Page:Notes and Queries - Series 11 - Volume 10.djvu/350

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [ii s. x. OCT. si. WM.

which were an engine for attempting per- petual motion, and a speaking head, which he called his Oraculum Delphicum. Another writer who must have appealed to Browne was the Neapolitan lawyer Alexander ab Alexandro, whose ' Geniales Dies ' a contains a mass of learning on every subject of Roman philology and antiquities. Browne also had Oruter's ' Corpus ' of ancient inscriptions 1 ' and the ' Elogia ' of Jovius. c

" My Elogia doctorum yirorum," he writes, " is butt a midling octavo printed at Basil. He hath also writt elogies of famous warriors and divers of the Turkish Emperors, but I have only doctorum virorum as lesse writt on by others."


(To be continued.)


(See ante, pp. 42, 145.)

VOL. VII. (Edition Gamier), p. 305. " M. de Vicedom, ou Vitzthum." In the MS. account of the travels of Prince Augustus I find, in 1781 : " At Leipzig, Comte de Vicedom the Governor."

Pp. 360-61. The child of Delia Croce. See the registration given in E. Maynial's ' Casanova et son Temps,' pp. 282-3. It is interesting to note that Lady Jane Douglas {-Steuart) was stated to have given birth to twin sons at Paris on 10 July, 1748. M. La Marre was the name given to the accou- cheur. The doctor identified with this man in ' The Douglas Cause ' was Louis Pierre de La Marre, who died in 1753. He was survived by his wife.

P. 464. King Charles III. of Spain and

  • ' 1'infant son frere." The Infant Don

Louis married Dona Maria Theresa Valla- "briga y Drummond. He had three children : Infant Don Louis Maria de Borbon (1777- 1823), Archbishop of Toledo ; Maria Theresa, wife of Don Manoel Godoy, Prince of the Peace ; and another daughter, Duquessa de San Fernando.

VIII., p. 1. " Un successeur au pape Rezzonico." Clement XIV. (Ganganelli), elected 1769, died 1775, succeeded Clement XIII. (Carlo Rezzonico).

P. 51. " J'arretai une heure aux bains (de Pise) ou je fit la connaissance du pretendant

  • ' Alex, ab Alexandro Geniales Dies cum Andr.

Tiracmelli Annot.,' Lugd., 1651.

b 'Jani Gruteri Inscript. antiquse totius Orbis Romani.'

c 'Pauli Jovii Elogia Doctor. Viror.,' Bas., 1571. See letter, Wilkin, i. 317.

en vain au trone de la Grande-Bretaigne."- Sir Horace Mann wrote, 21 Aug., 1770, of Prince Charles Edward : " He says that he intends to stay at Pisa some time, to make use of the Baths in that neighbourhood."

Ibid. "Comte Orloff a Livourne . . . . Le Consul d'Angleterre chez lequel il etait loge." Sir John Dick, the British Consul at Leg- horn, who assisted Orloff to decoy and carry off to Russia the Princess Tarakhanoff in 1775.

Pp. 112-14. Lord Baltimore (Frederick Calvert). He was tried for rape in 1768, and, escaping conviction, left England. He died s.p. 4 Sept., 1771, aged only 39.

P. 132. The Prince de Franca villa. Henry Swinburne (1777) wrote that Prince Franca"- villa was excavating a Roman villa (with a bath) at Portici. He wrote (p. 175) :

" Our friend, Prince Francavilla, was the cher ami of the late Queen Amelia. His rise was very sudden ; from being a neglected youth, taken no notice of, nor likely to be connected at Court, he became maggiordomo to the Queen. He was very handsome."

He had a villa, with baths, at Caseita, and he was there married.

P. 146. M. et Mme. Goudar. Henry Swinburne wrote (' Courts of Europe,' p. 131) in 1777 :

"The King is very good - natured. .. .His intrigues have lain in the sphere of Contadine, except a Mme. Golard, wife of a French author on Economy, and an Englishwoman .... He has had some flirtations with ladies of rank, one of whom was exiled, because that the Queen found a note of hers to the King with some extraordinary expressions."

Angelo Goudar is said to have been born at Montpellier in 1720, and died in poverty in London in 1791. His wife and he were authors of several political works. She is stated also to have died in poverty in Paris in 1800.

P. 149. The games of the King of Naples. Sir Horace Mann wrote in 1770 :

" The last letters from Naples brought the Great-Duke and the Publick an account of a most wanton piece of cruelty that the King of Naples had caused to be exercised on two Floren- tine cavalieri, and personally very deserving men, by tossing them in a blanket at his Camp at Portici, in the presence of the whole Court and thousands of Spectators." ' Mann and Manners at the Court of Florence,' ii. 213.

P. 178. Prince Xavier de Saxe. Son of Frederick Augustus, Elector of Saxony ; born 1730, married in 1765 Clara, daughter of Comte Joseph Spinucci, afterwards " Grafin v. d. Lausitz," who died 1792. He died 1806, A. FRANCIS STEUART.