copied, and some duplicated, added from Originals. Executed by, or under the Inspec- tion of, Thomas Holloway. Translated from the French by Henry Hunter, D.D., Minister of the Scots Church, London-Wall. Vol. I. Imperial 4to. 61. 6s. boards. Murray. Lon- don. 1789."

The Monthly Review for June, 1793 (11: 226), contains the following : " Essays on Physiognomy, for the Promotion of

the Knowledge and Love of Mankind. Written

in the German Language, by J. C. Lavater.

Abridged from Mr. Holcroft's translation.

12mo. 275 pp. 4.8. 6d. Boards. Robinsons." This note succeeds :

" The publishers and proprietors of Mr. Hoi- croft's translation of Lavater's Essays, finding their work to have been not only stolen, but wretchedly mutilated, have been induced to furnish the public with this cheap abridgment, carefully revised and correctly printed, together with some additional matter."

And this Monthly Review reference explains the following, which the British Museum Catalogue erroneously dates as 1800: " Essays on Physiognomy ; for the Promotion of the Knowledge and the Love of Mankind ; Written in the German Language By J. C. Lavater, Abridged from Mr. Holcroft's Trans- lation. [ Vignette J ' Lavater Contemplating a Bust.' London, Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robin son, Paternoster Row." Duodecimo, front. +8-275 pp.

The publishers of The Town and Country Magazine were the Robinsons, and this probably accounts for the reprinting in the November, 1789, issue of ' Three Heads and a Fragment ' (21: 503).

Other editions are :

"" Essays on physiognomy : designed to promote the knowledge and love of mankind. Written in the German language by John Caspar Lavater, and translated into English by Thomas Holcroft. To which are added, one hundred physiognomical rules, a posthumous work by Mr. Lavater ; and Memoirs of the life of the author, compiled principally from the Life of Lavater, by G. Gessner. Fourth Edition.... London : Printed for Thomas Tegg, 73, Cheap- side." Octavo, 78 + 1-507 pp.

At the end of the book we find : " William Stevens, printer, Bell Yard, Temple Bar." The copy which I used had a pencilled date- ascription, " 1867 " (obviously wrong).

"" Essays on physiognomy .... [Same as above title-page.]. . . .Seventh Edition. . . .London : William Tegg and Co., 85, Queen-Street, Cheapside, 1850." Octavo, 78 + 1-507 pp.

We find : " London : Printed by Win. Tyler, Bolt Court."

"Essays on physiognomy .... [Same as above title-page.]. . . .Life of the author. Thirteenth Edition. London : William Tegg, 1867." Octavo, 78 + 1-507 pp.

We find : " McCorquodale and Co., Printers, London Works, Newton."

1789. " Posthumous works of Frederick II., King of Prussia, translated from the French by Thomas Holcroft. London : Printed for G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1789." Octavo, 13 vols.

The Preface is dated Newman-Street, London. March, 1790. The book was noticed in The Monthly Review for No- vember, 1791 (6: 324). There are three dramatic or semi-dramatic pieces included herein which deserve mention, though not separate listing : ' Louis in the Elysian Fields' (5: 87-110), 'The School of the World ' (5: 237-317), ' Tantalus at Law ' (5: 343-86). None of these were acted, and the translations were merely such in no sense being adaptations or revisions for stage presentation.

1789. " The Secret History of the Court of Berlin, fcc. Translated from the French. In 2 vols., 8vo, 12s. Bladon."

The above I have copied from The Town and Country Magazine for August, 1789 (21: 358). Reference to it is also to be found in The Universal Magazine for May, 1789 (84: 279). The British Museum Cata- logue lists the book (9386. c.) as "London: S. Bladon, 1789," and indicates another edition (9386. bbb. 9) as " Dublin: P. Byrne, 1789."

The English edition is :

" The Secret History of the Court of Berlin ; or, the Character of the present King of Prussia, his Ministers, Mistresses, Generals, Courtiers, Fa- vourites, and the Royal Family of Prussia. With numerous Anecdotes of the Potentates of Europe, especially of the late Frederic II. and an interesting Picture of the State of Politics, particularly in Prussia, Russia, Germany, and Holland. In a Series of Letters, translated from the French. A Posthumous Work. To which is added a Memorial, presented to the present King of Prussia, on the Day of his Accession to the Throne, By Count Mirabeau. Vol. I. London : Printed for S. Bladon, Pater-noster-Row. MDCCLXXXIX." Octavo. I., xx+[some pages missing] + 1-364 ; II., 2 + 1-391 pp.

The Irish edition is :

" The Secret History of the Court of Berlin ; or, the character of the present King of Prussia, his Ministers, Mistresses, Generals, Courtiers, Favourites, and the Royal Family of Prussia, With numerous Anecdotes of the Potentates of