Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/332

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [11 s. x. OCT. 24, 1914.

was issued on Monday, are also known. JFrom the numbering it will be seen that the paper commenced on 23 Dec., 1740. Each

issue seen consists of 4 pp., 15 in. by 9 in., the price being l^d. The imprint on the two earlier issues, and from 5 to 19 Oct.,

1741, is " Cirencester : Printed by G. Hill .and J. Davis." On No. 45, 26 Oct., this is changed to " G. Hill and Compy.," and on

No. 66, 22 March, 1741/2, to " Tho. Hill .^uid Comp.," which remains until the last .number seen No. 164, 6 Feb., 1743/4.

How long the paper continued I cannot say, though there is an advertisement in the Gloucester Journal of 1 Sept., 1747, which mentions the " Cirencester Journal,"

and this may refer to the Flying-Post.

The name of Hill as a printer and book- seller in Cirencester can be traced as late as

1775, when " Mrs. Hill " was the owner of the business. ROLAND AUSTIN.



'Tnis cemetery is situated on a conical hill, At the highest point of which is a small plateau, and below this the hill is cut into five narrow terraces, each terrace having & central path, with generally no more than one interment on each side. The main entrance gives access to the plateau, and to the first terrace, where the interments .are mostly of Catholics. I was told that the tomb of Aubrey Beardsley was here, but failed to find it. Another entrance close to the first, but at a lower level, leads to the second terrace, and at this gate this series of inscriptions begins. I give that of J. R. 'Green (No 19) in full. Nos. 333-6 are within a small enclosure with locked gate, near the main entrance, which was the original Protestant burial-ground. No. 69 is in English except for the three French words given. This list was made in March, 1913.

There is a more modern cemetery with many inscriptions in English.


1. Samuel Johnson, d. Aug. 2, 1885, a. 69.

2. Jane Maria Lahiee, formerly of Cloonmore Cort (sic), Galway, d. 27 Feb., 1884.

3. William Benjamin (F)ase, d. Feb. 7, 1884, A. 23.

4. Alexander Daniel Kelly, d. Feb. 4, 1884, -a. 7(3).

5. Hollis Thayer, b. in Boston, Mass., 2 Oct., 1853, d. Jan. 3, 1884.

6. Henry Hector Potter, of Stalybriclge, Eng- land, d. 31 Dec., 1883, a. 41.

7. Frederick Melhuish, b. June 20, 182<>, d. Dec. 10, 1883.

8. Alexander Beattie, Esq., M.D., H.E.I. r.s., d. Jan. 6, 1884, a. 81. Jane, his wid.. d. March 24, 1896, bur. at Hastings.

9. George Were, d. 19 Nov., 1883, a. 67.

10. Sarah, w. of Joseph Somazzi, b. at Coat- bridge, Scotland, d. 2 Oct., 1883. Kate Julia Ruth, their dau., b. 8 Nov., 1882, d. 20 Oct., 1883.

11. Alexander Grant, 42nd Regt., the Black Watch, Inspector-General, G.C.C., b. at Weston, Gloucestershire, Feb., 1843, d. 12 July, 1883.

12. Jane Sinclair Spark, a. 40, d. 16 March, 1883.

13. Reginald Arundel, youngest s. of Richard Drury and Elizabeth Ann Lown, of London, d. April 10, 1883, a. 14.

14. James Aitkin Murphy, 7th Dragoon Guards, b. Nov. 11, 1860, d. March 22, 1883.

15. Graham Fawkes Maitland, b. 13 Dec., 1859, d. 17 March, 1883.

16. William Fitzwilliam Wharton, b. Aug. 3, 1810, d. March 9, 1893. Agnes Rebecca Wharton, b. Dec. 24, 1832, d. Dec. 30, 1904.

17. Maria, w. of Joseph C. Wright, of Wolvor- hampton, d. March 18, 1883, a. 43.

18. Alexander Brown, Glasgow, b. 20 May, 1847, d. 15 March, 1883.

19. Here lies | John Richard Green | His- torian | of the | English People. | Born Dec. 12, 1837 | Died March 7, 1883. | He died learning.

20. William Harrison, Belfast, d. 18 Feb., 1883, a. 16.

21. Henry Eden Mynors, of Chewton-Keyns- ham, Somt., b. Sept. 10, 1826, d. Jan. 21, 1883. Mehetabel Josephine, his wid., b. at Portobello, N.B., d. at Bordighera, May 28, 1883.

22. Violet Vaughan, b. Sept. 26, 1888, d. March 18, 1889.

23. Matilda Morle, w. of W. F. Stanton, d. Aug. 22, 1882, a. 63. Cecil, their s., d. 2 Sept., 1882, a. 17.

24. George Rogers, d. April 18, 1882, a. 34.

25. Alexander Dunlop Anderson, of Ardsheal, d. Jan. 18, 1883, a. 60.

26. Amelia, w. of T. Horsham Coles, b. Feb. 13., 1832, d. Jan. 19, 1883. T. H. Coles, b. Sept. 17, 1816, d. at his residence in London, Dec. 6, 1890.

27. Edward Bernard Tawney, M.A., Trin. Coll., Cambridge, b. 14 June, 1841, d. 30 Dec., 1882.

28. Herbert, second s. of Charles Flint, of Coventry, England, d. 21 Dec., 1882.

29. Janet Hughes, dau. of Robert Bining, of Glasgow, d. 22 Nov., 1882.

30. Maria, dau. of James Thomas, Rector of Herbrandston, Pembroke, b. Oct. 7, 1833, d. Nov. 21, 1882.

31. Harriet Rose Gilman, d. Oct. 17, 1882.

32. Frances Skey, veuve Courtet, a. 75, 17 May, 1910. Catherine Mary Courtet, d. 10 March, 1878, a. 19.

33. Edith de Leon Davidson, b. in Boston, d. April 15, 1877, a. 24 y. 7 m. 6 days.

34. Cecilia Cockburn, w. of Major C. M. Martin, Madras Army, d. 12 Jan., 1877.

35. Mary Marion, dau. of John Laing, Esq., Hawick, Scotland, d. Dec. 15, 1875, a. 19.

36. John Hobhouse Inglis Alexander, R.N., C.B., b. 17 July, 1832, d. 22 Nov., 1875.

37. Thomas Kittrick, d. May 14, 1875, a, 84.